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What is the Dart programming language?

Google has at least one product in almost every area of ​​technology and has something to say. In 2011, Google entered the field of programming languages ​​to have a share in this market. Dart’s programming language is, in short, Google’s solution to common JavaScript problems.

Dart was for Google itself in the past and has not been very popular with programmers for a long time. However, developers have welcomed the introduction of the Flutter framework and the ability to build mobile apps with Dart. In this article, we look at what a dart programming language is and what we can do with it. Stay with us.

What is Dart Programming Language?

The variety of programming languages ​​has grown so much that it has become very difficult for programmers to trust a new language. It has long been a question for programmers: In a turbulent ocean of programming languages that are getting bigger every day, which language is best for us to learn, and which one should we choose? To answer this question, it is better to know our needs first. That is, we need to know what we expect from a language and what we want to do with it. One of our choices could be the Dart language.

Dart is a relatively new programming language, and Google introduced it in 2011. Dart uses a BSD license and is free to the public. The language of Dart was in one of the most beautiful cities in Denmark, and it took 2 years to release version 1.0. In 2018, we also saw the introduction of the second version of this language, which shows positive changes. This language is multi-purpose, and you can use it to create a mobile application, write software for the desktop, or design a site. It also supports object orientation, and you can experience OOP programming with Dart.

Many computer experts consider C to be the mother tongue of programming and believe that learning C prepares people’s minds to enter the world of programming. One of the main advantages of Dart is that it is based on the C language. If you have already programmed with C Base languages ​​such as PHP or JavaScript, learning Dart will be a lot of fun and enjoyable.

Dart and JavaScript Relationship

The main reason for the emergence of the dart language was to do things that were very difficult to do with JavaScript. JavaScript can be anywhere. JavaScript is a language that has long been alongside HTML and CSS to render web pages. The language later made its way into server-side programming with the introduction of Node.js. Facebook also played an important role in the success of JavaScript with the introduction of React and React Native, giving developers the power to develop mobile applications with JavaScript.

JavaScript has been for programmers for many years and is now a stable and easy language. The variety of JavaScript libraries and frameworks is huge, and developers can use ready-made, pre-written code as well.

Dart, on the other hand, is newer and newer to those outside of Google, but it has not yet matured into JavaScript. Despite Google’s strong documentation, there are still no powerful forums for dart programmers to fix their problems. On the other hand, the coding structure and similarity of Dart to C and Java languages ​​help older developers communicate more easily.

How many ways is the dart language performed?

There is a general way to execute dart language code. The first way is to compile dart code into JavaScript. But how is this done? As we have said, one of the uses of Dart is in web programming. When the code you write in Dart is running in the user’s browser, the dart2js compiler converts this code into JavaScript and the user sees the results. The Dart compiler is in most new browsers. Sometimes, it runs even faster than pure JavaScript code.

Another case is the independent use of Dart. Just install the SDK package of this language on your system and see the output of your code in the command line environment. Within this SDK, there are a variety of tools in the Dart language, the most important of which is the Dart VM. The dart2js compiler, pub package manager, and a variety of standard libraries that allow the user to build a complete system, such as a web server, are also in this SDK.

Another very popular mode is AOT , which allows you to convert code from a high-level language like Java to a machine language with an interface such as bytecode. Flutter with dart language Run this feature and you can create a mobile application with dart language.

Where is Dart used?

Multipurpose languages ​​are very popular today. In fact, you only learn one programming language, but you can use that language on different platforms and domains. Dart’s turning point came when Google unveiled a mobile app development framework called Flutter. With the help of Flutter, you can create applications for Android and iOS with the support of a powerful company, namely Google.

Another use of Dart is in the design of web pages. As before, we did the same thing with JavaScript. You may be wondering why skip the old and proven JavaScript and go to Dart. The answer is that Dart is trying to solve JavaScript problems. JavaScript could not support object orientation until ES6, and Dart has this feature by default. Also, because in JavaScript, we are dealing with the concept of Prototype when working with Ajax or other techniques, it can sometimes be problematic and a little difficult.

Angular Dart is one of the most popular dart language services. A powerful web framework that includes products like Google Adwords in its portfolio. This framework is similar to Angular except that it is written in Dart language.

Large projects designed with the Dart programming language

As we said, Google uses Dart in most of its products, such as Google Adsense, Google AdWords, etc. Aside from Google, many programs and projects have been programmed with free Dart by freelance programmers. The general public may not be familiar with these services because they do not have billions of users like Instagram, Facebook, or WhatsApp, but they are still valuable services. Some of these projects are:

  • AngularDart: A version of Angular written entirely in Dart
  • ArrowLogo: An implementation of the Logo programming language
  • Chromium: A fast, secure, and stable browser
  • Chromium OS: A simple operating system for those who spend a lot of time on the web
  • Dart Sass: An implementation of Sass
  • Google Web Toolkit: A development environment for building complex web applications
  • Lovefield: A relational database for web applications
  • My IP: A better way to get IP

Some mobile projects

  • Android: The most popular operating system in the world
  • Agera: An interactive programming language for Android
  • Flutter: A framework for building Android and iOS apps
  • Flex box-Layout: Making a flex box on Android
  • ADB sync tool: A tool for syncing files on Android and iOS


There is no definite future for this language yet, and it seems that JavaScript will not disappear with the advent of Dart. Although JavaScript is more popular in the marketplace, Dart is backed by a brand called Google, and Google has not yet decided to abandon the programming language. Google’s introduction of the new Fiosha operating system could also testify to the future of Dart and the Flutter framework.