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good logo

What are the most important features of a good and professional logo?

Characteristics of a good and professional logo! It may have happened to you that after seeing the logo of a company or brand, that logo remained in your mind for some time. Logos are recognized as representative of business in today’s markets. If you have a special and unique logo, your branding will be easier, and your advertising will be more effective.

In the above section, we mentioned that having a special logo will make your ads more effective. Today, when the Internet has become an integral part of our lives, people can do many things through the Internet. According to the opinion of business consultants, one of the effective advertising methods is to use the Internet and virtual space. Using virtual space, you can introduce your brand to users and even show the quality of your services and products to customers!

What are the characteristics of a good logo?

Now that you know the importance of having a good logo, it is better to get acquainted with the features of a professional logo. So stay with us until the end of the article.

1- The logo is meaningful and full of meaning

The first characteristic of a good logo is its meaning. The logo you intend to use should represent your business. In simpler language, it can be said that your logo must have a special meaning.

In order to create a meaningful logo, you need to establish a good relationship with the designer. This strong relationship allows the designer to understand better your business, scope, products, services, and other aspects. It can be safely said that a logo that lacks meaning and concept is considered a failed plan and not only will not have an effect on branding and increasing the sales of your business, but it will also have a harmful effect.

2- Exclusivity of the logo

One of the most important features of a good logo is the exclusivity and non-copyability of the design. According to psychologists, copy designs or similar designs in the market will not have a good impact on the audience. As we mentioned above, the logo will represent your winner. For this reason, the more beautiful and professional your logo is, the more the customer’s trust in your brand will increase.

According to the articles, what features should a good logo have? You can use different methods to design a logo. For example, there are professional teams working in this field who will be able to design a special and meaningful logo for you.

3- Logo story

Another point that is considered one of the characteristics of a good logo is the story of the logo. You have probably come across different stories on the internet about how the logos of different brands came about. Paying attention to the story of the creation of a company and placing it in the brand logo will increase customer attraction.

Since the story of the logo is considered one of the principles of logo design, it is better to inform the designer before ordering the logo design so that he can apply your business story to the design.

4- Differentiating your logo from competitors

Today, when the competition in the global markets has increased, you must differentiate yourself from your competitors to improve and increase your sales. According to the interviews conducted with users in the articles, what are the characteristics of a good logo? It has been found that differentiating your logo from your business competitors is important in attracting customers because a good logo represents the importance of customers to you and the reliability of your brand.

5- The simplicity and beauty of the logo

According to the opinion of experts in the articles, what points should we pay attention to in logo design? Simplicity and, simultaneously, the logo’s beauty is of great importance. Your business logo should not be so complicated and crowded that the audience does not understand the type of products and services of your business after seeing the logo. If you pay attention to the logos of famous brands in the world, you will notice that these companies have tried to keep it simple in their logo design.

6- Logo color

The color used in the logo is also considered one of the characteristics of a good logo. According to the experts on our site, color is one of the most influential factors that attract customers to your brand. As you know, each color will have a special effect on the audience. For example, red color stimulates the mind; yellow color stimulates the nerves, orange color increases the energy level, blue color reduces pain, etc. For this reason, even the dark and lightness of the color the designer uses in your logo is important.

7- Persistence of the logo in the mind

According to the contents mentioned above, one of the most important factors that make the difference between a failed design and a successful design is the durability of the logo in the audience’s mind. To increase the logo’s longevity in the audience’s mind, the designer can use a combination of appropriate colors. It should also be noted that the use of fashion in logo design will only positively affect the audience for a short period of time. Because today the fashion industry is changing rapidly, and the designs of a few years ago look very old compared to today’s designs.

8- Comprehensibility of the logo

For your logo to remain in his mind, the audience must understand the meaning and concept of your brand logo. For this reason, the comprehensibility of the logo is one of the other characteristics of a good logo. After viewing the logo, the audience must understand the meaning and concept hidden behind the logo. Otherwise, the audience will forget your logo quickly.

9- Suitable for business

It can be safely said that one of the factors that cause the success of a logo and, as a result, the success of a business is the matching of the logo’s nature and the business’s working context. In general, based on the opinion of experts in the article, what points should we pay attention to in logo design? Regarding the characteristics of a good logo, the user should understand the type of services or products provided by your company after seeing your brand logo.

10- Permanence of the logo

One of the points that designers should pay attention to before designing a logo is that the logo does not become old over time. The logo defines the nature of your business, and if it is a function of time after some time passes, it gives the audience a feeling of being old. To prevent the logo from becoming outdated, you must consider the interests and tastes of the audience. For example, if the main audience of your company is young people and teenagers, you should use designs and colors that suit the taste of these age groups.


In this article, we tried to discuss the characteristics of a good logo and the factors that influence it. Be careful that the cost you will pay for designing your business logo will be returned to you quickly. Today, when business owners have become aware of the importance of websites and content production, sites active in digital marketing are of great importance to these people.