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Instagram Direct Reply Was Activated Publicly

Instagram Direct Reply Was Activated Publicly

According to what users say on social networks, Instagram has publicly activated the direct replay section. According to observations, many user accounts are still unable to replay; But they will probably get this feature soon.

For a long time now, Meta has added the possibility of replying and reacting with different emojis to the Instagram Direct section; However, this feature was activated in a limited way, and many users could not respond to the messages directly.

Inactive Instagram direct reply
Direct Replay is still not working for me
Instagram direct reply is active
But it is activated for many users
How to work with Instagram Replay
And now it is even possible to react with different emojis

Starting Instagram Replay has an unknown mechanism; it usually doesn’t lead to any results. I did all the methods in my account, But the Replay was never activated.

Some time ago, the replay function was made available to me on the web version of Instagram; But the mobile version still has no reply even after the release of the latest Instagram update.

To activate Replay, you need to download your phone’s latest version of Instagram. To download Instagram, enter the App Store and Google Play.

Is Instagram Replay enabled for you?