5 Special Features Of Superman’s Body

You have to be incredibly awesome to be named Superman. The world’s most famous and best superhero has reached this name with full merit. 

While Clark Kent may appear to be a simple Kansas boy on the outside (though, in most cases, a handsome simple Kansas boy), the body he hides under his blue and red clothes is something beyond the body of a simple human being. Comes. 

Superman is known as the Last Son of Krypton because he is a unique alien, and nothing but his body reveals that.

Superman’s body has shown many special features during his long presence in comics and stories. In this article, we will go to 5 of these unique features of Superman’s body, which are the most comprehensive and inclusive.

Muscles and bones

5 special features of Superman's body - Vijayato

One of the most important things to know about Superman is that he has undergone many transformations. When he entered the world of fiction in 1938, he could neither fly nor have vision. But what always applies to Superman is that he is always considered one of the most powerful beings in the universe.

The initial explanation for Superman’s incredible strength and durability was rooted in his space origin and the multiple gravity of the planet Krypton compared to Earth. While modern accounts of the character attribute his strength more to absorbing energy from the yellow sun, in his early days, the Man of Steel had denser muscles and bones developed after thousands of years of evolution in the harsh conditions of Krypton.


Receptor cells

After John Byrne introduced his transformative ideas as a writer in the late 1980s, retelling gravity’s role in Man of Steel’s abilities became a sideshow. Over the years, Superman had acquired so many characteristics and skills that the seriousness and different atmosphere of the planet where he was born Eart,h were not a reasonable explanation. Therefore, a new description emerged: Superman gets his powers from the sun.

Cal-El cells actively obtain their energy from the Earth’s yellow sun. Since the planet Krypton had a red sun, none of its inhabitants could gain abilities like Superman on this planet. This source of power allows the last child of Creighton to display his unique qualities. Writers such as Grant Morrison in the All-Star Superman comic series elaborated on the character to improve the Superman mythology. He was no longer a mighty human but looked more like a modern-sun god.


All the energy stored in the steel man’s body is not only used in the form of strength and flight. Deadly abilities are also hidden in Superman’s body. Clark Kent can release solar energy from his eyes through his infamous hit vision, resulting in a devastating photo nuclide effect.

The Last Child of Krypton’s eye lenses allows him to cast this energetic shot more widely or focus it on a single point. Interestingly, Superman’s heat vision is linked to his X-ray vision: both of these properties of Superman’s body are activated by releasing different radiations.

safety device

It might be interesting to know that in one of the last stories of the son of Krypton, in an event like the movie Fantastic Voyage, other heroes entered his body! This story is related to the time when the greatest hero in the world was close to death after being infected with kryptonite from an unknown source. The Atom, a hero who can shrink himself, and Superboy, Supergirl, and Steel, organize a trip inside Superman’s body to investigate this process more closely.

Hence, after being identified as a threat, these heroes learned how powerful the Man of Steel’s immune system was (which explains why Superman rarely gets sick) and that nuclear processes were happening inside Clark Kent’s body. Superman’s body is like a giant perpetual battery, and maintaining this entire system requires a safety device that no one likes to be perceived as a threat.


The lungs

Like his eyes, Superman’s lungs show how his various abilities come from the same source. Superman’s ability to hold his breath for extremely long periods, turn his breath into gusts of wind, and the Man of Steel’s breath-freezing feature are all distinct. However, they are all connected within Superman’s body.

Kal-El’s powerful muscles are the reason for his ability to force air out of his lungs. The very high density of his muscles also allows him to hold his breath for a very long time during long space trips. While Superman’s body needs oxygen due to the nuclear processes inside his cells, he is highly efficient in using oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide.

Solar energy is another source of energy that Clark can use alongside oxygen. Superman also has high control in holding his breath to keep frigid air in a particular part of his lungs and blow it out in the ice.

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