What is HSTS and How to fix HSTS Related Error ?

It is a web security policy that forces web browsers to interact with websites only over a secure HTTPS connection and not (HTTP). Instead, it helps prevent attacks like cookie hijacking or deprecation attacks. Also,…

Website design with WordPress is better or custom?

In today’s world, with the development of the Internet, websites are necessary for any business, organization, or individual who wants an online presence. However, creating a website from scratch is not an easy task. This…

The Most Popular online Games of 2023

We are with you today to introduce you to the most popular online games of 2023. Stay with us. Are you looking for the most installed online games in the past? You’ve found the only…

What Is Dropshipping and How Does It Work? (2023)

Internet businesses have made many business owners focus on making money through the Internet. There are different types of these businesses, and we have discussed some of the best and most common internet businesses in…

What is the Use of JavaScript? Familiarity with 6 wonderful applications of JavaScript!

What is the Use of JavaScript? Familiarity with 6 wonderful applications of JavaScript! JavaScript is one of the most widely used software design and development programming languages. A 2019 StackOverflow survey found that 69.8% of…

FTP vs SFTP: What’s the Difference?

File transfer protocols allow users to transfer data between remote systems over the Internet. SFTP is a protocol that provides users a secure way to send and receive files and folders. If you use this…

What is ChatGPT? Research about ChatGPt,How ChatGPT works and how to use it?

What does ChatGPT mean? ChatGPT (Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer) is a sophisticated machine learning model capable of performing natural language generation (NLG) tasks with such a high level of accuracy that the model can pass…

Get Familiar with Google Analytics 4

If you are looking for a way to get more reports about the performance of the site and its content and thus make better decisions in marketing your products and services, Google Analytics 4 is…

Everything You Need to Know About Dark Patterns

Dark patterns are everywhere. Small tricks are displayed to you on home pages, in applications, along in various pop-ups. Items that indicate the completion of an operation. These things, which are called dark patterns, have…

What Is Schema Markup & Why It’s Important for SEO

You have probably heard something about Schema markup and you are interested to know more about it, so stay with Ded9 in this article. Simplify your site for slow machines by Using Schema Markup. Although…