compelling content

3 ways to build compelling content

Creating compelling content that is user-friendly and engages the search engine to introduce you is not difficult! There are three things that every writer should consider to create compelling content and attract organic traffic. Element…
content review tools

20 content review tools

If you want your content to be noticed by search engines and users, in addition to writing, you have to spend hours and days reviewing and editing content with a variety of content review tools.…
Google tools

Introducing Google tools

In this article, we are going to introduce Google tools. If you want to get acquainted with Google’s tools, stay tuned. Google has become a staple of searches, with many people using the term “Google”…
Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence, content and search

Today, marketing professionals in the most dynamic and fastest areas of global content marketing are producing content. It is enough to go back in time and look at macro market trends. These trends shaped the…
Page Schema

What is Page Schema?

Anyone who wants to increase SEO and site optimization is familiar with page layout. Of course, some people may not know much about Schema and its uses. A schema is a form of bookmarking that…
Hummingbird Algorithm

Google Hummingbird Algorithm

Google’s algorithms are constantly changing or updating, and each step pursues one or more goals. Users have always tried to optimize the algorithms to show the best results for a better search. On the other…
site speed for mobile

What is the appropriate site speed for mobile?

When setting up a website, you need to remember that many users enter the website through a mobile phone. As a result, the site space must be optimized for mobile. Most importantly, it would help…
SEO Writer

15 Tips for Content Conversion That Every SEO Writer Should Know

Are you looking to write content that meets the needs of your readers and complies with Google’s algorithms? Here are 15 tips for converting content to help you. As an SEO writer, you know SEO’s…

What is a Lead?

If you work in internet businesses, you must have heard many terms: sales funnel, Lead, lead customer, interested customer, potential customer, and real buyer. Today, we will examine one of the common terms of today’s…
Content Marketing

What is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is one of the most important branches of digital marketing. Business owners use content marketing strategies to attract as many leads as possible and retain existing customers. Of course, content marketing has been…