What is XML in Android
This article will discuss the basic concepts of XML in Android and the various XML files used for different Android purposes. If you want to know what XML is in Android and what it does, join us with XML training in Android Studio and Ui design in Android to get acquainted with it and work with it.
What is XML in Android?
XML stands for Extensible Markup Language. Different XML basics and files are used in Android. XML is a markup language used just like HTML to describe data.
In Android, we use XML to design the layout because XML is a very simple and light language, so it does not make our layout designs heavy and slow.
XML helps you write user interface code (UI) to design your user interface.
XML tags within XML files are not predefined. We have to define the tags we need ourselves. XML is a very simple and scalable language that both humans and devices can read.
UI design in Android
In Android Studio, you can easily design the UI in Android using the XML markup language. In this article, you will get acquainted with XML in general, and you only need to get acquainted. With the views and features for designing the UI in Android you can create the user interface you want. This article will show you a simple example of UI design in Android.
UI basics
The whole concept of the Android user interface is defined using the View and ViewGroup object hierarchy.
ViewGroup is a hidden container that organizes child views.
These child views are other widgets used to build different parts of the UI.
As shown in the figure below, a ViewGroup can have another ViewGroup as a child element:
In the chart above, LinearLayout (ViewGroup) includes a RelativeLayout (ViewGroup) and two Buttons, TextView (View). In addition, two other views (i.e., 2 EditText) are located inside the RelativeLayout screen.
It is important to note that You can add one layout to another.
<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?>
< LinearLayout xmlns: android = "http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
android: orientation = "vertical" android: layout_width = "match_parent"
android: layout_height = "match_parent" >
< Button
android: id = "@ + id / buton1"
android: layout_width = "wrap_content"
android: layout_height = "wrap_content"
android: text = "Button" />
android: id = "@ + id / textView1"
android: layout_width = "wrap_content"
android: layout_height = "wrap_content"
android: text = "sample Text"
android: layout_marginTop = "15dp"
android: textSize = "30dp" />
< RelativeLayout
android: layout_width_ " match_pout "
android = "match_parent" >
< EditText
android: id = "@ + id / editTextName"
android: layout_width = "wrap_content"
android:layout_height = "wrap_content"
android: hint ="First Name"
< EditText
android: id = "@ + id / editTextLastName"
android: layout_width = "wrap_content"
android: layout_height = "wrap_content"
android: hint = "Last Name" />
</ RelativeLayout >
</ LinearLayout >
Top code output:
Each Android app page has some components such as buttons, text, or images. These items are available within ViewGroup. Layouts are the best example for ViewGroups. Different types of layouts in Android are Linear Layout, Relative Layout, Absolute Layout, Table Layout, and Frame Layout.
- Linear Layout: Aligns your content in one direction, vertically or horizontally.
- Relative Layout: Arranges your content relatively, and your hand is more open to view layout in this layout, but Relative Layout is heavier than Linear Layout or Frame Layout.
- Frame Layout: This layout is the simplest and lightest layout and does not have many features, and is used for a single layout.
Note that excessive layering (i.e., nested use of layouts) makes our interface heavier.
Layout Features
Each type of layout has features that determine how its elements look. The layout features listed above are as follows.
The following are the features that apply to all designs:
- android: id: A unique ID that corresponds to the view.
- android: layout_width: The width of the layout. (required for every view)
- android: layout_height: The height of the layout. (required for every view)
- android: layout_marginTop: Extra space on the top of the layout.
- layout_marginBottom: Extra space on the bottom of the layout
- android: layout_marginLeft: Extra space to the left of the layout.
- Android: layout_marginRight: Extra space to the right of the layout.
- And android: layout_weight: Specifies how much of the extra space in the layout should be allocated to the view.
- Android: padding-left: Padding to the left of the view.
- Padding-right: Padding to the right of the view.
- Android: paddingTop: Padding at the top of the view.
- Android: padding-bottom: Padding at the bottom of the view.
Resize Views
Constraint Layouts
Newer versions of Android Studio create default designs called ConstraintLayouts instead of LinearLayouts or RelativeLayouts. Constraint Layouts is a newer design template that is more powerful and works with Drag and Drop.
Different XML files used in Android
1-XML Layout file:
Layout XML files are used to define the program’s UI (user interface). It contains all the elements (Views) or tools that
<! - RelativeLayout in which we set green color for the background ->
< RelativeLayout xmlns: android = "http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
xmlns: tools = "http: // schemas .android.com / tools "
android: layout_width = " match_parent "
android: layout_height = " match_parent "
android: background = " @ color / greenColor "
tools: context = " .MainActivity " >
< TextView
android: id = " @ + id / firstTextView "
android: layout_width = " wrap_content "
android: layout_height ="wrap_content"
android: layout_centerHorizontal = "true"
android: layout_margin = "20dp"
android: padding = "10dp"
android: text = "First Text View"
android: textColor = "@ color / white"
android: textSize = "20sp"
android: textStyle = "bold" />
<! - second TextView ->
< TextView
android: id = "@ + id / secondTextView"
android: layout_width = "wrap_content"
android: layout_height = "wrap_content "
android: layout_below ="@ + id / firstTextView"
android: layout_centerHorizontal = "true"
android: layout_margin = "20dp"
android: padding = "10dp"
android: text = "Second Text View"
android: textColor = "@ color / white"
android: textSize = "20sp"
android: textStyle = "bold" />
</ RelativeLayout >
2- Manifest.xml file) Manifest xml):
<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?>
< manifest xmlns: android = "http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
package = "example.abhiandroid.MyApplication" > <! - application package name ->
< uses-permission android: name = "ANDROID.PERMISSION.INTERNET" />
<! - define Internet Permission ->
< application
android: allowBackup = "true"
android: icon = "@ mipmap / ic_launcher"
android: label = "@ string / app_name"
android:theme = "@ style / AppTheme" >
<! - add your Activities, Receivers, Services Names Here ->
< activity
android: name = ".MainActivity"
android: label = "@ string / app_name" >
< intent-filter >
< action android: name = "android .intent.action.MAIN " />
< category android: name = " android.intent.category.LAUNCHER " />
</ intent-filter >
</ activity >
</ application >
</ manifest >
3-file string.xml(String XML):

< resources >
< string name = "app_name" > My Application </ string >
< string name = "hello_world" > Hello world! </ string >
< string name = "action_settings" > Settings </ string >
< string name = "login" > User Login </ string >
<! - define your strings here ->
4-style.xml file) Style XML)
< resources >
<! - Base application theme. ->
< style name = "AppTheme" parent = "Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar" > <! - Customize your theme here. -> </ style > </ resources >
5- drawable.xml file
<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?>
< shape xmlns: android = "http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" >
<! - define start, center and end color for gradient ->
< gradient
android: centerColor = "# 0f0"
android: endColor = "# 00f"
android: startColor = "# f00" />
</ shape >
6- color.xml file:
Below we show the color.xml files in which we define green and white.
<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?>
< resources >
<! - define your colors Here ->
< color name = "greenColor" > # 0f0 </ color >
< color name = " white " > #fff </ color >
</ resources >
Summary :
This article will learn about XML in Android and find out that XML is a very simple markup language to learn. The XML language is very readable and easy to understand. You can design the desired user interface with it and enjoy it.