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The best astronomy images in 2018

The best astronomy images in 2018

In The Following Article, We Take A Look At The 11 Winners Of The “Astrophotographer Of The Year 2018” Contest; Images Recorded From Different Areas Of The Space Around Us.

Every year the Royal Observatory Greenwich organizes a big competition called ” Astrophotographer of the Year “. According to its tradition, this observatory held this competition in 2018 and finally selected 11 winners.

The first prize was awarded to Brad Goldpint , an American photographer, for capturing the image of “Carrying the Spirit” (which you can see in the title image of this article); This attractive image was taken in the state of Utah, and on the left side we see the Andromeda Galaxy and on the right side we see the Milky Way Galaxy.

This photographer captured the mentioned image with a Nikon  D810 camera with a 14mm f/4 lens and ISO 2500 and won a prize of $13,000.

In this year’s contest, a total of 4,200 photos from 91 countries participated; In the following, you can see the winning images of other categories of the contest, which include “our sun”, “galaxies”, “our moon” and… It should be mentioned that each of these pictures was awarded a prize of 1,950 dollars.

Click on each image to view it in full size.

The best astronomy images of 2018

The winner of the “Our Sun” category

“The Sun King, the Little King and the God of War” by Nicholas Lofodo

The best astronomy images of 2018

Winner of the “Galaxies” category

“NGC 3521; Mysterious Galaxy” by Stephen Moore

The best astronomy images of 2018

The winner of the “Our Month” category

“Inverted Colors of the Border between the Two Sailor Moons” by Geordie Delpix Barrel

The best astronomy images of 2018

“Dawn” category winner

“Swift on the dawn-like path” by Nicholas Lofodo

The best astronomy images of 2018

Winner of “Stars and Nebulas” category

“The Dust Collection of the Southern Corona Constellation” by Mario Kogo

The best astronomy images of 2018

The winner of the “View of the Sky” category

“Piropolar” by Fernek Zymar

The best astronomy images of 2018

Winner of the “Robotics Range” category.

“Two comets next to Parvin cluster (known as Haftkhahar)” by Damien Pich

The best astronomy images of 2018

Winner of the “Planets, Comets and Asteroids” category

“The beauty of the planet Venus” by Martin Lewis

The best astronomy images of 2018

Winner of the “Best New Photographer” category

“Galaxy Wall Call” by Tianhong Li

The best astronomy images of 2018

Winner of the “Youth Competition” category

“Lovely Autumn Morning” by Faben Dalpiaz