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How to fix IsDone.dll and Unarc.dll error when installing the game

Seeing “Isdone.dll” or “unarc.dll” or “missing DLL” errors these days has been very impressive. Isdone.dll is an active link library file with a particular purpose used by the system to perform several tasks.

Your computer needs its Dynamic Link Library (DLL) files to perform daily tasks, and they reside in a virtual database called “The Registry.” One of the users reported that the last game he was installing got stuck after 9% and saw an error message titled “ISDone.dll is missing.” Then we checked all the system files, including the system32 folder, but we did not get the result, and we still saw the error code Fix ISDONE.DLL/UNARC.DLL missing error code -1/-7/-11/-12/-14.

Usually, such errors occur when people tend to install “downloaded” games/programs etc. “directly” on their systems. These particular DLL files are handled by your computer when running computer games (usually high-end / high-graphics games), a file that is used to provide information to the CPU and GPU when rendering that game.

Usually, such errors occur for video games and other software/programs that require heavy graphics/animation. That is why you see the error message “ISDone.dll is missing” that often occurs when installing computer games unsuccessfully.

“Unarc.dll” or “Isdone.dll” errors are common among Windows 7/8/10 users. In most cases, malicious software has deleted, moved, and damaged these DLL files. “ISDone.dll” and “Unarc.dll” are files that, like other “dll” files, are located in the System32 folder on 32-bit computer systems, while it is located in the SysWOW64 folder for 64-bit systems.

[Error Fix] “IsDone.dll” / “Unarc.dll”

Before proceeding, you should pay attention to the following points in the direct installation of any game or program:

  1. Check the system requirements for the program.
  2. Check if your software/hardware has been updated or upgraded.
  3. Check the operating system type: 32-bit or 64-bit
  4. Is antivirus installed on your system or not?

After checking the above, let’s study together seven methods to fix the “IsDone.dll” and “Unarc.dll” errors.

Method 1: Run the Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool


  1. Click on the Start button.
  2. Enter the Control panel section.
  3. Open Administrator Tools from the control panel.
  4. Double-click the Windows Memory Diagnostic tool.
  5. Doing this will reset your system and restart your computer.
  6. After restarting the operating system, the “Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool” will appear on the blue screen with little progress.
  7. After restarting the system, try again and check if the error is fixed after the system boot.

Method 2: Basic booting of the system



The fix is done unarc dll error code missing dll 01 – How to fix IsDone.dll and Unarc.dll error when installing the game.

  1. Search for RUN in the Windows search box or press Windows + R.
  2. Enter msconfig in the opened box.
  3. After entering the command of the previous step, System Configuration will be displayed as a pop-up window for you; join the Service tab.
  4. Click on the box titled Hide all Microsoft services to activate the tick.
  5. After completing the previous step, go to the Startup tab.
  6. Click on the Open Task Manager option.
  7. Right-click on any item displayed under the Startup tab and select Disabled.
  8. Then click Task Manager and click OK to reset your system.
  9. After restarting the system, try again and check if the error is fixed after the system boot.

Method 3: Perform Disk CleanUp

  1. fix is done unarc dll error code missing dll 03 – How to fix IsDone.dll and Unarc.dll error when installing the game
  2. Click on the Windows search menu and search for Disk Cleanup.
  3. The ‘Disk Cleanup’ window will open with a loading bar.
  4. After the loading, it lists the files that must be deleted from different areas, such as the Recycle Bin, temporary internet files, etc.
  5. Scroll down and select Temporary Windows Installation files from the list, then click OK.
  6. Files will be deleted immediately; click the Delete Files button. After this cleanup, try again and check if the problem is solved or not; Because sometimes, all Windows installation files are not deleted.
  7. If the problem persists, go to CMD and run the following commands (to enter CMD, search for it in Windows Start)

takedown /F C:\$Windows.~WS\* /R /A icacls C:\$Windows.~WS\*.* /T /grant administrators: game / application rmdir /S /Q C:\$Windows.~WS\


Method 4: Change in File Compatibility


The fix is done unarc dll error code missing dll 04 – How to fix IsDone.dll and Unarc.dll error when installing the game.

Right-click on the file/executable program.
Select the Properties option.
Enter the Compatibility tab.
Check the Run this program in compatibility mode for checkbox and set it to “Windows 7”.
Then check the Run this program as an administrator check box and click Apply and then OK.
Run the relevant file after the change and check whether the error is fixed.

Method 5: Running the Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool(DISM)


  1. Search for CMD in the Windows Start search box and open the command prompt tool.
  2. Enter the code below and wait until it reaches 100%, then restart your system.



DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth

After restarting the system, try again and check if the error is fixed after the system boot.

Method 6: Improve performance by optimizing the hard disk

6.1: Improving the performance by repairing the bad sector in the hard disk

  1. Search for CMD in the Windows Start search box and open the command prompt tool.
  2. Then enter the following command:
  3. chkdsk /f /r4. After entering the above command, it will offer you to accept whether this process will be done after restarting the device, which is executed with the options “Y” or “N”.

5. Enter the letter Y and press enter.
6. Now restart your system; Then you will be shown this message: “Scanning and Repairing drive (C:): x% completed.”

After restarting the system, try again and check if the error is fixed after the system boot.

6.2: Improve performance by defragmenting the hard disk


  1. Click on the Windows search menu and search for Defragment.
  2. After entering the Defragment tool, the Disk Defragmenter window will open.
  3. A list of drives is displayed. Select the ‘C’ drive and click on the Analyze button.
    Allow the system to complete the analysis process (the status can be seen in the Current status column)
  4. After this parsing process is complete, check fragmented.
    If the displayed percentage is more than 10%, select the drive and click the Optimize button.
    This process may take a few minutes or a few hours, so please be patient.
    Once the process is 100% complete, restart the device.

After restarting the system, try again and check if the error is fixed after the system boot.

Method 7: Download and place the new DLL files in the System32 folder

How do I verify the integrity of installation files?

To verify the integrity of installation files, you can use a checksum or hash value provided by the game’s publisher or developer. A checksum is a unique code that is generated from the installation files and can be used to verify that the files have not been corrupted or modified.

Here are the steps to verify the integrity of installation files using a checksum:

  1. Obtain the checksum or hash value for the installation files. The game’s publisher or developer usually provides this on their website or in the installation instructions.
  2. Download and install a checksum tool such as HashCheck or QuickHash. These tools allow you to generate and compare checksums for files.
  3. Right-click on the installation files and select “Properties”.
  4. Click on the “Checksums” or “Hashes” tab (this may vary depending on the tool you are using).
  5. Generate a checksum or hash value for the files using the tool.
  6. Compare the generated checksum or hash value with the value provided by the game’s publisher or developer. If the values match, the installation files are likely intact and have not been corrupted or modified.

If the checksum or hash values do not match, it’s possible that the installation files are corrupted or modified. In this case, you should try downloading the files again from a reliable source or contact the game’s support team for assistance.