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Random Images Of Animal Behavior; What Goes On In The Mind Of Animals?

Random Images Of Animal Behavior; What Goes On In The Mind Of Animals?

In This Part Of Shutter, By Looking At Random Pictures Of Animals, We Will See How We Can Teach From Them How To Live In The Moment And Enjoy What We Do.

Cats are known for their feline logic, But many other animal species exhibit similar behaviors that defy common sense and everything humans think they know about them.

In the random images below, collected from different animals, they are doing something that made sense to them at the moment or felt like doing it.

This way of life, which man dreams of and the lack of which is strongly felt in human societies, is to live in the moment and in the best possible way.

In the book “Think Like a Cat, Act Like a Cat,” Stephen Garnier explains how to learn the way of life from these unpredictable and lovable creatures by analyzing his cat’s performance, tendencies, and way of life!

There seems to be a lot to learn from animals. Sometimes moving toward repressed instinctive behaviors (as long as we don’t cross human limits) can make life easier and more relaxing.

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