What is WAMP and what is its use?

WAMP is an online local server without the need for a real host and a secure environment for website activity, which is an ySQL , M for Windows, Apache and PHP . acronym In other…

State management in asp.net, first part: cookies

Sometimes it is necessary to receive useful information and use it on other pages. There are several ways to do this; one of these methods is using cookies. Now, in this article, we will discuss…

Session State module settings in IIS

In this article, we will examine the types of Session State and how to configure this module in IIS 7.5, using the following two methods: Session State module configuration levels in IIS Web Server Site…

Application of SQL Server in businesses and software companies

There are many uses of Application SQL Server, and it is certainly not possible to mention all the uses of SQL Server in one article. If you want to understand more about the use of…

Drupal installation tutorial on Direct Admin

We want to teach you how your Direct Admin can have a professional site in this article. One of the important areas of programming is site design. But if you can claim that you have…

5 Best Projects and Ideas to work on for CV !

A Little Bit About SQL SQL or Structured Query Language is a popularly used language to communicate with the databases. It has commands through which we can easily select data from the database, insert or…

Front-End and Back-End

You may be one of those people who have heard the terms Front-End and back end many times but did not know their meaning. Most web developers, when it comes to each other, ask each…