17 Interesting And Simple Ideas For Programming In Python For Beginners
Python Is One Of The Most Popular Programming Languages Today. It Looks Like This Trend Will Continue In 2023 And Beyond.
So, if you are a new Python developer, the best thing you can do is to work on some Python projects to increase your knowledge and expertise.
In this article, we will introduce some interesting Python-related projects you can test your Python knowledge by working on. In addition, project-based learning helps improve your understanding.
Why should we work on different projects?
When it comes to careers in software development, aspiring developers need to work on their projects. Developing real-world projects is the best way to hone skills and turn theoretical knowledge into practical experience.
Confidence boost: You better identify your strengths and weaknesses as you work with simple tools and technologies.
Experimentation: While working on a Python project, you should familiarize yourself with new tools and technologies. The more you work on different Python projects, the easier you will be able to get projects. The more you learn about advanced development tools, environments, and libraries, the more comprehensive your range of expertise and skills will be.
Understanding the nature of the SDLC: When you develop a project from scratch, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of how the software development lifecycle works. Over time, you will learn how to plan before writing code, run the code, manage the testing process, fix bugs, deploy the code, and update the software product occasionally.
Mastery of programming concepts: One of the most significant advantages of building real-world projects is that with constant practice, you will master the concepts and patterns of programming in different languages.
Project Python: Beginner Level
This list of Python projects is for beginners and people just starting with Python or data science in general. These ideas will introduce you to all the practical things you need to succeed in your career as a Python developer.
1. Mad Libs Generator
One of the best ideas for testing yourself is to work on the Mad Libs Generator. This is an excellent project for beginners just entering software development. This project primarily focuses on strings, variables, and the concatenation of strings. This project teaches you how to manipulate data entered by the user. The program is designed to ask users to join a series of inputs treated as Mad Lib. Mab lib is a Python project for beginners.
The input can be anything, such as an adjective, noun, or pronoun. Once all the entries are entered, the program takes the data and sorts the entries into a story. Sounds like fun, right?
2. Guess the numbers
Another simple yet exciting Python project. You can even call it a mini-game. This project is beneficial for beginners. Write a program where the computer randomly selects a number between 1 and 10, 1 and 100, or any range. Then, give users a hint to guess the number. A clue can be multiple, divisible, greater than or less than, or a combination of all. Each time the user guesses wrong, they get another clue, and their score decreases.
You also need functions to compare the input with the guessed number, calculate the difference between the two, and check if this Python project has entered an actual number. The main goal of this project is to code lists in Python to familiarize yourself with the coding principles.
3. Text-based adventure game
This idea is one of the most interesting Python projects for beginners. It is an early version of an adventure game that is entirely text-based. In this game version, users can move into different rooms in the same environment, and descriptions for each room can be provided based on the user’s input.
The direction of movement is significant here – you need to create walls and define paths that users can move through the rooms, set movement restrictions, and include a tracker that can measure how far the user has walked in the game or Track the move.
4. Dice rolling simulator
As the program’s name suggests, Dice Thrower is one of the most exciting projects written by almost all programmers. The above project is that a random number is generated for each dice thrown, and the user can use the dice repeatedly as long as he wants. When the user rolls the dice, the program generates a random number between 1 and 6 (like a standard dice).
Then, the number is displayed to the user. It also asks users if they want to roll the dice again. This program should also have a function that can randomly take a number between 1 and 6 and print it. This beginner-level Python project allows you to explore the basics of programming and various coding concepts.
5. Hangman
This project is more of a “guess the word” game. In the contest, users must enter letter guesses, and each user will have a limited number of guesses (a counter variable is needed to limit the guesses). The main concepts you should use while developing this project are variables, random numbers, integers, strings, characters, input and output, and boolean. Hangman is a highly recommended project for beginners who want to master Python.
You can create a pre-organized list of words from which users can pull words. Also, you need to add unique functions to check if the user has entered a letter or if the input letter is in the hidden word. So, if the user has entered a note, the output should be displayed as letters.
6. Contact Book
Another Python project for beginners. Everyone uses a contact book to store contact information, including names, addresses, phone numbers, and even email addresses. The main goal of this project is to create a contact book using Python where users can add a new contact, edit or delete existing contacts, and view the details of all their contacts.
This is one of the most interesting Python projects for beginners that will help strengthen their mastery of the programming language.
SQLite database is an ideal platform for storing contacts. This is a command-line project where you design a contact book application for users to keep and find contact details. The app should also allow users to update contact information, delete contacts, and list saved contacts.
7. Email Slicer
Another convenient project is Python, which will be great for use in the future. To create an email slicer with Python, users must create a program to retrieve usernames and email domains. You can customize the program and send messages to the host with this information. Although this is a simple coding project, it enhances your coding skills.
8. Binary search algorithm
Have you ever heard the saying Finding a needle in a haystack? This program uses a binary search algorithm to do just that. You can generate a list of random numbers between 0 and 100.
This Python project will help you create and implement an algorithm that searches for an element in a list. When the user enters a random number, the program checks whether that number is in the list. It does this by creating two halves of the list. If the program finds the number in the first half of the list, it deletes the other half and vice versa. The search continues until the input program finds the user number or the subarray size becomes 0 (which means the number is not in the list).
9. Desktop Notifier App
Have you ever wondered how notifications work? This is a small but exciting Python project. Desktop notification programs run on your system and send you information after a certain period. We suggest using libraries such as notify2, requests, etc., to build such a program.
10. Python Programming story generator
Do you think the most complicated way to use the random module in Python is random sampling? This idea could not be further from reality. Creating random stories and even more using the random module is also possible.
This fun yet exciting Python project will increase your coding power. The goal is to generate a random story every time the user runs the app. The report will always be the same but with slight changes in the input. In short, the app asks users for information like place names, actions, etc., and builds a story around the data.
11. YouTube video downloader
One of the best ideas for experimenting with Python projects is to work on a YouTube video downloader. This is the best example of introducing Python to beginners in a fun way. More than a billion people watch YouTube every month. Sometimes, there are videos that we like to download forever.
YouTube doesn’t give you this option, but you can create an app with a simple user interface and the ability to download YouTube videos in different video formats and qualities. This project looks complex, but it’s simple once you get to it.
12. Python website blocker
When we surf the Internet, many unwanted websites appear. In this Python project, you’ll build a program that prevents unwanted websites from displaying at runtime. Building such programs boosts beginners’ confidence in Python as they master its basics.
This app is for people who want to read without distractions on social media and those who don’t want to view unwanted websites while working. Having this kind of Python project on your resume can help your resume to make you successful.
13. Spin a Yarn
This is where things get even more interesting, as the strings are infinitely complex; the program first asks the user to enter a series of inputs. These can be an adjective, a preposition, proper nouns, etc. Once all the information is in place, they are put into a pre-built story template using concatenation. Ultimately, the program provides the user with a complete story to read.
14. What is the word?
This project focuses on the user having to guess a randomly generated word. You can list the words that must be considered and limit the number of guesses allowed. After that, you can create your own rules! When the user types the word, you can specify whether the written alphabet should appear in that particular position. You need a function to check if the user correctly enters letters or numbers and displays error messages.
15. Rock, paper, scissors
If you’re tired of not having a partner, 5 minutes of self-designed PC Rock, Paper, Scissors will lift your spirits. We use the random function again here. You first make a move, and then the app does one. You can use an alphabet or enter a whole string to indicate movement.
You must have a setter function to check the validity of the move. Using another part, the winner of that round is determined. A scoring role should also be created to determine the winner. You can then allow replay or set a predetermined number of activities in advance.
16. Jump!
In this Python project, you enter a year and check whether it is a leap year. To do this, you must create a function that recognizes the pattern of leap years and can fit the input year into the design. Finally, you can print the result using a boolean expression.
This project requires sufficient mastery of Python operators and Python if-else statements. Therefore, it is perfect for people who are academically strong in Python and looking for hands-on experience developing their own Python projects.
17. Calculate the Fibonacci series!
You enter a number, and the generated function checks if the number belongs to the Fibonacci sequence. There are basic things similar to the program in the previous paragraph that you can do with the Fibonacci series.
One common theme in the above projects is that they help you get your basics right. You will be the developer and bug fixer. Not to mention, you’ll be working closely with creating and implementing a variety of functions along with working with variables, strings, integers, operators, and more. In all these projects, you must use the basic concepts of Python and some essential mathematical topics to succeed. Learning Python in a fun way helps you know and understand key concepts in a shorter time.
These are some of the easiest Python projects you can work on. When you’re done with these, you’re ready to move on to the next, more advanced level of Python projects.