Programming Languages ​​According to GitHub

10 Best Programming Languages ​​According to GitHub

The best programming languages ​​globally are categorized based on their usage, simplicity, and popularity. To date, hundreds of programming languages ​​are worldwide. But in the meantime, some languages ​​have more advantages than other languages. Github…

Introducing Important Startup Ideas for Starting an Internet Business

Starting an online business, startups, and earning money online has always been attractive and tempting terms for your audience. There are many methods to create money online. If you identify your capabilities and, of course,…
React JS

What is React Js? and why should you learn it?

React JS is one of web development’s most popular JavaScript libraries (front-end programming  ). Many large corporations and start-ups use this library. React has many features and benefits that make it a better choice than other libraries and other frameworks such…

How does the world’s most popular language (javascript) work?

JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages ​​today. Maybe you have just started working with it. Perhaps you have been using it for years. In any case, you can not deny that the…
Extensions for Developers

16 Best Google Chrome Extensions for Developers

Most developers use Google Chrome on their PC system to use countless Chrome extensions. In this article, we want to introduce you to 16 of the best Google Chrome extensions for developers; So join us.…

What is Advertising Reportage and tips you need to know about it

Definition of Reportage Ad Reportage is any form of content that is published for a fee. But the way it is written, designed, and implemented makes it look like news, stories, articles, and other journal…

Introducing The Cloud Storage It is the best way to store sensitive data

Cloud storage allows anyone to store their data and files off-site Cloud space; We are all more or less familiar with cloud storage, although most of what we know as “online storage.” The term is…

Everything You Need to Know About 5G

  This article discusses the 5G Internet network and its key role in future technological advances and related technical information. What is 5G? َAs you know, 5G is the fifth generation of mobile networks, a…
SEO tools

27 site analysis and SEO tools

Many people think only of using Google Analytics and SEO tools when using site analytics tools and can no longer imagine an option. Although Google Analytics is a powerful and free site analytics tool, it…

Flutter : Why did I choose Flutter to start programming?

Over the years, flutter with many frameworks with the slogan “Multi-Platform” and “Write once and get multiple outputs” is there. I, who for many years built Android applications using Java. I was looking for an…