6 Best Free iPhone to PC Transfer Software in 2022

Are you looking for the best software to transfer files to an iPhone but don’t know which program to choose? We have introduced the top 6 software with the highest ratings among users and extremely…

How To Create A Gmail Account Without Phone Number (Android, PC and iPhone)

If you want to create a new Gmail account, Google may ask you for a verification number. This option used to be optional, but recently Google has made it mandatory. If you don’t want Google…

3 ways to Access and Control your PC remotely

If you do a lot of work remotely and need to access your PC, you should probably keep it on. But this work consumes a lot of electricity. So, instead of keeping your computer on…

Her birinin artıları ve eksileri ile Mac ve PC’nin eksiksiz bir karşılaştırması

Mac ve PC’nin eksiksiz bir karşılaştırması   Mac mi yoksa PC mi alacağınıza karar vermek arasında mı kaldınız? Hangisini satın alacağınızı bilmiyor musunuz? Doğru, ikisi arasında seçim yapmak zor. Her birinin kendi avantajları ve dezavantajları…

How To Change Facebook Password (PC / Mobile)

Briefly and step by step, we will teach you how to easily change your Facebook account password on your computer and mobile phone. On the Computer From the desktop version of Facebook, follow these steps:…

What is Workstation and What are the Advantages and Disadvantages?

Workstations are powerful computers that enable heavy processing for one or more users. This article discusses what a workstation is, how a workstation computer works, and how a workstation system can reduce costs. What you…

What is a Computer Slot? And what are the Benefits of Computer Hardware?

In this article, we are going to talk about what is Computer Slot? Let’s pay. A slot in computers is an expansion slot, an engineered technique for adding functionality to a computer in the form…

Unnecessary Windows Apps You Should Uninstall

Don’t know which Windows programs to uninstall? In the following, we will introduce you to the programs and unnecessary items of Windows 10 and 11, which, if you do not use them, it is better…

PC vs Console : Which is Better for Gaming?

“Comparing PC to console” is a debate that never gets old. Because there is no right or wrong answer for it, it all depends on various factors, and generally, you have to make a decision…

Mac vs PC Pros and Cons

Are you stuck between deciding to buy a Mac and a PC? Don’t know which one to buy? True, this can be bypassed-but not unless you’re a techie who knows what he’s doing. Each of…