URL ve URI farkı

URL ve URI farkı Öncelikle URL nedir? URL adresleri aslında bir bilgisayar ağının kaynaklarının alınabileceği çeşitli belgeler ve protokoller için evrensel bir adrestir. URL’ler genellikle web sayfaları (HTTP) olarak tanımlanır, ancak JDBC, e-posta (mailto), Dosya…

URL nedir?

URL nedir? Uniform Resource Locator aslında küresel İnternet ağı ile bir iletişim bağlantısıdır. Daha doğrusu, İnternet’teki bir web sitesi sayfası veya dosyası için belirli bir adrestir. Örneğin, Abararwan web sitesinin URL’si aşağıdaki gibi yazılmıştır.  …
learning SEO

Is learning SEO a guarantee of generating income?

Learning SEO is a new skill that has become a money-making career in recent years. You can get a great job and earn money online with SEO skills. Generally, you have faced the positive aspects…
definition of SEO

What is the definition of SEO?

What is the definition of SEO and why is it currently very important has become an important discussion in website design and internet businesses. SEO is the practice of site optimization for search engines on…
training with Visual Studio

Website design training with Visual Studio

What is the meaning of website design training with Visual Studio 2019? Today, website design is one of the most demanding ways to enter the online market. Designing a website for companies, stores, and small…
A Hat For Snakes; Different Images Of Snakes Wearing Hats

A Hat For Snakes; Different Images Of Snakes Wearing Hats

The Hat Snake Community Shares Pictures Of Snakes With All Kinds Of Hats On Several Social Platforms, Including Facebook And Reddit. The hooded snake association started around 2011-2012. It all started when one of the…
Relaxing Images Of Icelandic Landscapes

Relaxing Images Of Icelandic Landscapes

In This Part Of Shutter, We Invite You To Travel To The Cozy Nature Of Iceland With The Photos Taken By A Young Russian Photographer. Mark Boldy is a very talented but shy designer and…
Lovely Creatures Hiding In The Clouds

Lovely Creatures Hiding In The Clouds

Mons Esencio Is A Talented Artist Who Shares His Art By Drawing What He Sees In Cloud Emoticons. Imagine it’s a hot summer day. You’re lying on the grass and watching the majestic shapes of the…
Spectacular Pictures Of The Natural Life Of Free Birds

Spectacular Pictures Of The Natural Life Of Free Birds

In This Part Of The Shutter, you will see the beautiful pictures Jessica Kirste Captured Of The Birds Flying In Her Yard. Jessica Kirste is a photographer of wildlife animals, birds, and zoos who was…

How to Enable SSH on VMware ESXi?

Enable SSH on ESXi Remote access to ESXi servers is essential for maintaining and managing a VMware environment. The ESXi interface can be accessed via SSH. For example, we are using PuTTy as a Secure…