Tag Manager

What is a Tag Manager?

One of the best tools to help you gather more information from your customers is Tag Manager. You should know that one of your trump cards in an online business collects your customers’ information. If…

How to enter info email and send email through C Panel host

After buying a host in Iran or abroad, you should get acquainted with its different parts. One of the attractive features of the C Panel host is email delivery. In this educational article from the…

How to create an info email for the site in Host C Panel

After purchasing time to manage the control panel, one of the most important parts you need to configure is managing emails and creating an enterprise info email for your cartoon business. In this educational video…

Video tutorial for logging in and using webmail in Host C Panel

After buying a Linux host, you should get acquainted with the different parts of your control panel. Webmail is the best feature provided in your service, and you can access all your emails with any…

How to transfer an email to another email address in Host C-Panel

Ability to automatically forward email to another email Imagine that you are the manager of a large website, and you have created many email accounts for your website’s domain address. For example, suppose the domain…

Learning to remove the limit of the allowed number of database builds on hosts

The database is one of the main prerequisites that a host needs to host your website information. Your website information is divided into two main parts: Content information such as the content you put on…

Targeted Artificial Intelligence Is More Dangerous Than The Technology

There Has Been A Lot Of Talk Over The Past Five Years About Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). General Artificial Intelligence Is The Highest Level Of Artificial Intelligence That Works Close To The Human Brain. Unlike limited…