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CMD commonds

16 common CMD commonds

Windows OS has many CMD utilities and tools that aren’t available for any user; with that being said, there’s a command prompt window for users to do all customization with their os; in the bottom left side of your desktop, there’s a search section, go ahead and try typing “cmd” on the search box, networking command is often used to obtain system information of networking problem of your computer, today here we gathered 16 of the most efficient and most used command of cmd for you.

1)Ping Command:

The ping command is one of the most often used networking utilities for detecting devices on a network and for troubleshooting network problems. When you ping a device, you send that device a short message, which it sends back (the echo)

The general format is ping the hostname or ping the IP address. Example:

ping or ping

2)ipconfig Command

Another indispensable and frequently used utility that is used for finding network information about your local machine like IP addresses, DNS addresses, etc, Basic Use: Finding Your IP Address and Default Gateway. Type the command ipconfig at the prompt.

The ip config has a number of switches. The most common are:

ipconfig /all – displays more information about the network setup on your systems, including the MAC address.

ipconfig /release – release the current IP address

ipconfig /renew – renew IP address

ipconfig /? -shows help

ipconfig/flushdns – flush the DNS cache

3)Hostname Command

A very simple command that displays the hostname of your machine. This is much quicker than going to the control panel>system route.

14 Command Prompt (CMD) Commands Windows Users Should Know

10 Useful Windows Networking Commands

4)getmac Command

Another very simple command that shows the MAC address of your network interfaces

5)arp command

This command is usually used to show the address resolution cache; this command must be used with a command-line switch. Arp-a is the most common command.

Type arp at the command line to see all available options.


This command works perfectly for checking DNS record entries.


Diagnostic tool for troubleshooting NetBIOS problems.

8)Net Command

Used for managing users, services, shares, etc.

9)Netstat Command

it is one of the most used commands for displaying information about TCP and UDP connections and ports.

10)task kill command

It’s to kill software with task manager in the Windows OS, but it’s more reliable to kill an app with the CMD command Windows; by entering this command, you will see a list of running apps, and you can kill them using their name or the processor ID.


fix file association in the CMD command library; this command is one of the most powerful tools. Your computer, for opening certain apps or a specific app, needs to have an extra extension; the extension links to software and tries to open it by that application; that’s how the computer knows when you double click on a PDF file, Adobe starts tunning, or Microsoft word when you double click a DOC file, that what we name it associate.

You can view all the file associations your computer knows about by typing ASSOC into the command window. You’ll see the file extension and the program it’s associated with.

You can set the association by typing something like assoc .doc=Word.Document.8.

12)POWERCFG: Power Configuration

it is right that changing your battery can really help you, but it is worth trying to apply this command: make sure that your power configuration is set to right; here’s a Windows command that might help you to the extent of the battery life of your computer. It’s called POWERCFG(power configuration), and it can help. Run the command prompt as an administrator and type powercfg – energy to get a full power efficiency report. The process can take up to about a minute, but when it’s done, you’ll see whether there are any warnings or errors that might help you improve the power efficiency of your system.

View the energy-report.html file to see the details of those errors and warnings.

13)SYSTEMINFO:System Information

If you need to know what brand of network card you have, processor details, or the exact version of your Windows OS, the SYSTEMINFO command can help.

This command polls your system and pulls the most important information about your system. It lists the information in a clean format that’s easy to read.

14)CHKDSK: Check Disk

While the SFC command only checks the integrity of core system files, you can use the CHKDSK command to scan an entire drive. To check the C: drive and repair any problems, launch the command window as an administrator and type CHKDSK /f C:

This command is used for checking things like:

  • File fragmentation
  • Disk errors
  • Bad sectors

Maybe you are losing cash, and that’s when you can apply this command and avoid paying so much money to buy a new hard drive; the command can fix any disk errors (if possible). When the command is finished, you’ll see the status of the scan and the actions that were taken.

15)SCHTASKS: Schedule Task

Always Windows comes with a wizard application for creating scheduled tasks; for example, maybe you have a .BAT file stored in C:\temp that you wish to start at every noot at the same time; you’d have to click through the Scheduled Task wizard to configure this. You can also type a single SCHTASKS command to set it up.

SCHTASKS /Create /SC HOURLY /MO 12 /TR Example /TN c:\temp\File1.bat

The scheduled switch accepts arguments like minute, hourly, daily, and monthly. Then, you specify the frequency with the /MO command.

If you type the command correctly, you’ll see the response, SUCCESS: The scheduled task “Example” has successfully been created.

16)FC: File Compare

you may not know it, but the CMD windows offer various options and tools; over time, your files change, and it is hard to remember what the differences were between versions. The FC command performs either an ASCII or a binary file comparison and will list all of the differences that it finds in your two different files.