blog posts

Top 10 Types of Content That attract users

After reviewing Ded9’s blog posts and some content, we obtained a list of 10 types of content that led to an increase in Google traffic.

These ten types of content will help you increase the variety of content on your website. The combination of content causes your website’s keywords to expand, and as a result, your website’s performance in Google search results improves.

In today’s article, I am going to introduce you to these ten types of content and explain to you how to produce this contcontentf course; you should pay attention to this point when I talk about content; I mean precisely the content of the blog, not the product page of the site or contact us page).

Therefore, if you are active in the fit marketing or content strategy and want to see an increase in your site’s input, I suggest you read this article.

Get to know ten types of content that increase traffic from Google sites!

To prepare this list, I and several colleagues spent a few days analyzing and reviewing Google search results. In this research, we tried to consider the most searched keywords, the most visited websites, and the performance of our blog so that we could get different results.

As a result of this research, we came across ten content creation methods that can increase the input from Google. Of course, I must mention that there are 11 types of content in this list, and the 11th item is not so common.

In addition, it is not necessary to use all of these ten types of content creation methods on your website, but I suggest you use some of these ten types of content on your website by examining your work environment and the needs of your users.

Also, I tried to give you an excellent example for each type of produced content. You are probably familiar with some of the items on this list:

  • Blog posts and posts that are published or updated regularly.
  • Permanent short articles or evergreen content that never gets old and useless and can be used anytime. Like the guaranteed SEO These ten types of content will help you increase the variety of content on your website. The combination of content causes your website’s keywords to expand, and aarticle that I shared with you last week.
  • Long articles. For example, I suggest you read the article 10 psychological techniques for more sales.
  • Image galleries and infographics. During the research, we noticed that many articles introducing different models of the same concept use this method to produce their content (such as comparing SEO with Google advertising).
  • Content that provides accurate and detailed information to users. The influential factors for site ranking in Google are an excellent example of this type of article.
  • Content and interactive tools that engage the reader. I suggest you visit the Post Click Marketing website to understand this better.
  • Landing pages with categorized content. This item in itself is not considered content. For example, searching for the keyword “kitchen interior design” on Google may come across a landing page that categorizes different types of kitchen design or redirects you to this page. For example, see the landing page of the HGTV site.
  • Visualization of complex conceptual information or data, such as this page from the CNN website, illustrates the results of the US elections well.
  • Video. Aparat website videos, YouTube, or any video that can be shared on the website page

Research showed us that using these ten types of content can lead to increased traffic from Google. Of course, as I mentioned above, there is also an eleventh case, which I do not recommend to all content marketers.

It has probably happened to you that you came across a PDF or Powerpoint file by clicking on one of the links in the search results. The eleventh item in this list is PDF and Powerpoint files.

I do not recommend the use of these files to all content producers for several reasons:

  • It is difficult for the search engine to review and analyze the content of these files.
  • These files are not displayed correctly on many mobile phones.
  • These files are not user-friendly.
  • Blog posts are not easily ranked in the search results (if you see such files at the top of the search results, it is better to know that their presence depends on several factors).

When you invest in one or more of the ten content types above, you can hope your content format will be familiar to the user and perform well in search results.

What kind of content should we use for our website?

Here comes a fundamental question: what content should you use for your website? This is precisely what we do at Naveen. We ask ourselves this question when creating content about SEO, digital marketing, or related content.

I must tell you that before you can answer this question, you must be able to find answers to the following three questions:

What is the searcher’s intention? What is he looking for in the search results?

In general, if the user intends to find a place or make a financial transaction, none of the above ten types of content can help him. But if the user is looking for information (which is why many searches are done in search engines), this way of creating content is precisely for him.

Producing essential content helps the user know your brand and get detailed information. At this point, your content should turn a casual searcher into a regular visitor.

Most people usually search on Google for the following reasons:

  • Find a short and quick answer
  • Detailed comparison of two or more products/services
  • A detailed review of a product or service
  • Some users search only out of curiosity. For example, I googled “All Tom Hanks movies” last week. In the list of Tom Hanks movies, there were titles that I had never heard of before. That’s
  • why I decided to watch these movies at the right time. All these events happened only because I searched on Google out of curiosity.
  • Scientific and professional interests

Of course, it should be said that the reasons for Internet users’ searches are not limited to these few things. The important thing is to ask yourself what most people searching for these reasons are looking for. That’s when you can produce content that users want.

What websites appear in search results?

You need to know what websites appear first in users’ search results and what content these sites have. Knowing this can help you be more careful in choosing your content type. You may even want to produce content different from other existing content.

For this, you need to know what kind of content the user receives for his search:

  • Are the existing contents simple and only a few links and an advertisement in the post’s text?
  • Are graphics, photos, and infographics used in the existing content?
  • Does Google suggest the content news? In this situation, you need to produce a short article or a long range.
  • Does Google offer a video in response to the searcher? In such a situation, it is better to think about video marketing.
  • Does Google show a short answer in the search results in response to a user’s search? In this case, a short article or evergreen content can be influential.
  • If the content at the top of the search results is suggested (People Also Ask), you probably need to cover several topics in your content.
  • If the content displayed on Google has carefully reviewed the user’s search query, you should consider creating a multi-chapter guide.

Also, if you see maps, flight schedules, calculators, etc., in the search results, chances are meager that you can get results through content marketing. I suggest you look for alternative keywords in this situation.

Does my content meet the needs of the audience?

It would help if you asked this question about yourself and your audience. This question means that:

The type of device and the location where the user is located are essential. So if the user is searching on their mobile phone (or your content is more likely to be seen on mobile devices), you should try to create content that conveys information quickly to the user.
Also, if you hope the user will return to your website from a desktop computer after reading your content, it is better to prepare long content or a multi-chapter guide for your audience.

Try to create content so that users know what to do with that information after reading it. Also, you need to know if your audience is someone who:

He is looking for content in a new format and is very interested in reading fresh content.
He is looking for old-fashioned content that will not make him think and browse your website. Content that only satisfies his needs and does not give him new information.

My suggestion to you

To increase traffic from Google, I suggest you:

  • Do not neglect the new content production formats. For example, if you have never published video or infographic content on your website, it is better to post your following content this way.
  • Don’t use a new content format just because it hits the Internet. You should use a content format that meets the needs of your users and is helpful for SEO and increasing traffic to your site.
  • Pay attention to the format of the content that is at the top of the search results.
  • Do not copy content from competing websites. Don’t forget that your content should look familiar and reliable.
  • Try to use these ten types of content as much as possible to increase the input of your site. If your competitors publish simple blog posts, using an image gallery or an infographic can help your site rank in Google.
  • Always include a few keywords for your blog post. When writing a post, it is better to consider all the keywords and phrases you want to rank for. Focusing on a few keywords will help you choose the type of content.