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Disadvantages And Dangers Of Artificial Intelligence For Humanity

Disadvantages And Dangers Of Artificial Intelligence For Humanity

The Publication Of A Photo Or A Short Video Can Turn The World Upside Down Overnight, Force A Politician To Resign, A Popular Celebrity Suddenly Become The Most Hated Face In The World, Provide Enough Excuse To Start A War Or Cause Financial Markets To Crash. To Fall Apart, It Won’t Be Long Before The World Loses Its Credibility. 

All of these are examples of the dangers of artificial intelligence for humanity. For this reason, in the continuation of this article from Hardware City, we have explained in detail the disadvantages of artificial intelligence and the challenges ahead.

Maybe so far, few people have taken the warnings and threats of artificial intelligence seriously, and they were more suitable for the subject of fictional movies. Still, technology is moving in a direction that will slowly discredit the world.

Now a fake video; Even though it is made by the most skilled, it is easily recognized, and experts can recognize the most professional counterfeit photos.

But with the advent of AI and deep learning technologies, fake videos and photos can be so natural that no one can question their authenticity. This is a clear example of the disadvantages of artificial intelligence.

Threats of artificial intelligence Can you tell which image is actual and which is a graphic rendering?

As one of the disadvantages of AI, imagine a video that scandalizes a political leader or shows an actual event that elicits a broad public response if the video is so natural that no one can question its authenticity. What will happen?

Artificial intelligence threat or opportunity?

Artificial intelligence is developing at a rapid pace, and the powerful hardware that is being released has made it a potential threat. If it took months or even years to create a realistic explosion scene in the past, now, with the advent of powerful processors, graphics cards, and computing platforms, it only takes a few months.

Why is artificial intelligence dangerous?

Maybe we still haven’t given you a good mental picture of the disadvantages of artificial intelligence, but imagine if there was an advanced computer program that could replace your head with another person in the video, imagine that the footage would look so natural that the people closest to make you doubt too.

Artificial intelligence is slowly becoming a magic light that makes the impossible possible, and one of the disadvantages of artificial intelligence is its extraordinary intelligence. It is not so far from the mind that one day a program can make a real video of you with the usual photos and videos you put on your Instagram page as if you were in front of the camera.

As another example of the flaws of AI, it should be said that abusing the abilities of artificial intelligence is not intended to serve only to destroy and discredit figures; sometimes, a video can drag people to the streets and the world into chaos. The possible scenarios go beyond this; it may be impossible to believe that humans will step on another planet.

Why is artificial intelligence dangerous?

What are the most significant risks of artificial intelligence?

With the advancement of artificial intelligence, its applications will also increase. But unfortunately, powerful new technology is always at risk of abuse. These risks affect all aspects of our daily lives. The following will discuss some of artificial intelligence’s most critical threats and dangers.

Deepfake and fake news

The release of fake videos and photos can also be used for economic shocks and affect the markets. Once AI reaches such a capability, news coverage becomes discredited, and it isn’t easy to believe something unless you see it with your own eyes.

On the other hand, artificial intelligence can become so powerful that it imitates the voice and other unique characteristics of people, such as the tone of speech, accent, and body language, so that you cannot doubt the authenticity of an audio or video file.

Is artificial intelligence dangerous?

Artificial intelligence malware

AI is getting better and better at hacking security systems and breaking various encryptions. Part of this is due to the evolution of machine learning algorithms. This means that malware based on artificial intelligence gets better with trial and error, and with time, the risks of artificial intelligence development also increase.

As another disadvantage of AI, it should be said that some intelligent technologies, such as self-driving cars, are suitable targets for this type of malware. Malware can be used to cause traffic accidents or create traffic.

Security and privacy

Regarding the disadvantages of artificial intelligence, it should be said that large companies have come under the knife of governments and regulatory bodies to a significant extent in privacy in the past few years. But if artificial intelligence algorithms are used to defend against security concerns, one must also ensure the safety of the artificial intelligence system itself. In this regard, we see preventive security measures using artificial intelligence.

Risks of artificial intelligence in Medicine

Although using artificial intelligence systems in Medicine seems like a suitable solution, it can also cause problems. An increase in medical errors could result from the use of artificial intelligence.

Medical error is one of the causes of death in some countries, and this shows the need to improve the system, the fragility, and the consequences of poor design.

The loss of an empathetic relationship between patient and doctor is another disadvantage of poorly designed AI because healthcare directly links humans as doctors and humans as patients. Humans tend to benefit from solving a problem that arises from dialogue.

Artificial intelligence, as it offers the solution to treatment and early diagnosis of many diseases, can also cause doctors to mislead and make mistakes.

In clinics with electronic health records, doctors spend about 27% of their time caring for patients and 52% of their time in the exam room interacting with patients. Improper replacement of humans with technology can lead to doctors’ dissatisfaction and decreased patient interaction. Improper use of artificial intelligence can lead to new inequalities and prejudices.

What are the dangers of artificial intelligence?

How to deal with artificial intelligence threats?

Artificial intelligence, or AI, plays a vital role in dealing with threats, but on the other hand, it is also considered a double-edged sword and a big challenge. AI-based tools are indeed helpful for better detection and protection against AI threats. Still, it should also be remembered that cybercriminals can use this technology for malicious and scattered purposes; staying ahead has become more complex because of so many acts simultaneously.

Adopting a common collective approach to deal with the harms of artificial intelligence through the establishment of laws by governments to legalize artificial intelligence and preparing and publishing a framework to create a new regulatory regime to prevent possible harm can be the initial solution to this threat of artificial intelligence.

Also, using artificial intelligence to deal with the threats of artificial intelligence to humans and providing the necessary training to face this emerging phenomenon can be helpful in some cases.

Disadvantages of artificial intelligence

Summary and answers to frequently asked questions

There is no doubt that artificial intelligence and related technologies can be a gateway to significant developments, but at the same time, its risks cannot be denied; who knows; Maybe three decades later, the publication of fake content will challenge our beliefs today. That’s why you should be familiar with the opportunities and disadvantages of artificial intelligence.

Will artificial intelligence destroy humanity?

There is no consensus among critics on the question of AI’s flaws. Some of them believe artificial intelligence will be under the control of humans anyway, and others believe that artificial intelligence will cause caused war and the extinction of humanity.

What is the main problem of artificial intelligence?

Perhaps the main challenge facing artificial intelligence designers can be summed up in understanding and thinking machines. Computers can learn better than humans, but they have trouble understanding them. Although this challenge will be solved to some extent in the future, it can be the beginning of another challenge for humanity.

What is the greatest danger of artificial intelligence to humans?

Perhaps the automation of doing things can be considered the most significant danger of artificial intelligence for humans. The important thing is that artificial intelligence systems perform better than humans in doing many different tasks and will soon replace humans.