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How to strengthen our inner intelligence?

Howard Gardner’s Theory Of Multiple Intelligences Was First Published In 1983 In His Book Frames Of Mind.

Gardner believes that people can respond to environmental stimuli differently, and every average person has at least basic abilities in each type of intelligence. Still, everyone is better at some intelligence than others.

It has more prominence; For example, a person can be a valuable writer because he is solid in terms of verbal intelligence, but due to weakness in spatial intelligence, the same person may not be able to find his way easily while driving on highways.
Each person’s success in life depends on the level of intelligence or intelligence development needed for successful performance in his culture. In this article, we discuss Gardner’s intrapersonal intelligence. The exciting thing about this intelligence is that you can increase the amount of each intelligence with practice.

How to strengthen our inner intelligence?


If you haven’t taken Gardner’s multiple intelligence test yet, take it first from the link below:

  • Start the Gardner multiple intelligence test  ( free )

Definition of intrapersonal intelligence

This type of intelligence shows awareness of one’s mental state and introspection. By having this intelligence, you have good self-awareness, know your mental state at any moment, and know what feeling or emotion you are experiencing. You can accurately provide m of your existential coordinates, feelings, emotions, moods, and personality type and use this knowledge to function effectively. Y

You probably know your limits well, have an independent personality and always want to have a positive attitude towards life. Whenever you fall into a bad mood, you don’t fantasize about it and quickly snap yourself out of that mood.

You are usually not caught in the grip of your emotions and control your emotional life; you have personal discipline and value, strengthening your insight and inner knowledge. You care about your inner world and solitude and make the most of it.

If you have intrapersonal intelligence in the early stages, you can describe your physical states at different times and are aware of your separate identity.

In the following stages, you try to find a meaning for your life, and therefore you question the why of everything, and you want to find out the reason for the existence of everything. Then you start to strengthen your self-promotion skills.

In the more advanced stages, you gain conscious control over your emotional-emotional states, put forth your personal beliefs, and declare your philosophical system.

You can understand your goals and interests and know what you are looking for in life and plan accordingly. You are in harmony with your inner feelings and emotions; you have wisdom, an intuitive understanding, and good motivation and stimuli.

Study and research independently. You are considered the most independent learner, acting independently and individually to acquire knowledge. You feel ashamed when you are in a group, and your efficiency decreases.

Solutions to strengthen intrapersonal intelligence 

You can use these solutions to strengthen intrapersonal intelligence :

  •  Try to use tools such as the SWOT matrix  (identifying weaknesses and strengths, threats and opportunities) or Eisenhower’s square (task prioritization) to give purpose, direction, and order to your work.
  •  Try to record and visualize your thoughts in writing. Provide opportunities for relaxation and quiet time.
  •  Set an attainable goal, write about it, plan, and accomplish it. Gradually consider more complex objectives for yourself.
  •  Think of a random act of kindness and do it for someone.
  •  Do something different for yourself and try to change your routine and monotony.
  •  Read about your ideal job and see if there is a way to move towards it.
  •  Learn to live in the present moment from the professors of these courses and try to live this way.
  •  Think about your day. Did you miss an opportunity to help someone? Can you be kinder or more compassionate and less aggressive in your relationships with others?
  •  Try to spend a whole day with yourself and not talk to anyone.

Read Gardner‘s strategy for strengthening the eight bits of intelligence here:

  • Verbal, linguistic intelligence
  • Mathematical intelligence – logic
  • Visual-spatial intelligence
  • Musical intelligence
  • Motor-physical intelligence
  • Extroverted intelligence
  • Intrapersonal intelligence
  • Natural intelligence