What is OAuth?and How it Works

Introducing the OAuth protocol Many luxury cars have a manual key. This is a unique key that you attach to the parking retainer, and unlike your standard key, it can only drive the vehicle a…

Classification of Different Type of Web Sites

Classification of Different Types of Web Sites Every site must have a design and appearance to display, and design is often the first thing that attracts a user’s attention when browsing any site. Designing the…

How to Reduce the number of Inodes in your Hosting account?

What is an inode? An inode is a data structure in the file system of Linux operating systems that represent an object (such as a file or branch) in the file system. The number of…

How to Improve Developer Productivity?

To remain a productive and valuable developer, you must pay attention to essential points; in this article, we discuss staying practical and effective. Since many developers don’t get paid by the hour, staying productive and…

WordPress PHP Versions: Best PHP for WordPress in 2023

In today’s world, having a website as an identifier for the online activities of individuals and companies has become inevitable. But have you ever wondered how to make the most of your website? One of…

What is Server Name Indication (SNI)?

Suppose you are going to send a package to a person, but you enter the recipient’s address up to the name of the building, and there is no information about the license plate of the…

What Are Torrents & How Do They Work?

Torrents are a method of distributing files over the Internet. They work on the BitTorrent protocol to facilitate file sharing (P2P). This case is more suitable for people who need copyleft (opposite to copyright law)…

How to find graphics card information on Windows 10?

You need a graphics card to play the latest and greatest games and graphics. Have you ever wondered about your computer’s graphics card? If you want to play the latest games and aren’t sure if…

How to find similar sites?

It often happens that you want to find sites similar to the one you have visited. It doesn’t matter if your purpose is to research the project you want or if you just want to…

What is Digital Content Marketing?

Today, your business strategy for finding your target audience is entirely different than it was a few decades ago; content marketing has become one of the most effective techniques of the digital age in terms…