Indiens virtueller Server ist ein Dienst, über den Benutzer wie indische Bürger frei im virtuellen Raum surfen können und in diesem Bereich praktisch keine Einschränkungen haben. Natürlich verfügt der virtuelle Server über weitere Funktionen.

Der indische virtuelle Server, oder technisch ausgedrückt Indian VPS (VPS India), ist eine Virtualisierungstechnologie indischer Serverhardware, die den Benutzern virtuell zur Verfügung steht.

Durch die Servervirtualisierung erhalten Benutzer besondere Funktionen. Sie können beispielsweise über mehrere separate Server mit unabhängigen Betriebssystemen auf einem Betriebssystem oder einer physischen Hardware verfügen und dedizierten oder gemeinsam genutzten Datenverkehr und Bandbreite nutzen, um ihre gewünschten Aufgaben auszuführen.

Wie andere Server unterstützt auch der virtuelle Server Indiens Rechenzentren, die unter bestimmten Bedingungen zur Verwaltung, Speicherung, Verarbeitung und Veröffentlichung von Daten großer und kleiner Unternehmen genutzt werden. Jedes Land, das Benutzern solche Einrichtungen zur Verfügung stellt, wird seine Rechenzentren nutzen oder Hilfe von einem anderen Land erhalten, um von dieser Technologie zu profitieren.


Dedicated VPS India

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Vps Turkey

India Server Features

Easily increase RAM, CPU and storage

Full Root and Administrator access

Automatic OS installation (Max installation 10 times)

All servers have a control panel to turn off, on and reset.

Cryptocurrency Payment


99.9% Verfügbarkeitsgarantie

Freigabeprozesse und Datensicherung müssen auf Basis von Kenntnissen erfolgen

Sicher und geschützt

Unser Team stellt sicher, dass Ihre Website immer sicher und geschützt ist

Unser engagierter Support

Endlich haben wir einen Gastgeber gefunden, der das Einzigartige wirklich versteht


If you need advice, fill out the advice request form so that our experts can contact you .

Frequently Asked Questions


  • You have complete freedom to configure the operating system voluntarily.
  • Select applications for different operating systems such as Linux or Windows Server.
  • You are free to configure the server.
  • This is a flexible solution that enables you to use VPS for a variety of purposes.


  • Hosting server in Ded9 that fully complies with all quality and security standards.
  • Ded9 is one of the most secure service providers and has the highest possible score.

Ded9 Virtual Servers with High Speed ​​Disk, Ultra High Speed ​​are very suitable for heavy processing and sites with heavy database or high traffic and cause better performance of sites and software, all Ded9 Virtual Servers have control panel features Turn on, turn off and restart the virtual server, change the operating system, access the VNC and console, reset the operating system password, view the status of the cloud and virtual server, and so on, which eliminates the need for the user to access many support requests. Also, the resources allocated to each cloud server and VPS virtual server are completely dedicated, which will greatly increase the quality of services.

  • In front of a computer with dedicated resources, which you provide with physical hardware.
  • Keep in mind that VPS is a simulated environment.
  • Multiple VPS share their hardware resources through specific software.
  • This is called a flexible and cheaper way of hosting.
  • Virtual server or VPS, which means virtual dedicated server, simply refers to hosting services that act as a dedicated server with high-level root access.
  • VPS for has a variety of uses. Virtualization means sharing the resources of a real server. In this way, while reducing costs, each virtual server will have its own dedicated resources.
  • This program is suitable for small and medium web projects.
  • If hosting is not enough for you and a dedicated server is too big and expensive for you.
  • Keep in mind that companies and employers, such as online stores and web development, Many of their websites use virtualized servers.
  • To fully manage and run their web infrastructure applications such as DNS and EMAIL.

It can be provided with configuration and free installation for hosting with CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu Linux operating systems, as well as with Windows Server operating systems, 2012, 2016, 2019 versions.

We Offer

The Services You Receive

Automatic OS Installation

Automatic installation of operating systems on a server is one of ShopingServer key features. Due to this feature a customer can get a ready-to-go server right after the payment has been made.

Console Access

In our services, you have direct access to the server console

OS Support

CentOS 6, 7, 8; Debian 8, 9, 10; Ubuntu 14.04, 16.04, 18.04; Windows Server 2012, 2016, 2019.

Pay With BTC

You can pay your invoices in renew VPS or new order VPS with BTC