Important points in SEO site
Among the hundreds of SEO site rules and guidelines, some of which are considered valid and effective and some of which are not valid, in this article, we will point out the items and tips that are considered among the basic guidelines of SEO and must be followed. These tips are taken from Google’s documentation and are among the good rules. We invite you to stay with us.
Rules and important points in SEO site
- Design the site for users and audiences, not for Google
- Design the site compatible with different devices, especially computers and mobiles.
- The site is responsive and can be adapted to different resolutions.
- The site must have high security. It is better to use an SSL security certificate.
- The site must have high access speed and uptime.
- Use appropriate meta descriptions and titles for your pages.
- Create user-friendly, useful, and new content for your site.
- Use Schema Markup to mark up the pages of your site.
- Implement a regular structure on your site so that the user can easily access the desired path.
- Use the breadcrumb tool on your site so that the user can know the path and access related paths.
- Assign a regular and understandable structure to the URL of your pages. It is better that the URL is a combination of the page title.
- Use images on your site pages and include appropriate Alt descriptions for them.
- Be sure to register your site in Search Console and Google Analytics.
- Give more importance to improving UX, which is related to user experience.
- Manage 404 pages well, and don’t let them increase in number.
- If you delete a page, it is better to redirect its URL to a related page as 302 or 301.
- Avoid targeting more than one page for a single keyword. In fact, each keyword is only on one page of the site.
- If there are pages similar to the target, you can use Canonical and redirect them, or you can prevent those pages from being registered in Google with Noindex.
- Do not use keywords as tags unless you have a specific strategy for the tag page.
- Use tags to communicate content and topics on your pages.
- If you change the URL, be sure to redirect the previous address to the new page as a 301.
- Try to implement a process for external SEO that users will link to you.
- According to Google’s advice, avoid buying backlinks.
Conclusion and summary of important points in SEO site
According to Google news sources, more than 200 factors impact the ranking of Google results. Of course, these 200 factors can be considered as the main factors, and other subcategories can be imagined for them. The above-mentioned items are among the points that are completely obvious and should be included in the agenda. Usually, most SEO experts agree on the correctness of the mentioned items because they are mentioned directly from Google’s official sources. If you want to get more information, we suggest you read the following:
- What kind of content is ranked in Google?
- The impact of site structure on SEO