What Is Malware And How Can It Be Prevented?

No Computer System Is Safe From Malware Attack, And Familiarity With The Types Of Malware And Mechanisms And Ways To Deal With It, Is A Requirement These Days. Fans of series like Mr. Robot and Black…
Windows 11

How To Download And Install Windows 11 On Windows Devices

If You Want To Experience Windows 11 Sooner Than Other Users And Before Its Official Release, Read This Article To Learn How To Download And Install This Great Windows Update. Microsoft will unveil Windows 11…

The best Front-end frameworks

Frameworks are very important and popular tools in the process of developing web and mobile applications. Frameworks, for example, are responsible for the ongoing operation of websites and applications such as Facebook, Instagram, and Netflix.…

Why Is Browser Anonymity Not A Safe Option?

If You Expect All Your Information And Data To Be Completely Private By Turning On Browser Incognito Mode, You May Want To Think Again. It does not matter how secure your browser is or whether…
ReactJs and AngularJs

ReactJs and AngularJs Comparison

ReactJs and AngularJs Comparison These two popular frameworks, ReactJs and AngularJs, are almost the most widely used tools for web application development these days. In this article, we intend to explain and compare all the…

Introducing the Electron.js framework, its advantages and disadvantages

The Electron.js framework is a platform that allows developers to build cross-platform desktop applications. In fact, thanks to Electron.js, developers can build cross-platform applications using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Additionally, programmers can use most JavaScript…

Compare WordPress and Joomla advantages and disadvantages

WordPress and Joomla content management systems use is wide and can help you create a variety of websites to meet your needs. Most websites today are equipped with a content management system that enables you…
Wifi Direct

What Is Wifi Direct And How Does It Work?

Wi-Fi Direct Allows Two Devices To Establish A Direct, Peer-To-Peer (P2P) Wi-Fi Connection Without The Need For A Wireless Router.  Wi-Fi Direct Is Similar To Bluetooth, But There Are Fundamental Differences. Wifi Direct is an…

What Are The Components Of A Database System?

A database system is a set of components of various database software that are made up of sections of database applications, client components, database server (s), and the database itself.  In this article, we briefly…
Cross Platform

What is Cross Platform? Advantages and disadvantages

The term cross-platform is used in the world of programming for various applications and software. But what is the meaning of this word, and what are the characteristics of cross-platform applications and software? We know…