How to Fix the 403 Forbidden Error(3 Methods That Work)

When using Chrome to visit famous websites such as Gmail, Wikipedia, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, you may have encountered a 403 Authorization Error warning. Two factors can be to blame.

Your browser’s cookies, cache, and site data may have expired, or the file you are trying to view, or download may be damaged. Some Google Drive users are having trouble downloading files from their accounts. This error prevents them from accessing or downloading the file.

If you are a regular user of Google Drive, you have probably experienced uploading, downloading, and sharing. However, you may have certain problems, especially when downloading, for example, the download limit in Google Drive.

When you encounter a 403 Forbidden error message, your browser assumes that you do not have permission to access a particular website or online resource unless you are a hacker; You might be surprised to learn this.

So let’s see how we can fix this error. The easiest way is to turn on the VPN and go to that link again or refresh the page. If the problem is still not solved, the following methods will solve the problem.

What is the 403 authorization error in Google Chrome?

A 403 Forbidden error will appear when a web server prevents you from accessing the page you want to view in your browser.

A 403 (Forbidden) status code indicates that the server understands the request but does not allow it. If the server receives authentication tools in the request, it considers them insufficient to grant access.

However, these things are probably not your concern right now. You are undoubtedly wondering how to eliminate the 403 error as soon as possible.

Most of the time, there’s not much you can do to improve things. Because either you are not going to be able to access the resource, or there is a problem on the server side. Sometimes it is a momentary error, and sometimes, it is not.

How to fix the 403 error in Chrome

Now let’s get to the point and find out how to fix the problems. You need to follow the simple steps below.
Step 1: Sign out of your account and sign in again

Signing out of the user account and returning to the Google account is one of the most efficient ways to fix the problem. This solution usually works for at least some users.

When you sign in to, you’ll see a picture of yourself in the upper right corner. There, click on your picture to log out. After that, log into your account again and go to the file you want to download in Drive; Go back and press Download. You should see the download file in your browser in a few moments.

This! I hope this solution has solved your problem.

Step 2: Refresh the page

A 403 error indicates that the server cannot find a particular page, which is usually a permanent problem. Although sometimes it is only momentary. It’s best to refresh the page quickly before testing the other suggestions in this article.

If doing this solves the problem, it’s probably just a server problem.

Update your website with instructions.

Microsoft Windows: Ctrl+F5; if it doesn’t work, click the Refresh icon while pressing the Ctrl key.

Also, press Command+Shift+R on Mac operating system. When clicking the “Refresh” icon in Safari, it’s best to hold Shift down.

Step 3: Remove a series of specific plugins

If the first method does not work, try the second method. And if you have installed many plugins in your browser, one of them likely caused the limitation and this error.

1- All you have to do is temporarily disable all plugins.

2- Then, the browser must be restarted.

3- Go back to the folder in Google Drive that last encountered the HTTP 403 error. Also, see if the problem persists.

4- If not, activate the plugins one by one to see which is causing the problem.

5- After identifying the problematic plugin, delete it.

Step 4: Clear the browser cache

Clearing the cache won’t have much of an impact on your browsing experience, but some websites may force you to reset all cached data that was previously saved, But now they are not reloaded on your browser. If you clear cookies, most websites will ask you to log in again. But anyway, to fix this error, you have to empty the cache.

To clear the cache, follow these steps:

Check the boxes next to Cookies, other site data, and Cached pictures and files.

Tap on the Clear data option.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I keep getting a 403 error on Google?

This error may occur when the user enters a URL that does not exist on the website, such as when the URL of a link is typed incorrectly in the browser. The link can show a 403 (Not Found) error in the Crawl Errors report.

What does server error 403 mean?

The server could not find the requested resource, so the client error code 403 Authorization Error is shown. Broken or broken links that lead to a dead-end 403 pages are vulnerable to a broken link.

How do I enable DRM in Chrome?

Go to chrome:/settings/content and enable “restricted content” in Chrome. In Firefox, go to about: preferences and make sure Play Material-controlled DRM is checked, as well as Widevine in about: addons (in the Add-ons tab).

How to get rid of error 403 in Chrome?

You can fix the 403 error in Google Chrome by refreshing the page, rechecking the address, clearing cache and cookies from your browser, verifying that you have permission to view the page, contacting the website directly, or returning to the page.


If you see a 403 Authorization Issue warning, you may not be able to visit your favorite websites. This problem can be easily solved using the strategies mentioned in this article.

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