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What is Ambient Intelligence(AmI)?

With the spread of the Internet of Things, the Chinese blockchain, and other digital communication technologies. The need for a coherent and integrated combination in the form of Ambient intelligence is felt.

What is Ambient Intelligence (AmI)?

Mark Wieser, chief technology officer at Xerox’s Palo Alto Research Center, said in 1991: “The deepest technologies are those whose existence becomes obscure. “They weave themselves into the fabric of everyday life to the point where they are indistinguishable.” “Cell phones and satellite-based Internet are examples of deep, intangible technologies,” Weiser predicted.

In the future, Ambient intelligence will be similarly deep and invisible simultaneously. Just as ambient music is played in the background to enhance the environment, Ambient intelligence is embedded in (or around) the user. The atmosphere is equipped with a wide range of sensors that make the environment intelligent and ready to respond to the demands and needs of the user. Ambient intelligence, when fully developed, will have major implications for many industries, including patient care and assisted living. So Older people with Ambient intelligence will gain more independence, and intensive care providers will be informed with real-time data.

Great connectivity in our homes with internet-connected devices helps us map our behavioral data. The idea is to move the sensors and calculations to the ambient background. At the same time, the actions that the user needs help with or the information the user needs can be done using robotics or an interface that displays information in the background. Contract. The goal of Ambient intelligence is to increase people’s experiences who continue their daily work and activities in intuitive ways.

Features of Ambient intelligence include:

  • Sensors and devices are embedded in the Ambient.
  • The system operates as a whole and is context-aware
  • Each Ambient is personalized for the space and needs of the user.
  • The system is adaptive and evolves.
  • The system has predictive capabilities.
  • Intelligence is distributed throughout the Ambient (like smart dust)

Ambient intelligence systems operate in four ways: sensing, reasoning, action, and interaction.

  • Feeling: This can be wired or wireless. The sensors are either standalone or built into a device (such as a wearable or smartphone).
  • Reasoning: Systems are programmed to “reason” and provide useful functions such as:
  • Activity detection and forecasting
  • Ability to interpret and understand the context of each activity
  • Suggest a decision or course of action
  • Posted and focused calculations versus sensing and distributed computing
  •  Action: This generally refers to changing a feature of the Ambient (such as turning off the lights or opening a door). It can also refer to the movement of a robot, such as a vacuum cleaner, or a user notification, such as persuading someone to make a decision.
  •  Interaction: There are several fields of action through which Ambient intelligence will interact with users. These include appliances (such as the web, mobile, or wearable). Home appliances (such as washing machines, refrigerators, or wall panels). And natural user interfaces (speech, gestures, touch, motion, facial expressions, and emotions).

Ambient intelligence improves mobility, nutrition, energy and resource utilization, waste management, and many other areas. Systems start in smaller spaces, such as homes or cars, and extend to workplaces, restaurants, airports, and stations.

Eventually, they will be deployed in larger open areas and smart cities. Depending on the approaches and regulations, they will be adopted at different speeds in different countries for privacy, cyber security, and control (government versus private sector).

With the advent of technology, Ambient intelligence is becoming a reality. Mobile networks are becoming faster and slower, with an estimated 50 billion smartphones now online, and wearable devices are experiencing significant growth. All of these are key enablers of the Ambient intelligence systems described earlier.

While Ambient intelligence is already in its infancy, powerful technologies emerge rapidly and grow exponentially. Once Ambient intelligence has matured, we can naturally communicate effectively with devices. Human-machine interactions can potentially be more intuitive and efficient than human-to-human interactions. Computers and smart devices will also “talk” to each other with the powers delegated to them by their human users. This can reduce people’s “cognitive burden” and focus on more complex, fun, or meaningful activities.

Overall, Ambient intelligence (AmI) is an element of an all-encompassing computing Ambient. That enables it to interact with and respond appropriately to humans in that Ambient.

This capacity is activated by devices gradually embedded in the Ambient and natural user interfaces (NUIs). Which provide some services independently in response to perceived needs and provide user input through voice, pointing, and Accepting other methods without interruption.

Popular samples of Ambient intelligence contain Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa – devices that automatically answer to people’s voices.

Blockchain, IoT, and AI work together to boost smart devices.

Ambient intelligence helps strengthen the Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI) devices.

Ambient intelligence enhances the Internet of Things.

AmI communication elements are always on and welcome human input and other variables.

In extra to home and business backgrounds. Ambient intelligence can also be utilized in a fully automated Ambient to assess situations. Interact with other devices, perform management functions, and transfer data externally.

Some elements of an environmental intelligence (AmI) environment

  • Embedding: Computers are not usually standalone devices in the Ambient, but many artificial and organic systems have built-in intelligence and computing capabilities. So The current development of the IoT (IoT), which includes equipping almost every conceivable object with computing power and connectivity, leads us to embedded computing.
  • Transparency: Transparency, in the context of transparent calculations, basically means being “invisible.” People interact naturally with embedded systems – instead of picking up a tablet and typing a search query, for example.
  • Background Awareness: This feature is the power of a system or system element to gather information about its environment at any given time and adjust conduct based on it. Contextual or contextual computations use software and hardware to collect and analyze data to guide responses automatically.  In Addition Potential systems for managing and responding to data include sensors, emotion analysis, and emotional computing software.
  •  Machine learning: This capacity allows devices in the Ambientto to learn from experience, extrapolate from current data, and expand their knowledge and capabilities independently.
  •  Amy, the Internet of Things, AI (AI), robotics, nanotechnology. And other evolving trends are changing the world to such an area that the present method is occasionally called the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Evolution (expected) of calculations from 1960 to 2010

In other words, in computing, Ambient Intelligence (AmI) refers to electronic Ambient that is sensitive and responsive to the presence of people. Ambient intelligence was the foreshadowing of consumer electronics, telecommunications, and computing, first developed in the late 1990s by Eli Zalkha and his team at Palo Alto Ventures for the period 2020-2020. Ambient intelligence allows devices to work intuitively to assist people in daily living, tasks, and rituals using information and hidden intelligence in the network that connects these devices (for example, the Internet of Things). As these devices become smaller, more connected, and more integrated with our Ambient. The technological framework behind them disappears into our Ambient until only the user interface remains understandable to users.

The environmental intelligence paradigm is based on pervasive computing, ubiquitous computing, indexing, context awareness. And human-centered computer interaction design, characterized by systems and technologies that include:

  •  Embedded: Many network devices are integrated into the environment
  • Text Awareness: These devices can detect you and your location background
  • Personalized: They can be customized to your needs
  • Compatible: They can change in response to you
  • Predictors: They can predict your desires without conscious mediation
  • A typical area of ​​intelligent environmental conditions is the home. Still, it may also extend to workspaces (offices, shared work), public spaces (based on technologies such as smart street lights). And hospital environments.

Overview Ambient intelligence

Ambient intelligence is primarily concerned with its relationship to the user experience and advances in sensor technology and sensor networks. The interest in the user experience in the late 1990s grew due to the increasing volume. And the significance of digital effects and services that were demanding to comprehend or use. In answer, user experience design emerged to create new technologies and media around the user’s personal experience. Ambient intelligence is influenced by user-centered design. The user is at the center of the design activity and is asked to use specific user evaluations. And Also experiments to improve the design or even create a collaborative arrangement with the designer (collaborative creation). Or give feedback to other users (end-user development).

Ambient intelligence needs several key technologies to become available. These include simple and user-friendly hardware such as downsizing, nanotechnology, smart devices. And human-centered computer interfaces (intelligent agents, multifaceted interaction, background awareness, etc.). These systems and devices operate through the computing infrastructure. And fixed-mobile / fixed communications, characterized by interoperability, wired and wireless networks, and service-oriented architecture.

History and invention

In 1998, the Philips Board of Directors launched a series of in-house presentations and workshops organized by Eli Zalkha and Brian Epstein of Palo Alto Ventures. Zelkha, along with Simon Beetle, coined the term “Ambient intelligence” to explore various scenarios that transformed the high-volume consumer electronics industry in the 1990s.  In Addition Which they described as “feature-decomposed,” into an industry that Those user-friendly devices will support ubiquitous information, communication and entertainment by 2020.

While developing the concept of Ambient Intelligence, Palo Alto Ventures delivered the keynote address to Roel Pieper of Philips for the 1998 Digital Living Room Conference. Eli Zalkha, Brian Epstein, Simon Beale, Doug Randall, and Clark Dodsworth. These programs continued to develop during the 1990s, and in 2000. Plans were made to build a feasibility and usability facility for Ambient intelligence. So This HomeLab was officially launched on April 24, 2002.  So In 2005, Philips joined the Oxygen Alliance, an international consortium of industry partners under the MIT Oxygen project. Intending to develop technology for 21st-century computers.


The dissemination of information about personal presence is out of control; Ambient intelligence insights are criticized. Any immersive, emotional, contextual, and predictive traits raise social, political, and cultural concerns about privacy loss.  So Ambient intelligence applications do not necessarily require privacy to operate.

The focus of power in large organizations, the existence of a fragmented and declining society of privacy. And  Also surreal Ambient in which the virtual is indistinguishable from the real, are the main themes of the critics. Several research groups and associations are examining the socio-economic, political, and cultural aspects of Ambient intelligence.

Social and political aspects

The ISTAG Advisory Group suggests that realizing the following characteristics leads to the social acceptance of environmental intelligence. Environmental intelligence is a must.

  • Facilitate human contact
  • To orient the society and promote culture.
  • Help to create knowledge and skills for work, a better quality of work, citizenship, and consumer choice
  • Induce trust and confidence
  • Compatible with long-term sustainability – personal, social, and environmental – and lifelong learning
  •  Be easy and controllable in life with ordinary people.

Business models

The ISTAG Group acknowledges the following inputs to the AmI Business Outlook:

  • Primary value markets in industrial, commercial, or public applications require advanced interfaces to support human performance in fast or sensitive situations.
  • Start-up and ancillary opportunities Identify potential service needs and bring together services that meet these new needs.
  •  High access – low input cost based on loss management model to create economies of scale (mass customization).
  • The economy of audience or customer attention as a basis for “free” end-user services paid for by advertisements or complimentary services or goods.
  • Self-sufficiency – Based on the network economy of very large user communities that offer information as a gift or at almost zero cost (such as social networking applications).
  • A combination of multiple and diverse datasets in a context to understand and understand consumer behavior

Various technologies can be used to activate environmental intelligence environments, such as low-energy Bluetooth, RFID, microchip implantation, sensors (ambient light sensor (photodetector), thermometer, proximity sensor, and motion detector), software agents, affective computing, nanotechnology, biometrics.
