Unable to Install the software? (Troubleshooting on all windows)

Your Windows computer allows you to do truly amazing things. Digital photo editing, sophisticated computer games, video playback and more. . . All are possible with different software. Developers are always building new software programs…

How to take a screenshot in Windows 11

How to take a screenshot in Windows 11 There are many reasons to take a screenshot in Windows 11. For example, you might need to take a picture of how an app or webpage works…

How to Record Your Voice on a Windows Computer? (3 simple methods)

You no longer have to struggle to record audio and hold the microphone in front of the computer speaker. Even if you do not have features like Stereo Mix on your system, you can easily…

Windows 11 Application Tips (15 Useful Tricks)

As you know, Windows 11 now comes with a completely redesigned interface, several new security features for some businesses and businesses, and several build-in functions and multitasking fixes! Windows 11 is available for free, and…

The Best OCR (Optical Character Recognition)software for PC

Although today and in this period almost everything has become digital, it must be said that the use of paper is still common in cases such as books, bills, newspapers and …. To convert text…

The Best Free PDF Compressor Software

Before considering the What are The Best Free PDF Compressor Software, let’s listen to PDF? What is PDF? Familiarity with the use of PDF PDF stands for Portable Document Format, a standard file format developed…

What is Responsible Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

What is Responsible Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Concerning the moral issues with artificial intelligence, there is a need to create responsible artificial intelligence using the definitions provided in this article. We will look at the four…
Extensions for Developers

16 Best Google Chrome Extensions for Developers

Most developers use Google Chrome on their PC system to use countless Chrome extensions. In this article, we want to introduce you to 16 of the best Google Chrome extensions for developers; So join us.…

What is Cortana ? The Windows 10 Digital Assistant

Cortana, the individual and digital assistant for Windows 10, was one of the most anticipated features on the platform. In Windows 10, Cortana plays a digital voice assistant that bears many resemblances to Siri and…

How to Improve the Security of Internet Browsers?

Browsers have become the leading software that we use in computers and are opening more and more space among users day by day. You need to select and use one or more browsers, depending on…