
Introducing the Phalcon framework, its advantages and disadvantages

PHP is a server-side open-source language that is very popular among web page programmers. Updating this programming language through the production of various frameworks, such as Lavarel, Yii, CakePHP, etc., has made it one of…

What is Kali Linux??

Kali Linux is one of the best open-source security packages for ethical hackers. It contains a set of tools divided by categories. So, Installing Kali Linux is a practical option as it provides more options…
Network Types

What Is A Network? Familiarity With Network Types In Simple Language

Network Means How To Connect Two Or More Computers To Share Resources, Files, Or Even An Internet Connection. Many Homes And Workplaces, In Turn, Have Networks To Connect To Their Computers.  But there are four main…
How to Install Debian

How to Install Debian?

Debian is an operating system which is based on the GNU or Linux. The Debian operating system is free and open-source, which is like all other Linux distributions. The Debian is quite popular among all…

What is Debian??

Introduction to Debian We will talk about the Debian operating system and will give you a basic idea about why and how it is an important technology to learn. Debian is operating system that was…
Design Methods

Website Design Methods Without Coding

Due To The Advancement In The Science Of Site Design, Facilities For Site Design Without Coding Have Also Emerged, The Most Important Of Which Are Content Management Systems (Cms).  With the help of this development,…

What is the control panel and kinds of that??

Control panels are extremely useful interfaces for controlling web server options. When  you are working with web servers, whether it be Windows or Linux, you may find yourself lost in the limitless possibilities of your…
hardware and software


During the first generation, the computer industry consisted of a handful of vendors. Each company produced its own line of hardware and software. Also provided services to its clientele. Multiply the number of computer production…

Virtual Clouds, Does Digital Privacy End With Death?

The Corona Outbreak Has allowed Us To Think More Seriously About Death. Now That Our Lives Are Increasingly Digital, We Are Experiencing A New Style Of Death In This Digital World.  An experience with unique…

Introducing the React.js framework, its features and benefits

React.js is a popular JavaScript library that is for web applications with very attractive user interfaces. This library is also for managing display layers in web and mobile applications. React.js works great in some areas,…