10 laptop Fan speed Controlling software (best 2022)

Because the temperature of the disk drive and the amount of voltage consumption depend greatly on the fan’s performance, having speed control software and digital temperature sensors in the system is essential. Hence, laptop fan…

How to know the features of computer?

You may be wondering why we need to know the features of our computer. That’s a good question for a few reasons. How to know the features of a computer? You may be looking to…

How to upgrading Hardware and speeding up old computers

How to upgrade Hardware and speed up old computers Upgrading individual computer hardware is a widespread activity among users and imposes lower costs on them than buying a new system. Upgrading a personal computer is…

Complete list of mining Cryptocurrencies

Mining cryptocurrencies are undoubtedly a profitable business and a person can make significant wealth simply by investing in cryptocurrencies mining. People are often confused to choose the right cryptocurrency for mining. So in this article,…

Assembly language

Introduction to Assembly Language Assembly Language is a Low-Level Programming Language. Assembly language commands are very close to machine code and, as a result, to hardware. For this reason, learning assembly language and its applications…