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11 ways to learn programming quickly and deeply

One of the common and basic questions among students or people who want to learn programming is: ” How do you learn programming quickly?” “Whether you are a student, a beginner, or an experienced person who wants to change your field of programming in programming, you will definitely try to find tips and tricks to learn programming quickly.

Programming is one of the highest-paying jobs in the market and one of the most interesting jobs people can find. However, learning to code and mastering it can take years for a beginner. Most people give up before they really get started, and many find it difficult to keep learning because learning to code is not an overnight journey.

Deep learning, not fast!

How do you learn programming fast? Before answering this question, you should be careful that fast learning is very different from effective learning. Programming is a specialty that must be deepened, and this deepening requires time. So, in the beginning, instead of focusing on fast learning, it is better to learn deep learning methods.

Although this deep programming learning time is completely variable depending on the programming field, in general, regardless of what field you are learning, reading this article will help you to use your efforts in the best possible way and Learn how to become a deeper and more effective computer programmer.

Mastery of the basics

Think you don’t need to go over the basics? Think again. As in any field, a proper understanding of the basic concepts of the job is critical to long-term success. The information you learn in beginning programming courses or during coding boot camps will allow you to implement the logic for more complex problems faster. If you don’t learn to program in a basic way, you may fall behind in solving more difficult problems in the future. So, even if the basics seem boring or unimportant at first, you should know how important it is to learn them.

Practicing in a practical way

If you really want to learn how to code, you need to do more than watch tutorial videos, read books, and take notes. You must practice the information you learn. You might be surprised how something you read or see can seem simple, but when you try to put it into practice, it can take you hours. Learning to code in a hands-on way helps improve your problem-solving skills, which is what every programmer needs. So try not to be a coder but a problem solver and a programmer.

Read more: The best programming language to earn money

Create a new challenge

Build your own projects as quickly as possible. The most efficient way to learn to code is to solve problems of your own design. This gives you a whole new aspect of software development. In programming courses and tutorials, you deal with relatively common problems and see other people’s solutions. But when you start your own project, you rely on yourself more than anyone else, and you have to think outside the box. This will help you become a professional programmer faster. You can even add completed projects as practical examples to your resume and show them to your employers.

Coding by hand

In response to how to learn programming deeply? This advice may seem a bit old-fashioned, but if you really want to succeed in computer programming, learning to code by hand is one of the most important skills you can learn. It makes you a better programmer because you have to act more consciously.

Imagine that the internet is down, and you don’t have access to a book. In this way, you have lost all your online and offline resources. Can you code in this scenario? Coding by hand leads to increased accuracy and can also help you find the right job. Many employers looking to hire programmers often require applicants to take a coding test that involves coding by hand. Therefore, it is essential to acquire this skill.

Selection of useful resources

These days, you can find countless sources of information with a simple internet search. Some people think that it doesn’t matter if you decide to enroll in a programming course or just want to follow free tutorials like YouTube. However, you should know that choosing the right source can improve the speed of your growth and increase the quality of learning.

So, in response to how to learn deep programming? You should try to get help from several helpful resources, such as question-and-answer forums while using a comprehensive resource. One of the main advantages of this method is that you can find the answers you need in different formats. So, if one explanation doesn’t make sense to you, you can always find a different one elsewhere.

Repeat, repeat, and repeat!

Often, when you read a code sample, you can easily understand it and have a good understanding of what is happening at each step. But if you really want to become a programmer, you need to take it a step further. You have to run the code and play with it to understand how it really works, and then repeat it until it becomes the queen of your mind.

This method is much more effective than reading the code. Remember that being able to read code is not the same as understanding it. To start a successful coding career, you need to deeply understand it, and playing around with sample code is a good way to do that. So, be sure to repeat what you see in the tutorials. Therefore, one of the deep learning methods of programming is repetition.

Familiarity with debugging

Debugging can become the most boring process when learning. Sometimes, it can take hours to find a simple bug or error, and when you try to fix the problem, it’s easy to lose track of time. This can lead to feelings of confusion or stress, so you need to learn when to walk away from your mistakes, let them go, and relax. During this period of breathing, try to keep your mind open and do something that makes you happy, such as studying, cooking, or exercising. Later, you can address those mistakes with more focus and energy.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Knowing exactly when to ask for help is a skill you’ll need not only in programming but in other areas of your life as well. The reality is that you don’t know everything, especially when you’re just starting to code. The fastest and easiest way to get the skills you need is to ask those who have the answers to these questions. Whether it’s in person or online, it’s important to talk to a coach or instructor and listen to the advice of people with experience in the field of programming. Sometimes, getting a little advice from these people will save you hours, So don’t be afraid.

Employment as an intern

As we said in the previous sections, programming is a skill that always needs practice. So, after spending about 6 months to a year learning programming, apply for recruitment or internship positions. Programming is a very broad field, and the more you learn, the more you feel like you don’t know anything! Getting your first job is the most valuable learning experience. If you work in a software company, you will have to learn programming and software development quickly to catch up with others. So get out of your comfort zone. The new challenge brings with it experience, and since you’re using the information immediately after learning it, you’re more likely to remember the concepts.

Find useful time

Each person, depending on their personality, has a period in which they are most productive. One person likes to sleep at 6 in the morning, while another person may have started work at that time. You can find this time by trial and error. Working unproductive hours will hurt your learning process as a programmer. Many software companies give their employees the right to choose their working hours, and this is not a coincidence. Performance is maximized when a developer chooses the most productive working hours.

Keeping the body healthy

How do you learn deep programming? It goes without saying that you need to stay healthy for your brain to function properly and learn quickly. So:

  • Take regular breaks.
  • Exercise.
  • Have a healthy diet.
  • Drink fluids.
  • Get enough sleep.

Keeping the body healthy increases motivation, productivity, and creativity. This makes learning programming enjoyable and efficient, and finally, you can learn programming effectively in the shortest possible time.


In this article, we learned how to learn to program quickly. It is wrong, and we should seek to learn programming deeply. We also reviewed solutions that help us deepen our learning of programming. Learning to code is exciting and even a little daunting at first, and it seems like there’s always something new to learn in computer programming. Also, the time it takes to become a professional programmer depends on many factors. But if you intend to enter the job market, you need at least 6 months to a year, and depending on the difficulty of the field, this period increases.