Backlink or external link?
Backlink or external link? To progress in the internet space, you need to be familiar with the terms and executive processes of the communication field. In this article, we have tried to explain backlinks and external links and check their details.
What is a backlink?
A backlink is the same link that another site gives to your site. This link is considered an external link or backlink for your site and positively affects your site’s SEO.
Backlink and its effect on SEO
In the Google ranking algorithm, backlinks have an important place. In the real world, it can be interpreted as; for example, in the rice market, if a person defines a reputable business as another business, it gives him credit and value. This situation is called backlink in SEO, which means that if you get links from reputable sites, your value and credit will increase with Google, and this will increase your position on Google pages.
The difference between a follow backlink and a nofollow backlink
An external site may link to your site but with a no-follow rule, which means that it does not transfer credit to your site. Suppose you go to a mechanic, and the mechanic who repairs your car tells you to go and get spare parts from a certain place. You ask the mechanic if he is trustworthy. If they answer yes, don’t worry (this becomes a backlink follow), and if he says that I don’t know him exactly and he is new (this becomes a new follow).
Backlink follow is better, or no follow.
Each has its own use; you must have a balance of follow and no-follow backlinks; if all your links are followed, Google will be suspicious and vice versa. It should be a combination of follow and no-follow links. In other words, when a person becomes famous in the real world, both situations are heard: 1- He is a trustworthy person (backlink follow) 2- I heard his name, but I don’t know if he is trustworthy or not (backlink nofollow). So both are needed, and it depends on your site’s reputation.
Is buying backlinks a prerequisite for site SEO?
Yes, you have to pay to build connections. Even in the real world, sometimes you have to pay for the conference to be able to connect with some people. In the web world, this path should also be followed.
What is the difference between an internal link and an external link?
Internal links refer to other pages on our site. External links are links that link to your site from other sites. Pay attention to the architecture of your site’s internal links. In this field, you can get free advice from us.
Are backlinks and external links still effective?
External link-building is a function in the link-building process that refers to a space outside of our domain and site. We should know that sites need to go through an optimization or SEO process to be seen in search engines.
SEO is so that they can reach the highest recommended ranks in search engines like Google and find visibility among visitors. One of the most important elements in SEO is creating backlinks. Backlinks are clickable external links used in part of a site’s content and point to another site. So, practically, a backlink is considered a sub-branch of the external link.
Search engines identify these elements through algorithms and use them in scoring sites. These links are basically a reference for the content of the site, which is tracked through search engine algorithms and increases your site’s credibility.
Can Google detect buying backlinks?
One of the most important algorithms used to control backlinks is a complex algorithm that Google calls Penguin. This algorithm is a text-based algorithm that works in real-time, and at the moment by, measuring several factors such as the status of spam links, the connection of the backlink page with the linking site, and finally, the number of backlinks on the site, it can find out if the backlinks are fake and bought.
Then find the connections between sites and links by checking their data transfer path; for example, When it finds a series of domains that backlink to a site in bulk, it observes this whole cycle to find the movements of the seller’s main site by increasing such actions several times. This algorithm started working in 2012 to prevent black hat SEO through bulk backlinks and virtual credibility.
For years, Penguin focused only on external link building. In 2016, with the increase in SEO violations by black hat operators through internal link building, it became sensitive to these issues with an update. To be able to check a set of links of a site, both internal and external, and apply its legal decision at the same moment.
How does the linking process work?
Link building is the general process of link building for sites, which is divided into two major categories: internal link building and external link building.
Mainly, when we talk about internal linking, we mean the tree links that are built into all the sites so that related content on a site is presented to the audience in a string. But when we talk about external links, we talk about outgoing links, which are called backlinks, and their job is to connect one site to content on another site.
What is href?
Href is an HTML code used to create a link between pages. You will be able to create your backlinks with this command. Of course, the use of this code is not limited to external linking; Rather, this code is a type of hyperlink that can be used to establish a link between any element, including tags, text, etc.
What are the principles of external links?
For this purpose, many points can be mentioned, each of which can directly impact your expected result from your site’s SEO process and optimization.
For professional backlinks, you should first keep in mind that backlinks in large numbers are not suitable at all because they raise doubts about Google’s bots and algorithms. Getting ten links from one domain is much more effective than getting one link from 10 different domains.
Is the external link useful?
In response to the question, how do we create backlinks? We must say that we use external link building to create backlinks and SEO and optimize the site, which is very efficient and fruitful in this direction, as we mentioned earlier in this article.
Search engines identify these elements through algorithms and use them in scoring sites. These links are basically a reference for the content of the site, which is tracked through search engine algorithms and increases your site’s credibility.
Is link building for a website difficult?
Link building, especially in the field of backlinks, is a completely professional activity that should never be taken lightly. If you are not familiar with your work as the person who creates the backlink, you will cause disturbances and mistakes in the site’s performance, as well as negative SEO and spam from Google. One of the most important points in building links and buying backlinks is to know where to get backlinks from.
Final word
Backlink or external link? Ultimately, we have to summarize this issue, which we may have briefly stated throughout the article, but perhaps its description remains locked. External links help our site in two ways. In the beginning, perhaps their main goal in the form of a backlink is to make the site look valid in front of Google’s algorithms.
But their second function is to attract an audience and visitors, which can help to increase the site’s rank by attracting natural traffic from the routing path to domain traffic. For this reason, you can also get help from the sites of the same subject in order to increase the natural site traffic and SEO and natural optimization.