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Comprehensive SEO

Comprehensive SEO and responsive site training

Comprehensive SEO training places great emphasis on making the site responsive. Because today this matter is of special importance. If you buy a template for the site, it is always recommended to check its responsiveness. Because displaying the site on different devices, especially mobile phones, is very important. In the following, we will learn more about how to make the site responsive.

The importance of making the site responsive in comprehensive SEO training

Since most visitors nowadays access various sites through mobile phones, comprehensive SEO training emphasizes making the site responsive. For the site to be responsive on different devices, it is recommended to make it responsive.

Getting to know how to make the site responsive in comprehensive SEO training

It is stated in the comprehensive SEO training that it is possible to make the site responsive using different tools and systems. Since most people are currently using WordPress, there is a high probability of installing the Elementor page builder plugin on the sites. People can make responsive sites designed using WordPress easily.

Responsive site designed with a WordPress template

If you do not use the page builder plugin on the site, you can make the site designed with a WordPress template responsive in two ways. In the first method, you can use a plugin, while in the second method, you must use coding, which is the most optimal mode.

Getting to know how to make the site responsive with the WPtouch plugin in comprehensive SEO training

In the comprehensive SEO training, it was mentioned that a plugin called WPtouch in WordPress is effective in making the site responsive to mobile devices. This plugin creates a new mobile-friendly layout for your site, which many users may not like. Since people like the previous format to be displayed for mobile, it is recommended to use the following method to make the site responsive.

The responsive site uses CSS.

The most optimal mode for users is to make the site responsive using CSS. This way, you will not need a special plugin and can customize all parts of the current template. It should be noted that this method requires CSS writing, and you need to familiarize yourself. One of the advantages of this tool is that it is possible to set different styles in different widths.

Getting to know the steps of making the site responsive in comprehensive SEO training

In the comprehensive SEO training, it is stated that according to the type of host solution, you will not face any particular problem when using these tools and commands in the settings section. This process will help you divide a responsive site into five main components. The steps to make the site responsive include the following:


One of the most important steps to make the website responsive is the navigation, in which the principles are placed at the top of the website. The navigation may contain vital information, such as the website’s name.

These categories can control the nature of the text and its background. Most of the codes in this section are self-explanatory. It is possible to create branding and menu items using predefined categories. The home page menu item should be highlighted so people know their current position on the browsing page. A menu stack will be created on smaller pages when viewing the site page.

Information field

In the comprehensive SEO training, it is stated that placing the required information on the website is very simple due to the existence of the jumbotron category. A div tag can be used to make sure everything is in order. display2, btn-basic, btn-lg are key categories that create great content at the center of the website.


In this part of making the site responsive, which is emphasized in the comprehensive SEO training, suitable content should be produced. To ensure that this section is responsive, col-md-8, mb-4, col-md-4, mb-4 should be used. col-md forms the overall basis of the structure. This code is a two-column layout that will activate when a medium-sized screen is found. Col-xs will be enabled if small pages are viewed.

In the comprehensive SEO training, it is stated that the choice of categories largely depends on you because you have to choose the page size. Note that all columns will be supported using Bootstrap 12. Therefore, only groups of 12 should be collected. If this is not done correctly, the desired code will not work correctly. Using the row category inside the column is also possible, and you should arrange them using the div component.

Sidebar available on the right

By this point, most of the website has been created. Now it’s time to prepare the right sidebar. Sometimes, the vertical navigation list is listed in the sidebar.


It is stated in the comprehensive SEO training that the last stage of making the site responsive is the footer. Business information or other copyright-related information is given in the footer section.

Creating a fluid network

Most websites were designed with pixel size in mind several years ago. This work was done by designers using the fluid network. Instead of limiting the site to a specific size, the site elements were sized appropriately.

Allow screen touches

Today, many laptops also have touch screens. This has caused responsive websites to be designed with mouse and touch in mind. If there is a drop-down menu on the desktop screen, the desired menu should be comfortable and large to touch with the tip of the finger. Keep in mind that it is difficult to touch small elements on smartphones, so it is recommended to design large images, contacts, and buttons with ease of use.

Deciding to place some elements on small pages is one of the other tips recommended in comprehensive SEO training to make the site responsive. For this purpose, you should look for a relevant user experience. Some things should be left out if someone wants to view your site on a small screen. In most responsive websites, menus or navigation options are designed as buttons that open with just one press.

Consider images

One of the challenging aspects when designing a responsive website is the size of the images. For this purpose, rules must be created in CSS to determine how images work on different pages.

If you don’t want to design a responsive website or if you don’t have enough time, you can cheat by using a background or a pre-designed design.