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What is debug ? And how to Debug ?

In the software development process, there are always software errors or defects called bugs. Almost no programmer in the world has not encountered software bugs when developing software. Developers are always trying to provide software to users with the least errors. Therefore, an operation called debug has become one of the main stages of software development. So if you want to know what debugging is and what methods are used to do so, stay tuned.

What is a debug?

The debugging process of software is called debugging operation. When coding software, it is possible to create various bugs that will interfere with its proper execution. Therefore, to fix software bugs, programmers must constantly debug their code to fix the bugs.

Debugging is one of the main and inseparable steps of programming software. In the coding process, one cannot expect the written code to be error-free and always function correctly. Because in the coding process, many logical and written errors cause errors in software performance. These errors can occur in various forms and at various times, eventually causing the result and software output to conflict with the outcome expected by the programmer. Code debugging is like reviewing and editing a literary text.

Types of debugging methods

In the previous section, we saw what debugging is and why it has become one of the most important steps in software development. However, it should be noted that because different bugs have different origins. Debugging and debugging code bugs of software can be done in several ways. The most common bugs and their debugging methods in coding are as follows:


The rules and type of writing code of a programming language are syntaxes. One of the most common causes of software bugs is programmers writing errors. When programmers make typographical or grammatical errors in their code, debugging will disrupt the software’s execution. Languages ​​like HTML and CSS are not very sensitive to text errors, but these errors prevent software from running in languages ​​like PHP or Python.

Semantic errors

While some errors are coding correct, the result is semantically incorrect. For example, suppose we will write a sentence according to Persian principles with the words Seven Learn, school, is, and programming. If we write, it is Sean Lern’s programming school. While we seemingly used the right words, the written sentence is semantically wrong. So it must be written that Seven Learn ​​is a school of programming. Semantic errors may also occur in the programming process, such as dividing a number by zero, which is impossible in mathematics.

Logic errors

These errors are among the most difficult programming errors. Programmers have to spend a lot of time fixing logical errors. When the written code is completely correct in writing, but the software does not run properly, or its output is wrong while running, You should seek a logical error. Logical errors do not leave a mark and are usually not detected by Debuggers. Sometimes the programmer has no choice but to read the written code line by line to fix such errors.

Some of these errors may be easy to identify, but sometimes they can take days to fix. To better understand these errors, imagine that we want to write software that calculates the number of site users. Suppose we know 20 users on the site, but this software shows us a number other than 20. A logical error occurs when the software runs without any error but does not show us the correct answer.