Secure Network Edge

How To Secure Network Edge Services And Equipment?

SASE transforms networking and security into a super-centric service to provide easy access to enterprise resources.  The benefits of SASE are not limited to easy access to resources; the technology eliminates the usual complexities and…
Distributed artificial intelligence

What Is Distributive And Cumulative Artificial Intelligence?

Distributed artificial intelligence (DAI), also called decentralized artificial intelligence, is a subset of artificial intelligence research dedicated to developing distributed solutions to problems.  DAI is closely related to multifactorial systems and has played an important…

What Is Netflow And How Do Its Components Work?

Transparency and the ability to see details play an essential role in the maintenance and security of networks.  It is in this context that managers can identify problems, detect incompatibilities and correct them.  Netflow is…

Hyperconvergence 2.0, The Next Generation Of Provisioning Infrastructure For Cloud Hybrid Services

Hyperconvergence, like convergence, integrates data center services such as servers, storage, and networking to overcome common management problems of information technology infrastructures and provides an integrated mechanism based on a centralized management interface. Simplifies infrastructure.…

How To Manage And Organize A Large Application With React?

React was developed by Facebook as a way to solve the problem of scalable applications with heavy traffic. Web developers use this open-source JavaScript framework to build user interfaces. The flexibility and variety of capabilities…
Apache Kafka

What Are The Uses Of Apache Kafka And Apache Spark?

Apache Kafka is an open-source streaming platform developed by LinkedIn and donated to the Apache Software Foundation. The goal of this project is to provide an integrated platform, high power, and low latency for instant…
Dangerous Attacks

Familiarity With 14 Of The Most Dangerous Attacks In The World Of Network Security

The world of security is full of deadly attacks that, if successfully implemented, have the potential to seriously jeopardize an organization’s entire infrastructure.  Accordingly, it is important for security experts to be carefully informed about…
Free Tools

25 Free And Very Useful Tools And Services That Can Be Found On The Internet

The internet is a wonderful place. You can answer questions that you previously could only by asking technical experts or doing a lot of searching in libraries. The Internet has connected all human beings closely and…

Introducing the Next.js framework

Next.js is the React framework used to build JavaScript applications. It is a product full of benefits for its users, developers, and users of the applications built with it. So, if you are looking for…

What Is A Virtual Private Server And What Does It Do?

I had a problem a few months ago and my solution was a bit unusual. The problem was that people were asking for help with system and infrastructure problems, which of course is somewhat natural…