A Roadmap That Turns You Into An Artificial Intelligence Engineer - The Main Tasks Of An Artificial Intelligence Engineer

A Roadmap That Turns You Into An Artificial Intelligence Engineer – The Main Tasks Of An Artificial Intelligence Engineer

Investing In AI-Related Skills, Will Give You Many Career Opportunities In A Variety Of Industries. Especially About Industries And Areas That Tend To Use The Capabilities Of Artificial Intelligence To Increase Automation And Improve Productivity. …

What is a Question Answering System?

What is a Question Answering System? This article looks at the various aspects of a question-and-answer system and its applications and sees the endless possibilities. Image: Ask a question to a robot and get answers…

Internet of Things in medicine : How it works and Future !

  io The medical industry is one area with a lot of work to do. Medical and health services are very expensive. The world population is aging and chronic diseases are increasing. If we continue…
Provide Car Accident Forecasting Maps With Machine Learning Predicting Car Accidents By Learning To Drive

Provide Car Accident Forecasting Maps With Machine Learning Predicting Car Accidents By Learning To Drive

Researchers Have Been Able To Provide High-Resolution Road Accident Prediction Maps With The Help Of Machine Learning.  Communication routes in cities and roads are becoming more complicated and crowded. Although technologies such as digital positioning,…
Artificial Intelligence And Genomics Predict The Therapeutic Responses Of Cancer Patients

Artificial Intelligence And Genomics Predict The Therapeutic Responses Of Cancer Patients

Scientists Have Developed A New Biomarker For Gastric Cancer That Can Predict Therapeutic Responses Through Genomic Sequencing And Machine Learning. In A Research Project, Researchers Found That Genomic Sequencing Machine Learning can Be Use To…

What is Convolution Neural Network and How Does it Work ?

Torsional neural network or convolutional neural network! It sounds like a weird combination of words! A combination of different sciences such as mathematics, biology, and computer. These networks are one of the most important innovations…

What are self-driving cars ? And what is the future of it ?

The car is a mythical concept and its realization in the future! In 2015, the Guardian newspaper predicted that by 2020, 10 million cars would be on the streets! The forecast was based on General…

Introducing a new Emerging Idea in Artificial Intelligence

Introducing a new Emerging Idea in Artificial Intelligence Embrace the unexpected: Change the game’s rules by teaching artificial intelligence how to manage new situations. Image: Most AIs today stop when faced with unexpected situations, such…

artificial intelligence in music : How does it work ?

Businesses are evolving with new technologies, and music is no exception. According to McKinsey, 70% of companies will implement at least one artificial intelligence technology by 2030. The mission of artificial intelligence is to complement and…

What is GPT-3 and What are uses of it ?

 OpenAI recently released the largest natural language model, the GPT-3, similar to its predecessors. You may be wondering what is GPT-3? This model differs primarily from other versions. By having ten times higher than the…