What is Kubernetes?

Kubernetes (also known as k8s or Kube) is an open-source container orchestration platform that automates the manual processes involved in deploying, managing, and scaling containerized applications. What is a Kubernetes cluster? Using Kubernetes, you can…

What to do if Linux does not Boot after Installation?

One of the common problems you may encounter is Linux not booting after installation. Although Linux is a reliable operating system, sometimes you will face such problems, but don’t worry; You can easily fix these…

How to Use Linux lscpu Command and Get CPU Information on it

The LSCPU command, one of the attractive commands of the Linux operating system, helps you reach your goal and curiosity regarding the device’s processor structure. Suppose you are one of those people who, after buying…

Why use Linux and Why Linux is More Secure Than Windows?

There are many misconceptions about Linux. More about Linux system installation problems and file compatibility. While some have this fact, most of it has become an undisputed issue in recent years. But the best reasons…

What are the ways to improve the security of the Linux operating system?

What are the ways to improve the security of the Linux operating system? Security is a term that many users use today. Today, the use of Linux servers on the Internet has increased a lot,…

How to check GPU temperature?

The GPU may overheat during gaming. In these circumstances, there is no problem with increasing the GPU temperature to a specific extent. In this article, you will learn how to check the GPU temperature level.…

Excel installation tutorial on Linux

There are several ways to open Excel spreadsheets in Linux, such as using a virtual machine; But it can also be installed directly on Ubuntu Linux. Migrating from Windows to Linux is very simple, But…

Introducing the top Android emulators in Linux

If you want to run Android applications on Linux, you can use these emulators that have the best performance. Smartphones play a key role in people’s lives today, there is an application for almost everything.…

To the effect of open virtualization in people’s lives

First of all, let’s define the Virtualization What is virtualization? “In computing, virtualization is a broad term that refers to the abstraction of computer resources. Virtualization hides the physical characteristics of computing resources from their…

Random number generators, and their restrictions, in Linux

Definition of random numbers in Linux Random numbers of Linux are important in computing. TCP/IP sequence numbers, TLS nonces, ASLR offsets, password salts, and DNS source port numbers all rely on random numbers. In cryptography,…