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ClubHouse social network is one of the applications that has recently received many downloads with tweets from great people like Bill Gates. Many users around the world have been attracted to this social network. This app is audio-only. It means that you can communicate with other people through voice as a user.

For this reason, Clubhouse falls into the category of sound-based applications. This program has been able to grow significantly in the last few months. If we want to compare the performance of this program to something, talk radio is the most appropriate option to describe it.

There are some rooms in the Clubhouse that users create with a specific title. You can also create a room with a theme of your choice. Other users can see a list of rooms on the front page of this social network. It is more interesting, enter it and be both a listener and after raising their hands and getting permission in the comments room.

Like other spaces where users upload different content, a clubhouse is a space where there is a possibility of publishing and spreading incorrect information. It will cause journalists and researchers to challenge its temporary nature and thus have full and extensive oversight. To minimize inaccuracies, these people should thoroughly investigate the information and content disseminated in this space.

Clubhouse Basics and Function

Currently, using the Clubhouse app is only possible by invitation. Also, if your mobile operating system is iOS, you can download this app. Of course, it should be noted that the Clubhouse app is also available for Android versions. Still, it is unofficial, and it is recommended that you avoid downloading it until its official release. But if you are interested in downloading it for your Android phone, you can download it from Bazaar Market.

When you are invited to this program, you will receive this invitation in the form of a text message. That’s why if you want to create an account for yourself, you need your phone number. It would help to consider whether you want your phone number to be voice-based in this app. So to start working in a clubhouse, you must first ask one of your friends in this network to create an invitation with your mobile number to use this social network.

When you want to create an account, you will be asked to add a username, category, resume, and profile pictures. You can also link your Twitter accounts, and Instagram accounts with the Clubhouse software.

It should also be noted that the Clubhouse application needs a first and last name. It would help if you used your real first and last name on this social network. In Clubhouse, you can only change your username, first name, and last name once, so be very careful to enter it and save your opportunity for emergencies.

Follow users and clubs.

Once you have created your account, you can search and follow different users and clubs. A club is a group of users who share things and can be recognized as members or followers.

Clubs have different rooms that are pre-planned. It means that if you follow a club, you will be notified if a room is held. Suppose there is a tech enthusiasts club and you become a member at various timesThetriguing rooms with technology-related topics for users to discuss. When you are a at various times a member of a club, you will be notified through the notification of holding these rooms.

What does hallway mean in a clubhouse?

If you’ve ever installed a house app or app, you may have encountered hallway but have no idea what it means or how it works. But do not worry because we want to introduce you to its full meaning.

The hallway is one of the very useful options in this program and has advantages. This option will be effective when you have followed different rooms or clubs. This option will show you rooms that you may be very interested in joining. The rooms shown are based on the users and clubs you follow. Like Instagram, you see posts in Explorer that you might like.

Once you have found the options you want to join, click on any of them to enter the room.

You also need to make sure that your voice or speaker is on and that you can convey your voice to other audiences. In this section, the speakers are most likely talking, and you can also attend to them and say the necessary words if needed.

Of course, it should be noted that listeners and audiences have no choice but to speak. Users can only have this feature when the room supervisor turns them into speakers. In this case, you can easily express your opinions and communicate with other speakers and colleagues.

Raising your hand is one of the attractive features of the Clubhouse app

There is an option in all rooms that you can raise your hand. This option, called Raise Hand, is displayed in the lower right bar when you enter a room. By selecting this option, you can indicate to the speaker that you also intend to participate in the discussion.

Of course, we also need to mention that Rome’s main speaker or moderator can turn this option off or on. No one but a few others will be allowed to speak and participate in the discussions, and other people can only be listeners.

You can browse the other sections of the Clubhouse app without leaving the room. You can also exit the software itself and also have the sound.

It is also possible for users to record audio, which will be done through the feature and the ability to record audio in the iPhone itself. But you should know that doing this again will trigger the pop-up message. This message is displayed as follows:

When this message is displayed to you, it means that you have recorded a sound set without the permission of users and volunteers. That’s why you should not do it again. If the topic is science, you can ask the speaker or the main supervisor to record for you. Otherwise, it is better not to do so.

Access to a large source of information

Like other social networks, the profiles of people who work in the Clubhouse are a great source of information. For example, you can Google the usernames of the people you want. Then you can see the person and his followers in the results.

Also, if you want to see the chain between users, click on the invitation. It will allow you to see the list of people who have been invited to the platform. It will also show the relationship between users, which is very similar to the first type or the same chain of users.

Things to look out for in a clubhouse!

Like any other social network, Clubhouse is vulnerable. Since the Clubhouse is in its infancy, it has the opportunity to solve some problems that may be very destructive in the future. It only takes a little time and, of course, monitoring and review.

In the following, we will examine some of these problems. Each of the options we are going to introduce is very important. For this reason, none of them should be easily crossed, and it is necessary to apply strict supervision on each of them. So if you want to get acquainted with these basic problems, just read on.

Incorrect information

The first thing that needs to be taken care of is incorrect information. False information can always lead to the backwardness of a community or group of people. Even though the Clubhouse program users have repeatedly stated that they have seen incorrect information in the meetings held, this application has not yet announced anything about its wrong policy.

Also, according to the instructions published in the forum, it is stated that users may identify many spams or incorrect information themselves and not publish them elsewhere.

However, it is still unclear how the Clubhouse receives user reports or how it wants to prevent the spread of false information in the rooms. We will give you an example to understand why this sound program or application needs more transparency.

Suppose a club has 100 members and 2400 followers. This Club is about mental illness, and a group of people is exploring mental health problems and solutions to improve them. It can be very dangerous if the wrong information is given to the users in the rooms held by this Club. Suppose people in that room are looking for a solution to their problem and use one of the wrong tips that do not help solve the problem but create other problems! Therefore, it is very important to identify the correct information and follow the experts in the Clubhouse.


Another problem that, if left unchecked at the Clubhouse, can lead to much narrower issues is the issue of harassment. Various users, including journalists, have reported that they were harassed a lot last summer, and the Clubhouse has had no control over the matter.

One news agency recently reported that users and journalists who sought to correct misleading claims about the Covid 19 virus had been severely harassed. There have also been reports of harassment of women and various individuals, but these problems have not been thoroughly investigated.

If no solution is found to solve this problem, there will be nothing left but a bad name from the Clubhouse in the not too distant future. Therefore, extraordinary policies need to be implemented on all these problems and minimize their existence.

Although harassment can occur in any program or application, it is fair to ask whether Clubhouse is active in addressing this issue, i.e., eradicating and countering it. It will become much more important when rumors about it, i.e., harassment.

Also, based on studies and results, it has been stated that black people are more persecuted than whites.

The illusion of originality

Because the Clubhouse forces users to use phone numbers, it discourages speculators and scammers. But creating a fake account is by no means a difficult task. Clubhouse’s emphasis on authenticity may eventually lead to a decrease in the number of users.

The illusion of privacy

Clubhouse prohibits users from registering or sharing information provided in rooms. Despite the efforts of the Clubhouse, it is very easy to record what is happening in a room. Some media outlets relied on leaked voices about the harassment at the Clubhouse.

So while the Clubhouse likes users to easily share things they can’t say in other places in the rooms, other users may still be able to record or even edit audio!

Final verdict

The growing popularity of the Clubhouse program coincides with an increase in public awareness of the role of social media in exacerbating misinformation, harassment, and. In a digital space.

It provides a valuable opportunity for journalists and researchers to monitor the flow of audio information online and see how a start-up social media company can meet the principles of moderation and privacy of many other operating systems and platforms.

How to use Clubhouse?

Once you are familiar with Clubhouse software and also have problems with it, you may be wondering how to use Clubhouse. As mentioned, Clubhouse is an audio program designed to raise public awareness so that the number of downloads reached 10 million active users in just a few short weeks from six hundred thousand downloads.

Also, according to the evaluations that have been done, Clubhouse, with this number of users, has achieved a valuation of $ 1 billion and, from the very beginning to, become a unicorn in the online space. Also, due to the increase in awareness, high popularity, and simple user interface, different brands have become interested in using different marketing strategies by creating communities.

But since Clubhouse can only be used by invitation, Android users can not yet formally use it. Many marketers have not yet been able to work on the social network to define in-house marketing strategies.

So if you have just received your Clubhouse invitation or want to get ready to use it, we suggest you read the following tutorial on setting up your account, following others, participating in voice chats, being a host, and getting to know each other completely.

Things you need to know about how they work in the Clubhouse

You need to be familiar with several headlines and titles to handle this program well. These include the following options, each of which is very important:

  1. Look for an invitation.
  2. Choose your favorite topics and follow different users in the relevant fields.
  3. Insert your profile picture.
  4. Scroll through the home screen.
  5. Use the search page to find more users, clubs, and rooms.
  6. Start a club.
  7. Enter a room.
  8. Request to speak.
  • Add your friends to a room.
  • Leave a room.
  • See next room.
  • Invite your friends to the Clubhouse.

The 13 mentioned are among the most important things you should be familiar with in the Clubhouse program. We will examine in more detail below.

Look for an invitation.

You may have a friend or colleague in the program who would like to invite you as well. First, you need to install the application on your mobile. First, Clubhouse asks for your contact number and sends you a verification code to enter into the app. After that, you will be on the waiting list, and you will have to wait for someone with the same number to invite you to the Clubhouse. Each person who enters the Clubhouse initially has three invitations. The more he invites others, the more invitations he will receive.

After registering and logging in, you will be asked to add an email address other than your phone number to the app. You can also choose the appropriate photo, username, and password. You can also link your Twitter and Instagram to the Clubhouse app to have the same username, photo, and profile in the app.

Choose topics of interest and follow users.

Then, Clubhouse asks you to access your contacts. You can see the people you know from your settings section. You will also be offered the influencers you are looking for. No problem if you still do not want to pick a topic or follow other people. You can do all these things later.

Set up your profile.

Suppose you did not automatically link your Clubhouse account to Twitter to create a profile. You can set up your profile by adding or changing photos and describing your hobbies, interests, and companies. Although we do not yet know how much a profile description can optimize your page. They can probably be useful to users and decide if they want to follow you.

Finally, you can complete your profile by linking Twitter and Instagram. After you do this, the Twitter and Instagram icons that link to your profiles on those channels will appear below your description.

Scroll through the home screen.

Once set up, start the search. The first place to check out is the Clubhouse homepage. While there is no icon for it, you can access any other page in the app by clicking the back button in the upper left corner. The main page displays a list of rooms being held that you can enter.

Use the search page to find more users, clubs, and rooms.

If you want to find your friends or different clubs, click on the magnifying glass icon at the top left of the page and search for the name you want. You can also use the tab search feature to search for specific users or clubs. We’ll cover this in the next step.

Join the clubs.

As mentioned before, clubs are users interested in specific and common topics, like the Facebook feature or LinkedIn Groups. After joining a club, you can view the announcements of the rooms hosted by it. You will also have the ability to use clubs to find or connect with Clubhouse users with similar interests.

To find clubs, you can search through the Explore tab or tap the search bar, then select clubs and search for a topic. The image below illustrates this well:

You can join a Club by going to a club page and tapping “Follow.” After doing this, you will be notified whenever the administrators set up a room.

Start a club in a clubhouse.

When you host three rooms in the Clubhouse, you can start requesting the Club. To do this, go to your profile and from the top-right menu, tap the gear icon in the upper right corner to access your settings.

Click on the Clubhouse or Clubhouse Knowledge Center FAQ page from the settings page. Here, you will find the club rules, program instructions, and link to the Club build.

When the Clubhouse approves the Club, you will see a notification, and you will be able to edit the club profile and launch the room on behalf of the Club.

An important point to note is that the Clubhouse team manually approves club requests. Due to the popularity of clubs, the company currently only allows one user to build a club. It means that you have to be confident about the Club you are applying to; Because it may be the only Club, you manage in the future.

Go into a room.

When you want to see an audio room or chat room, you want to join it, tap on it to start listening. Upon entering the room, you will be automatically muted as a listener. You will also see Roman speakers and monitors at the top of the screen.

Ask to speak.

Do you want to talk? To do this, you can press the hand icon inside the room at the bottom right to add to the list of people who want to speak or activate the microphone.

When you raise your hand, your manager will be notified of your request to speak and may invite you to the speaker section. As you enter the room and raise your hand, consider that hundreds of other users may request to speak. If you are ignored, do not be upset because the supervisor can only bring in a limited number of people. They lose control of the conversation.

Add friends to a room.

Do you love the romance you listen to and want your friends to hear the discussion? Press the “+” button at the bottom of the room to select and add followers.

Get out of a room.

To do this step, all you have to do is tap “Leave.” If you want to search the app a bit more without interrupting the sound, you can tap “All rooms” at the top of the screen. If you click on another discussion, you will automatically leave the room. You can never hear two discussions in two separate rooms simultaneously.

See next room.

Now you do not have the opportunity to listen to a room or the same discussion. If you want to plan for later, tap the calendar icon to see the suggestions for the next rooms.

If you see a rum that you are interested in, tap the notification icon to receive a phone alert when the event starts. You can share it on social media or add a reminder to your calendar by tapping the scheduled room.

Invite friends.

When you enter the Clubhouse, you can invite three people. So only send invitations to your closest friends interested in joining this social network.

Who is the right Clubhouse for?

The Clubhouse is one of the programs that are not suitable for everyone. The ideal people to choose this app are people who want to talk and use their knowledge to solve other people’s problems or offer various solutions. Also, people who want to participate in various campaigns can take full advantage of this program.

Number of people who can attend a room in the room

For each room in the Clubhouse app, a capacity of 5,000 people is provided. A user can have an infinite number of rooms but can only participate in one case at a time. The limit of 5,000 people will likely be lifted in the future, and this number will increase.

Rules and regulations that govern the Clubhouse program

Each section or software has its own rules, and Clubhouse is no exception. If the user is identified as a saboteur in this program, he will no longer register with his mobile number and be blocked altogether. The user who sent the invitation to the saboteur will also be identified and fined.

For this reason, it can be said that you are one of the people who are not very interested in following the rules. This software will not be suitable for you at all.

The last word

In this article, we reviewed the Clubhouse program. This app is officially designed for iOS users and works using audio or voice. Several things are very important to Clubhouse.

How to enter and use it is one of the most important cases. In this article, we have thoroughly examined this issue. In this article, we also introduced you to the problems that exist. So if you want to know zero to one hundred of this program, just read this article in full.