How Can Coding Help Children Solve Creative Problems?

Before You Learn How To Build Software Applications, You Should Know That Coding Involves Finding Logical Solutions To Everyday Problems That Can Be Expressed As Algorithms Or Mathematical Equations. 

Programmers first divide a real-world problem into steps (algorithms) and data structures. These are then expressed in simple language so that computers can understand them. C, C ++, Java, Python, etc., are all programming languages, each with its syntax and rules.

The choice of coding language depends on how carefully the coder is supposed to work with the computer’s operating system and hardware. As a result, it is easier to master higher-level languages ​​like Python than lower-level languages ​​like C.

Coding is another language.

Coding is like learning a new language, except that instead of learning French, Spanish, or any other language, your child is learning to communicate with technology in languages ​​such as HTML, Java, and Python.

The benefits that are learning a new language can bring to children also apply to coding; Increased memory capacity, critical thinking and problem-solving, the ability to do multiple tasks, strengthening listening skills, and increased concentration levels.

Just as it is easy to learn a new language at a young age, it is with coding. Learning coding develops children’s speech and writing skills. When they learn to code, they are learning the syntax or grammar, phrases, and sentences that, when combined, lead to creating a computer program. This set of instructions can use to build things like websites, games, movies, bots, or other machines and systems.

As children learn programming languages, the instructions they write are eventually processed and translated into binary code by the computer. Binary code consists of only two numbers: 0 and 1. In binary, 0 means false / off and 1 means true / on.

The combination of 0 and 1 tells computer systems what to do, Like opening a page, scrolling to the right, or going to the next step. Likewise, computers, bots, and systems can process the data we write in coding.

As children learn to code, they become better acquainted with and learn how technology works. With this learning model, your child can use what they have learned to solve newer, more significant, or more complex problems. In this regard, you should seek to teach your child the most appropriate coding languages ​​and how you can help them learn programming at home.

How does coding help creativity?

Coding and creativity are necessary for each other. While learning to code, children can discover and experiment with different ways or solutions to a problem. As children build their answers, they learn from them and then make enough modifications and changes to their coding to achieve the desired result.

In addition, as creativity grows, children learn about the concept of processes or stages of improvement to produce a better end product. Better coding can mean doing something with less time (optimal coding) to become more efficient and gradually achieving more sophisticated designs that come with building a rudimentary game.

Before you start learning to code, whether using logo coding or simple grammar, you can see these creative coding behaviors in children’s everyday innovative games. As your child plays and builds with geometric pieces, they will find it difficult to balance if they place a circular object at the bottom and a square thing at the top, so they will have to reverse the order. It is precisely the process that goes into learning to code.

They learn that the order and process to reach the desired final state are significant. Being thoughtful and creative is only part of the coding process.

How does coding help improve math skills?

Many skills are directly related to each other, so they are easy to do. Coding is one of the mathematical applications. Real math is used in codings, such as counting, dimensions, distance, radius, iteration, decimal, quadrilateral, and this list can go on! Typically, coding and math are the first combinations of skills that parents relate to and their benefits, and that is why they want their children to learn to code.

In addition to acquainting one with more advanced mathematical skills, coding has another significant advantage; In a way that helps them visualize abstract mathematical concepts and understand them more concretely.

For example, suppose children have a real and practical example of division related to the program they are building. They usually use less hand-counting because they can visualize how much ½ or ¼ something is.

Typically, basic math-related coding skills include right, wrong, and conditional learning. For example, in coding, if something is “true” (on) or “false” (off), Its mathematical translation is something equal to 1 or 0. For example, on child-friendly educational platforms such as Scratch, if the cat’s mouth is open (on / right / 1), it will meow, and if the cat’s mouth is closed (on / off / 0), it will be silent.

How does coding improve academic writing skills?

The coding process is similar to writing in a foreign language, so it can help improve academic writing skills. Many of the writing steps in coding are the same and educational.

First, children need to learn how to structure and plan their ideas for a program, Exactly what they do when writing an essay. In children’s educational platforms, developers use concepts called graphic organizers and bubble maps in the very early stages of the programming process. The other organization is accomplished by organizing the details into a sequence.

Like academic writing, planning to write a program can be done in the project outline. This outline identifies the main problems and focal points they want to address through the program.

The writing and programming process has similarities beyond structuring and organizing, which is the focus of research. The research is done to identify potential solutions to problems. Next step, get started solution-based coding is identified.

How does coding improve problem-solving abilities?

Learning to code helps improve problem-solving abilities. When programmers code, they use language understandable to computers to solve a problem. Coders use programming languages ​​to build programs or modules on topics such as how to buy a product from an online store, turn off lights through voice recognition, and move a character in a video game or movie.

By learning to code, children can learn to create ways to solve a problem. In this case, they realize that there may be more than one way to solve a problem. For example, one problem-solving challenge you can create for your children is to ask them to prepare instructions for making sandwiches or jellies and then follow their instructions or help them prepare to see the final output. All the items needed to make a sandwich are considered input, and the final result is the sandwich.

It is a classic introduction to coding activity.

As they write their instructions and try to follow them, they realize that they have to go back and edit their paths by adding or removing some steps, adding extra items to help prepare the sandwich, or eliminating duplicate steps. Also, it may be necessary to repeat a series of steps in this process, such as placing a spoon in a glass jar to remove more jelly and then spreading it with a spoon. In coding, this is a loop. It is called debugging.

Once they have found their sandwich recipe, you can ask them to compare their recipe with the formula they find online. It shows them that there are several ways to make a sandwich.

Another skill children learn when completing this activity is that failure is part of the process. They may not prepare all the entries properly on their first attempt, they may have to go back and modify their routes, or they may need to start over!

All of these are part of the iterative process involved in coding. There is nothing wrong with failing and then trying again; This means stubbornness and complacency, which is an essential skill in coding. This skill helps to increase children’s confidence in trying new things.

Another way to learn to solve a problem is through robotic applications. Just like learning to code, the world of robotics gradually teaches children the same critical thinking and creativity topics. In general, coding training improves problem-solving skills and boosts your child’s self-confidence in trying new things.

What is the best age to start coding?

Children can start learning coding at 5 or 6 years old. Typically, children become familiar with programming using simple coding blocks, and this allows children to understand the mechanism of coding languages ​​for creating, moving objects, and creating patterns.

After mastering this simple coding model, children will learn more about languages ​​like Python. However, the best time for children to learn to code is when they are interested and excited to learn.

 Here are five signs that your children are probably ready for this lesson:

A recent study shows that 50% of jobs in Australia over the next 15 years will depend on programming knowledge and IT skills. Therefore, the coding ability may be one of the critical distinguishing skills in the future.

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