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Metaverse Or The Digital World; Custom Life Of The Virtual Type

The digital world is exploding. The money we spend on digital services and goods is beyond imagination. Do not believe? Just a few months ago, Apple customers spent about $ 1.8 billion on digital goods and services in the short time between Christmas and New Year alone. 

So you see, the digital economy is growing fast, and digital currencies, blockchain and NFTs will be at the center of this transformation. This trend will accelerate over the next decade due to the widespread convergence of technologies.

To Mtavrs ( Metaverse ) Welcome.

You may ask, where are the other Metaverses? In a word, virtual worlds; But if you want more details, the fact is that one sentence or paragraph is not enough to answer this question.

 So with the help of this article relatively long, written by Eric Elliott, we want to introduce you to Metavars and its importance. We will also talk about some of the current trends and what we can expect for the development and progress of Metavars in 2021.

Before you begin, it is not bad to know that “metaverse” has a thousand and one meanings, but whatever it is, it is composed of the following main elements:

  • Surrounding networks
  • Digital currencies
  • Cryptographic networks such as Bitcoin and Atrium
  • Augmented reality (XR), including virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR)
  • And heterogeneous tokens (NFTs).

What are Metavars?

Metaverse is, in a word, the digital world; Where anything we can imagine can exist. The word is actually a combination of the two words “meta-” meaning beyond and “universe” meaning the world. 

The day will come when we will be constantly connected to the metaverse, our visual, auditory, and tactile senses will transcend what they are, we will combine digital elements with the physical world, or we will be completely immersed in three-dimensional environments whenever we want.

 This family of technologies is collectively known as eXtended Reality or XR. I believe that Metavars will one day become a huge economy, and at that time its value will be more than 10 times the value of the current global economy.

Developed reality

There are now some hints of what Metaverse will become soon, But it is not yet completely pervasive. To better understand the issue, let’s first look at where this concept came from.

In 1985, Richard Garriott coined the term “avatar” to describe a player’s character in a video game.

Ultima IV was the first game in which I wanted the player to respond to what I called “moral dilemmas (individual morality) and ethical challenges (collective morality)” as if the player were playing with their real self [rather than a Alternative self]. When I researched virtues and ethics to find moral examples or spiritual philosophy, I came across the meaning of the word avatar in many Indian texts. Avatar was the physical representation of a god as he descended to earth. This is wonderful, because I’m really trying to test your soul in my artificial realm. Richard Garriott

In his book Snowcrash, published in 1992, Neil Stevenson created an imaginary world in the form of virtual reality, similar to the Internet, and called it “Metaverse”; Where users could interact with their own digital forms called avatars.

It was from his snooker book that the term avatar found its way into all popular fiction. One of the best examples is the popular movie “Ready Player One” made by Steven Spielberg from Ernest Klein.

 In this film, a great scientist and playwright created a centralized metatarsus called the Oasis.

 This meta-host hosted avatars that could be customized in a variety of ways. 

Players could purchase various items and costumes to use in the game. These items had real value and their loss was considered a great loss.

Many video game players agree that we work hard to win in-game prizes, but ultimately the centralized powers that control all the items can take them away from us whenever they want or Destroy their value and the capabilities of each of them.

In the years before Bitcoin emerged as the world’s first enduring digital currency, Vitalik Butrin was a staunch supporter of Warcraft series games, especially World of Warcraft.

The story began when one-day Vitalik found out that Blizzard had removed one of his favorite Warlock features (we did not translate the game keywords, because gamers work with their English term):

Blizzard removed the damage option from my favorite Warlock Siphon Life spell. I cried that night and realized what a nightmare centralized services could be for us. Vitalik Butrin

This incident motivated the idea of ​​ethereum to form in Vitalik’s mind. Atrium is a decentralized encryption network, similar to the one that supports Bitcoin, except that it can execute arbitrary contract programs in full Turing language. These programs are the same smart contract are.

Many things can be done with smart contracts. One of these is the introduction of a unique digital itemUnprecedented Token (NFT) is named.

Why do Metavars need digital currencies, NFTs, and open network standards?

The market value of digital items is $ 10 billion, and Fortnite (one of the most popular online video games) alone has sold more than $ 1 billion.

Fortnite digital items currently only work on Fortnite, and if Fortnite’s company Epic Games decides to discontinue Fortnite, those items will lose all value overnight. That means a multi-billion dollar market will easily join eternity.

On August 13, 2020, AIPAC Games sued Apple over a 30% fee for in-app payments. Facebook announced in December of that year that it would support AIPAC Games in the lawsuit. Because Facebook was also trying to publish products with in-app purchases in the Apple Store.

A unique token is a digital commodity that anyone can create, multiply, sell, or buy on the open market without the need for a license or support from any centralized company. Therefore, it is owned and controlled by a personal user.

For these digital items to have real and lasting value, they must be independent of any entity or entity that has the power to delete or disable them at any time.

 This is the feature of unique tokens that makes them expensive. For example, a joint work by Trevor Jones and comedian José Delbo sold for $ 302.5, or $ 111,000 at the time. Now (at the time of writing) the ethers are worth more than $ 220,000.

The difference between items in Fortnite and the proverbial token is simple: real property, digital property rights. The buyer of the proxy tokens is the real owner of what he bought. 

This person will never worry that a company in the cloud can stop their services or block their account. Metaverse should be an open ecosystem, not an ecosystem dominated by the whims and desires of a centralized company.

Metaverse is made up of many parts, But its basic foundations are:

  • Internet: A decentralized network of computers that does not belong to any government agency or organization and does not require any authorization from such an organization.
  • Open standards for media: including text, images, audio, video, 3D products, 3D geometry, vectors, sequences, and procedures for producing and combining any of these. USD Pixar and Nvidia MDL are big advances in working with 3D applications.
  • Open-source language standards: These standards include HTML, JavaScript, web assembly, web XR, web GPU, Shader Language, And so on.
  • Augmented Reality Hardware: These include smart glasses, heptics, and treadmills.
  • Decentralized general ledger and smart contract platforms (such as blockchain) for transparent, unlicensed, and censorship-resistant transactions: Examples include Bitcoin, Atrium, Flow, Theta, Binance Smart China, and many more. These form the important foundations of the property economy, supporting Metavars and making it a universal and lasting commodity.
With a centralized actor capable of controlling assets, user capabilities, and bank accounts, an economy can never be completely shut down.

Only open platforms that work with smart contracts are decentralized, have the ability to work with other applications, and their language is fully Turing, which can support the proprietary economy needed for the growth of Metawares.

In “Actor No. 1 Ready,” the head of an evil company called the IOI was trying to find the hidden treasures in Oasis at any cost and gain complete control of the metatarsal. He hired a large number of people to do this. 

The company lent them money and they had to work for it to pay off those debts; An example of the enslavement of humanity, legally.

It may seem a bit extreme, but it is true. If any company gains too much control over Metaver, it may decide to act like Apple and charge a fee for all transactions made at Metaver or take over a large portion of those transactions by force. 

This results in nothing but destroying economic efficiency and gradually extinguishing the flames of innovation and the discovery of new and useful business models.

A decentralized economy is certainly fairer, more efficient, and more sustainable than an economy in which we trust centralized companies and give them the keys to transformation. In cryptocurrencies, everyone owns the keys to their personal domains.

Multiverse (multiple worlds in one world)

Currently, there is no such thing as a global meta-player like Oasis in the ready-to-play movie. Instead, we have a lot of different platforms competing with each other to get users.

The first online multiplayer games (MMOs) and open-world games such as World of Warcraft and Second Life (2003) laid the foundations for modern 3D multipurpose courses from 2003 to 2004.

 However, as Vitalik found out, their economies are 100% dependent on a centralized company that you have to trust. You can’t even take the items you bought and the money you collected from one game world to another.

Centralland is a three-dimensional space where you can create virtual worlds, play, tour museums full of NFT art, attend live concerts, and do real-world work. By installing the Metamsk plugin in a standard web browser, you will have access to digital currencies and NFT features. 

You can buy and sell assets, create virtual art and sell in art galleries, or create new worlds. Several companies have invested in Decentralland, and some are willing to pay skilled architects to develop it.

A painting exhibition in Decentralland

There are many different types of games in Centralland that you can play whichever you like. Some of them offer you NFT-like rewards that you can get in the Open C (OpenSea) Sell.

 There are similar platforms such as Somnium Space and The Sandbox. Of course, as far as I know, you can not put items and clothes that you use in Centralland into the sandbox.

Multiverse needs an Omni versus or pervasive world

Multiverse is somewhat similar to the Internet. It has a lot of different applications and spaces, and the information that is shared between them is relatively small. 

However, this is not the case; Because they have decentralized cryptography and computing, some of these barriers are removed.

In Multiverse, for example, you can transfer things that you have in one application and that you own to another application. For example, you can trade a digital currency on Uni Swap and instantly convert it to a digital currency at another exchange.

Likewise, you can buy the items you buy in Centralland and the clothes you wear there in the Open C. 

Of course, this does not apply to most assets related to the 3D world or its environments. For example, if we have a world in Decentralland, we can not find it in the sandbox and we can not open games made in Unity with the Unreal Engine program.

If we want our worlds to be open and to be able to search for them on different platforms, devices, and engines, we need to have open and accessible data.

We also need access to instant services and the ability to share data to acquire assets whenever and wherever we need them. 

Nvidia Omniors (NVIDIA’s Omniverse) Combines open file formats such as Pixar USD with network services, so you can connect to the tools with which you create spaces for virtual reality.

As a result, the people who create the worlds can work together instantly to edit and view similar assets through different programs. This feature is essentially similar to Google Docs for 3D worlds.

Omniors Project

Omniors uses Pixar as its native file format but uses a more advanced version. It provides assets as cloud-enabled services, so many applications can connect to it at the same time. USD Pixar is an open-source technology; This means that any developer can download tools and integrate these technologies with applications and games. 

Everyone involved in meta-related projects needs to converge on these technologies and the open assets that can be shared.

But sharing data is not the end. Shared data, shared computing, and shared bandwidth is the bedrock of the meta-platform, and only when they are all put together can we, as a species, work together to achieve whatever we want.

What we need now is a decentralized omnivore that is public and that anyone can use, share, host nodes, and help expand and develop.

What has digital currency got to do with Metawares?

We have had forms of distributed and peer-to-peer technologies for decades. For example, distributed computing software such as Folding @ Home has been around since 2000 and peer-to-peer file sharing has been around since the 1990s. 

That is, at least three decades ago we had the opportunity to create a common operating system for file sharing and decentralized computing. But over the years, an important component has been missing:

How do we reward our users for participating in public services?

Many people donate their CPU time to help fight cancer and Covid-19, but there has always been a big problem with peer-to-peer file-sharing services, and that is a free download. In it.

 Many people connect to the network, consume shared resources, and then log out (disconnect) before they have contributed enough to pay for everything they receive.

Incentives are the components we have always felt vacant. We needed incentives.

 Digital currencies are programmable money and we can use them to create self-sustaining protocols:

  • File sharing services where people receive money for sharing their storage space and extra bandwidth.
  • Computing power-sharing service where people get paid for sharing their expensive gaming graphics cards when they’re not playing.

Likewise, we can all be liquidity suppliers. In other words, in exchange for the incentives we receive, we put our money together to provide the necessary liquidity, so that users can efficiently exchange one digital currency for another.

Ever since I started writing this article, I have received 3,7617 TFUELs (approximately $ 0.13) on Theta Network in exchange for sharing my system bandwidth and computing power. The Theta Edge Compute beta automatically donates resources to Folding @ Home. I just do what I have to do and I get encouragement for it.

With digital currencies, we can work hand in hand to strengthen a common metamorphosis and pay for the services needed to support it, without having to worry about a company coming and taking over all the resources. Instead of paying for Amazon Web Services, anyone can run the nodes at home and recover some of the hardware costs required to interact with Metawares.

Artificial intelligence and meta-intelligence

One of the most important aspects of metatarsal that has been overlooked is artificial intelligence. However, there are many uses for it. 

Here are some examples:

  • Artificial intelligence can be used to create, audit, and secure smart contracts, making it easy and secure to write and use smart contracts. We have an urgent need for this, and by the way, the technology we need is available.
  • AI intelligent creatures can explore and interact with us and each other. Today, AI can produce realistic images and three-dimensional models of human faces, translate text into speech to speak in a human voice, and animate three-dimensional characters as if they were really talking.
  • Artificial intelligence can help us create assets, artwork, and content in Metavars.
  • Artificial intelligence can improve the software and processes we use. In a few years, artificial intelligence itself will enhance artificial intelligence and lead to an explosion of intelligence and technology.

Finally, AI may be able to generate complete virtual worlds for us instantly as we search for them. The boundaries between computer graphics technology and artificial intelligence technology are gradually blurring.

AI can one day take in a series of inputs like “a lush forest environment by a running waterfall” and turn it into a fully-fledged three-dimensional environment that we can explore and interact with.

Today, artificial intelligence can even describe something due to the increase in language skills and creativity.


The hardware currently used for the XR is the same as the Microsoft HoloLens 2 headset (Microsoft Hololens 2) Is.

Fortunately, XR software has been improved and is available everywhere. For example, if you have an Android device, some Google crawlers will show 3D items that you can view in your home through your device’s camera.


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