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Eight Easy Programming Languages For Children

Eight Easy Programming Languages For Children

Learning Programming Is Difficult For Some Adults, And It Can Be Much More Difficult For Children. In This Article, We Will Introduce You To Eight Easy Programming Languages ​​For Children.

Programming Languages, Learning coding at any age can be challenging. Understanding the general concepts of programming and learning all the rules and how to write and place words and phrases correctly in a programming language is one of the challenges you will face when learning a language.

Among all programming languages, some languages are easier to understand and learn than other languages.

Fortunately, in the world of technology, many educational resources can access with a simple search; But first, we need to know about the best programming language for our children.

To acquaint children with the world of the future and programming, we have introduced eight simple and suitable programming languages ​​for children in this article.

Scratch programming language

Scratch programming language

Scratch is the best way to learn the logic and basics of programming, and it does not involve complex syntax and development tools. Scratch is an entirely intuitive, block-based programming language in which the user can extract code from the instruction block toolbox. This app runs in the browser and is available for children, and it is for Android and iOS apps.

In Scratch, everything you find in programming languages, including loops and functions, is expressed in a visual and understandable style. This way of learning is an excellent step for children who are new to programming; Because this way, they can have a complete understanding of the program flow and how to create code when it comes to writing a program.

Scratch is also suitable for Raspberry Pi single-handed computers; Because it is already installed on it and can be used to control LEDs and buttons.

Microsoft MakeCode programming language

Microsoft MakeCode programming language

MakeCode is Microsoft’s online blockchain programming platform on simple microcontroller boards such as Micro: Bit and Adafruit Circuit Playground Express. MakeCode is functionally similar to Scratch in many ways, But it is used to learn the basics of physical computing. If you do not have a microcontroller board, you can still use the simulator in the program with interactive and easy tutorials for creating small-scale electronic projects.

Small Basic programming language

Small Basic programming language

Small Basic takes its name from the Basic programming language. This program is designed to bridge the gap between block programming languages ​​such as Scratch and written programming languages ​​such as Python. Small Basic has a comprehensive web editor with a reference guide along with tutorial links and documentation. There is also good education available for children. Small Basic is mainly a playground, But it is an excellent language to learn programming concepts and the habit of learning syntax.

Learn Python programming language with CodeCombat

Learn Python programming language with CodeCombat

Python is often chosen as the first actual programming language because of its simple syntax and easy-to-read nature. There are many ways to learn Python for free; But most of them are very challenging for small children. CodeCombat is an excellent alternative to  Python programming language learning methods.

CodeCombat is a browser-based dungeon crawler-style game. Everything the player does to move, fight and survive in the jail is done via the Python code, and in the meantime, if the player gets stuck, he will be given many tips to move and release. The further you go in the dungeon, the more trophies you can learn the Python code and key programming concepts by collecting medals. If you have a moderate level of English, you can use this game to learn Python at any age.

CodeCombat also works with JavaScript, making it a great way to learn the basics of web programming.

Learn the programming language with the Tynker platform

Learn the programming language with the Tynker platform

Tynker is not a programming language; But one of the best online resources for people 5 to 18 years old who are familiar with the English language and want to enter the world of programming. Tynker includes programming games, making a simple change or modifying Minecraft, programming events, and involving children in various programming projects and events individually or under community leadership.

This programming platform is a great starting point for kids who want to step into the world of coding. In addition to the browser-based platform, Tynker has three apps for smartphones and tablets.

Learn JavaScript programming language with p5.js

Learn JavaScript programming language with p5.js

JavaScript is the programming language on which the Internet is built, But most of it is famous for its poor construction and challenging to learn. Fortunately, some libraries and tools make learning JavaScript fun. The p5.js library is an excellent place to start. Designed to create visual arts and music, the library features a fully integrated browser editor that makes getting started quick and easy. What makes learning p5.js interesting is the Coding Train YouTube channel. These fun, creative, and simple video tutorials, curated and taught by Daniel Schiffman, include a complete course on learning programming concepts.

Learn the Lua programming language with Roblox

Learn the Lua programming language with Roblox

Loa is a simple programming language. This language is so dense and comfortable than other games, and applications use it as a basis for materials and to create new projects from previous games. The most famous of these games is the classic Roblox game for kids. Creating a custom Roblox game is very easy. You will learn the basics of Loa along with critical Roblox programming processes that can apply to other custom game modes. You can use comprehensive Codakid courses to create Roblox using Loa.

GameMaker programming language

GameMaker is a powerful yet straightforward game engine. Other game editors such as Unity and Unreal are sophisticated professional tools, But GameMaker is designed for beginners as much as possible. This program is designed to be as easy to read as Python. All code elements are present in the Gamemaker Flowchart Editor; Therefore, any piece of code can easily view.

Gamemaker is more complicated than the other options introduced in this article; But making an actual game is an excellent motivator to learn to program. Parents or teachers who have little experience in programming can help the child to show their creativity or even finish their first game.


Programming is the process of breaking down an issue into several steps and providing small solutions for each step. Learning the logic and syntax of programming is a skill beyond computer science that will help almost every aspect of education. To get started, start with Scratch and then consider the rest of the options. In this way, you can teach your child a broad and basic understanding of programming concepts.

We hope this article has been of interest to you. If you also have experience in teaching programming language to children