Wi-Fi Direct ‘in tanımı ve nasıl kullanılacağı

Wi-Fi Direct’in tanımı ve nasıl kullanılacağı   Android akıllı telefonların ayar ve özellik listesi oldukça kapsamlıdır ve bu özelliklerin çoğu kasıtlı olarak göz ardı edilir. Wi-Fi Direct böyle bir şeydir, ancak burada ne olduğunu ve…

Getting to know some useful SEO tools

Different tools in any work helps us to increase the accuracy or speed up the work process. SEO is no exception to this statement. With SEO tools, you can have a better management of the…

What is Google Core Web Vitals?

By changing its algorithm, Google has activated a new feature called Google Core Web Vitals , which it will use to improve the ranking of websites. Considering the importance of this topic, in this article…

2 important methods to recover SEO traffic

If your ranking in search engine results has dropped or you can’t find the main keywords that lead to high traffic in Google Analytics, read this post. In this article, we will teach you 2…

What is Bing search engine?

In the article on what is a search engine, we said that apart from the Google search engine, there is another engine called Bing search engine, which many people may not use as much as…

What is keyword density and what is its ideal value?

If you are looking to have a website with a favorable Google ranking, pay attention to the density of your keywords. Now the question is, what is keyword density? What is the ideal density of…

What is mobile SEO?

Optimizing the site for mobile devices is one of the things that can have a great impact on Google ranking . In this article, we will comprehensively answer the question of mobile SEO and help…

What is a data center?

What is a data center?   When the use of the Internet became widespread, companies and organizations could not maintain their servers themselves due to the high costs of this work. Therefore, in order to…

What is dns in simple but practical language?

System DNS or Domain Name domain System name is a well-known protocol in the field of computer networks and especially the Internet. In this article from Fa Host’s knowledge base, we will fully examine what…

What is IPv6?

In this tutorial, we from the Fa host knowledge base will introduce you to IPv6 or IP address version 6 . First, a brief description of IP will be given, and then we will discuss…