Languages and technologies needed to develop mobile applications

When the mobile phone boomed, few people imagined that one day the priority of buying a phone would change from a good antenna and clear sound to features and performance and, most importantly, the quality…

How To Update Drivers In Windows 10

Windows automatically downloads and installs the latest drivers, but you can not expect to download the latest version of the driver if you set your internet settings to meterd or disable automatic updates for Windows. …

Microsoft Unveils New Windows 10 System Icons

Microsoft has announced that new icons will be used in the latest preview version of Windows 10; That sounds simple, but it’s part of Redmond’s broader effort to redesign Windows 10. Microsoft is in the process…

What Is ADA; Everything We Need To Know About Cardano And Its Secrets

Cardano is a decentralized platform, the third generation of cryptocurrencies and a competitor to Atrium. Cardano Network digital currency is called ADA and like other cryptocurrencies can be used for direct value transfer. With the increasing…

A Very Fast Laser System Was Built To Generate Random Numbers

Random numbers are one of the most important issues in the field of security and cryptography. The speed at which these random numbers are generated is of particular importance that scientists have now succeeded in building…