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A Hat For Snakes; Different Images Of Snakes Wearing Hats

A Hat For Snakes; Different Images Of Snakes Wearing Hats

The Hat Snake Community Shares Pictures Of Snakes With All Kinds Of Hats On Several Social Platforms, Including Facebook And Reddit.

The hooded snake association started around 2011-2012. It all started when one of the administrators of this forum shared several pictures of his pet snake wearing different hats on the Internet. It wasn’t long before more people started posting pictures, and the page proliferated.

The number of members of this group quickly exceeded 400,000, But Facebook removed it in 2015. The forum’s support page has since gained over 155,000 members.

Immediately after creating the Facebook community in 2013, I formed a community with the same purpose on Reddit. So far, over 57,000 users have joined the Hat Snakes Reddit page to view or share pictures of snakes wearing trendy hats.

Hat snakes

In response to the question of why people keep snakes as pets, the director of this forum said:

I can’t speak for everyone, but I think people who adopt snakes as pets find that they are no different than any other pet. They are attractive, have different personalities, and are easy to care for depending on their type. Snakes also make good long-term companions.

Snakes live approximately 20 to 30 years. Some species, such as the boa constrictor, live for more than 35 years.

The reasons for keeping a snake vary from person to person. I have heard of some people supporting them to overcome their phobias or even to help extract snake venom in rare cases, But most people like to keep snakes because they are lovely, trainable, and talented.

Hat snakes

Hat snakes

Hat snakes

Hat snakes

Hat snakes

Hat snakes

Hat snakes

Hat snakes

Hat snakes

Hat snakes

Hat snakes

Hat snakes

Hat snakes

Hat snakes

Hat snakes

Hat snakes

Hat snakes

Hat snakes

We hope you enjoyed this part of Shutter. Visit the Hatted Snakes Community Reddit page to see snakes with different hats. What do you think about these pictures? Do you like the idea of ​​this forum?