Which technologies made Elon Mask the richest man in the world?

Mask was born to a Canadian mother, a South African father, and raised in Pretoria, South Africa. He briefly attended the University of Pretoria before moving to Canada at age 17 to attend Queen’s University. He transferred to the University of Pennsylvania two years later, when a bachelor’s degree in economics and physics was received, then moved to California in 1995 to attend Stanford University but decided instead to pursue a business career, co-founding the web software company Zip2 with his brother Kimbal. The startup was acquired by Compaq for $307 million in 1999. The same year, Musk co-founded online bank, which merged with Confinity in 2000 to form PayPal. The company was bought by eBay in 2002 for $1.5 billion.

Today, according to the Department of Labor, Americans pay about $ 2,100 a year for gasoline and “motor oil costs” alone. Freight companies also pay $ 200,000 a year for fuel. Although electric vehicles such as Tesla still rely on power grids, they can help reduce this economic burden.

The company’s cars have ultrasonic sensors and cameras and also have the ability to park automatically, but these cars can not be used to drive without the presence of the driver.

2. Aerospace technology

“If humans had only one planet to live on, their extinction would be imminent, and the more we explore the Earth, the more we protect our species from dangers such as depletion of Earth resources and superhuman artificial intelligence,” Musk said.

Ilan Musk opened SpaceX in 2002 to find other planets to live on. This summer, SpaceX became the first commercial company to launch two NASA astronauts. The mission was the first manned spacecraft launch from the United States in 2011.

The cost of sending a spacecraft into space is high for reasons such as the complex system and the idea of ​​the mask to solve this problem is to build missiles that can be used multiple times.

The Falcon SpaceX missile has so far been able to reduce costs by a factor of five. In 2020, the company celebrated the launch of its 100th rocket into space. The company was also able to use a reusable missile six times. In the long run, Musk plans to send one million people to Mars by SpaceX by 2050. But why Mars?

Although Mars is not a great host, it is one of the best options close to Earth. The days of Mars are a bit longer, the temperature conditions are not bad and the surface area of ​​the land is equal to the Earth. Many resources below the water surface can help save human life.

To achieve this goal, the company must achieve such things as reuse of rockets (SpaceX has achieved this technology), refueling in orbit, the ability to produce propulsion on Mars, the ability to produce the right type of propulsion on Mars.

Mask’s next goal is to send Yusaku Maizawa, a Japanese billionaire, and his entourage into orbit close to us. The trip, originally scheduled for 2019, was postponed to further develop the Starship spacecraft and is scheduled for 2023.

3. Telecommunications

The goal of the Starlink project, which is being carried out under the auspices of SpaceX, is not to bring high-speed Internet to all people, but to bring the Internet to places that have not been possible before. The idea of ​​bringing the Internet to Earth by satellites is not new. Teledesic opened in the early 1990s to do just that. The company and similar companies went bankrupt when they continued to experience poor connectivity after sending many satellites.

But the Starlink project is very different from the others. Among the lower cost of sending satellites is the higher speed, which in previous satellites was 25 Mbps and in the company’s satellites is one gigabyte per second, and the delay means the time it takes for the data packet to reach the satellites from the ground. In the previous cases, this number was more than 600 milliseconds, while in the company’s satellites it has been reduced to 20 milliseconds.

The company has reduced missile shipping costs from $ 165 million to $ 62 million and could reach $ 30 million after the development of reusable missiles.

4. Energy

Eliminating dependence on fossil fuels and using solar power instead has been one of Ilan Mask’s goals and priorities for decades. Ilan Musk initially gave his cousins ​​the idea to start SolarCity. However, this was his first attempt to use renewable energy. Although this idea failed somewhat, it is important to understand the path that Mask and Tesla took to reach renewable forces. The company grew to become the largest source of solar energy in the world. But then he ran into financial problems and Tesla bought it for $ 2.6 billion.

Reaching solar power is important because our fossil fuels are running out and we need to replace them quickly.

As its latest challenge, the company has made the use of solar power an approachable topic, focusing more on economic issues. To pay. This led to a 72% increase in the use of this technology in 2014. But the company failed because many people canceled their contracts due to inability to repay. Tesla later bought the company and renamed it “Solar Roof”.

At a meeting of the 2017 National Governors Association in Rhode Island, Elon Mask said that with SolarCity solar technology and Tesla battery technology, 100 square miles of land would be enough to power the entire United States. But this claim has not yet been made.

Recent results show some success, and Amanda Butler was one of the first to use the technology. Although it is very promising, Tesla has not yet been able to produce these pages for large numbers. In October 2019, Tesla announced a new type of solar panel that is easier to install and cheaper.

5. Transportation

The last mask idea may be his most ambitious idea. Introduced in 2013 and still in the design stage. This transportation system allows passengers to travel 35 minutes or less fast than commercial flights between Los Angeles and San Francisco.

The rail system operates in a tube with very low air pressure. Which theoretically reduces friction and makes high speeds up to 800 mph possible with less power consumption. Although the full realization of this idea is still far from reality. The company is set to build a five-mile ring around Quay Valley, California next year.

6. Infrastructure and construction of tunnels

One day, while Musk was stuck in traffic outside of Los Angeles, he tweeted a disease that motivated the company to take the problem seriously.

As a result, the boring company was created. The company’s goal is to build safe transportation tunnels with high speed and low cost. The company plans to build 14-foot tunnels (half the size of current tunnels), saving millions of dollars.

Most of the current tunnel space is for car exhaust, but these tunnels seem much smaller because they were originally designed for electric skates. But Musk has said he has abandoned the idea of ​​skates and plans to use them for vehicles.

7. Artificial intelligence

OpenAI made headlines in July 2020 with the release of the GPT-3, the most powerful language model to date. This model sometimes referred to as an exceptional autocomplete program, has capabilities beyond that. For example, it can generate short stories, manuals, pictures, and computer code.

Elon Musk has long outspoken about the dangers of artificial intelligence and has donated $ 10 million to the Future of Life Institute for a global AI research program. He founded OpenAI intending to enhance artificial intelligence research. However, Musk resigned from the board in 2018, saying he was no longer associated with the company, citing the need to focus on other jobs and potential conflicts of interest with Tesla’s AI goals.

8. Health care

Most of Mask efforts are on a large scale. Such as sending spaceships to Mars, tunnels from Washington to New York. electric car factories around the globe. Neuralink, however, focuses on the microscopic scale.

Launched in 2016, Nuralink is a mask project to build a “Brain-Computer Interface” (BCI) that connects the human brain directly to a computer. Building electric cars and living on Mars for the mask was not ambitious enough, and the billionaire entrepreneur now plans to integrate computers and the human brain to keep humans in sync with machines.

The BCI mask is a way to bridge the gap between humans and computers. BCIs are brain implants, usually a chip of a few square millimeter electrodes that implants directly into the brain.

Electrodes transmit electrical activity to brain cells and neurons to a computer. While the brain activity recorded, the participant performs tasks. Such as moving a lever to guide the cursor on the screen.

Scientists can then use algorithms to link brain activity to transfer and teach computers that when certain neurons activated, the cursor must move to the left. You can then turn off the lever and move the cursor through brain activity only.


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