How To Turn On The Connection Point Or Hotspot Of The Xiaomi Phone

You Can Easily Turn On The Hotspot Of Your Xiaomi Phone And Use Mobile Internet On Other Devices. One of the valuable features of smartphones is that they can be turned into modems and use…
How To Upload A Video To YouTube?

How To Upload A Video To YouTube?

If You Want To Know How To Upload A Video To Youtube With A Computer And Mobile Phone, Don’t Miss This Tutorial. YouTube is not only the most popular video-sharing platform in the world; It…
Automatically Change Background Image On iPhone

Automatically Change Background Image On iPhone

Thanks To The Latest iOS Updates, Automatically Changing Your iPhone Wallpaper Is A Simple Matter Of Just A Few Steps. When using an iPhone, the first thing you come across is the wallpaper. Some users always use the…
the internet of things

The Development of the Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) is an ever-evolving concept that refers to the interconnection of various devices and systems, allowing for the exchange of data and the automation of various tasks. This technology has the…

What Is Agile Methodology?

Today’s Businesses Operate In A Highly Competitive And Rapidly Changing Environment. They must respond appropriately to new opportunities and markets, economic developments, and the emergence of new competitive products and services. The software penetrates every…
Don't Have A Job

10 Activities You Should Do When You Don’t Have A Job

Today’s world is complicated. Weak economies worldwide have made it difficult for many people to find work. Unemployment can be the cause of many of our problems and diseases.  Regardless of age and expertise, unemployment…
SEO technical checklist

SEO technical checklist

Technical SEO is a familiar term for people looking to improve their website ranking using digital marketing tools. This type of SEO has many positive effects if implemented correctly. It can turn your site into…
How To Strengthen Our Spatial Visual Intelligence?

How To Strengthen Our Spatial Visual Intelligence?

Howard Gardner’s Theory Of Multiple Intelligences Was First Published In 1983 In His Book Frames Of Mind. Gardner Believes That People Can Respond To Environmental Stimuli In Different Ways, And Every Normal Person Has At…

As A Software Developer, How Familiar Are You With The Application Development Cycle?

The Software Users Use Every Day Is Made By The Big Software Companies. Users Can Only Use A Software Product When This Product Has Successfully Passed All The Stages Of Testing And Evaluation.  But an…
Technique Of Breaking The Problem

How Familiar Are You With The Technique Of Breaking The Problem (Drill Down)?

Entering The Business World Has Many Complications. In Other Words, Identifying Sensitive Situations to increase Sales And Better Profitability Is One Of The Most Important Challenges Facing Business Activists.  That is why there is a…