What is Turbo Boost? And how does this technology work?

Turbo boost can be called a new technology that Intel has put on its processors. This technology was implemented on Intel processors with Nehalem architecture for the first time. Later, Intel also implemented this technology…

How to Choose a CPU? Important Things to Consider before you buy

One of the most important concerns of users is to buy a suitable CPU for their computer, and some people prefer to buy a new CPU, and on the other hand, many professional users who…

What is CPU cache?

A CPU cache is a memory inside the processor that is even faster than RAM in terms of performance speed. In this article, we will investigate this issue and see what CPU cache is and…

What are the Advantages and Features of a 64-bit processor?

A 64-bit processor is a microprocessor whose Word size is 64 bits. These processors use software that is involved with heavy data processing, such as CAD software and data management systems and scientific activities, or…

What Temperature Should CPU Be And What is Normal Temperature?

CPU temperature is a very critical issue for the health of your PC and network equipment. One of the questions we get asked is how to find out CPU temperature? Or what should be the…

Comparison of CPU Generations and the Difference Between Intel CPU Generations for Computers and Servers

In this article, we want to compare CPUs and check the differences between Intel CPU generations. Also, we try to compare CPU generations as much as possible and away from technical words and tell you…

4 Ways to Format a Hard Disk

Today, I am at your service with hard drive format training. This time I am going to teach you how to format your hard drives. Formatting the hard disk has several methods that can be…

What is the Best Format for External Hard Drives?

Have you ever experienced that the hard drive space of your Windows laptop or Macbook Pro is full, and you try to add a new external hard drive by opening the laptop? Many users probably…

What is the Hard Drive Format?

What is the hard drive format? And what effect does it have on data storage? In this article, we will discuss the issue of the hard format in detail. Formatting the hard drive is not…

Mac vs PC Pros and Cons

Are you stuck between deciding to buy a Mac and a PC? Don’t know which one to buy? True, this can be bypassed-but not unless you’re a techie who knows what he’s doing. Each of…