Reinstall Windows 10 without Bloatware

One of the features of Windows 10 is “Reset Your PC“, this feature will allow you to find a completely new and clean version of Windows 10, this feature also reset all of your bloatware…

What is steganography?

Undoubtedly, you all know that today we are facing an extremely high volume of data and it is added to this data every second. Despite the creation and transmission of this data on the Internet, the…

Audio and Sound Problem on Windows 10

It may happen to you that you turn on your computer and want to play a movie or music but do not hear the sound or audio if we want to look at this problem very…

Windows 10 Antivirus

Windows 10 comes with an antivirus by default, Microsoft Defender will scan your system files regularly, sometimes you have to temporarily or permanently disable your antivirus, you may decide Have replaced it with your antivirus,…

Tips Of increaseing Ram

In the past, one of the fastest ways to speed up systems was to add another amount of RAM, and to a large extent, this is true. Will RAM increase the performance of computers or…

How to find PC or laptop MAC address with CMD?

Using the MAC address or the physical address, you can do various things, for example, restrict Internet service to certain devices.  But how do we get the MAC address of a computer or laptop? CMD,…

Safest Way to Backup

One of the things that will eventually happen to all of us is the loss of information within the system, since hard drives are considered electronic components, they can be corrupted at any moment and…

How To Optimize Your Windows 10 To Run Games?

Windows 10 is a great operating system for gamers. There are several games for this operating system and it is even possible to stream Xbox One games on it.  Of course, Windows 10 is not great…

Learn how to view UI tables in iOS in simple language

With an example, we will learn how to work with the ui tables view of iOS apps in Swift language. Also with an example, using the xcode editor we learn how to use the iOS…

Learn iOS map display with annotations

In this section, we want to learn the iOS map display by giving an example in swift. We will also learn how to use mapview (map viewer) to access maps and add border and pin information…