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What is the Hummingbird Algorithm and what does it do?

Hummingbird Algorithm

What is the Google Hummingbird algorithm? This software entered Google Zoo in 2013. The use of this algorithm is designed to optimize and personalize search results. The reason for naming this algorithm Hummingbird is that this bird has high accuracy and speed. The function of the Google Hummingbird algorithm is to make web pages and websites for engines according to the meanings of keywords or keywords. Search and ultimately optimize for users. With this algorithm, web writers and developers no longer need to use mandatory keywords and, as a result, optimize their sites in a completely natural way and also have the ability to navigate the site from web development.

What are the goals of the Hummingbird algorithm?

In fact, the Google Hummingbird algorithm is an updated version of the caffeine algorithm introduced in 2011. The algorithm has affected about 90% of web searches worldwide. Experts believe that the Hummingbird algorithm is a breakthrough in Google search technology.

It is interesting to know that the Hummingbird algorithm has three components or factors at the core of its activities, which are as follows:

Conversational search

This algorithm emphasizes the meaning of phrases and words, which allows the user to search for the desired phrase in any language. In the meantime, the task of Google’s artificial intelligence is to translate and find the content that users want.

Personal search

If you are an amateur search engine on the Internet and have trouble finding the topic you are looking for, the Google Hummingbird algorithm focuses on this topic and tries to find phrases and words that are relevant to the user’s topic. Found and thus helped users to achieve their goals faster.

Voice Search

Another great thing about this algorithm is the development of voice search. This action has taken Google one step closer to natural language and human colloquial language. In general, we can say that before the release of the Google Hummingbird algorithm, the field of natural and conversational search has undergone a great change because it has not had much experience with the human language before.

How the Hummingbird algorithm changed Google search

With the arrival of the Google Hummingbird algorithm in the fall of 2013, we see that this algorithm has had a very significant impact on billions of search results. With the introduction of this algorithm, page users will be able to get more personal and sincere results from Google searches. Note, however, that Google’s microsecond answer to text questions results from changes that have taken place during the search engine’s 20 years of existence. Today, Google search results are no longer based on keywords, and all questions are considered. Hence, the Hummingbird algorithm has the ability to understand the search we have done and the results that show users the meaning of the case. Takes into account the opinion.

Some effective methods that the Google Hummingbird algorithm will have in the future marketing and SEO.

Content usefulness

As you know, Hummingbird seeks to give the best answers to users’ questions. This algorithm is intended to understand the main purpose of a search and provide accurate answers based on it. If you are looking for a better ranking in the Google Hummingbird algorithm, you must meet users’ needs.

Semantic search for accurate results

Accurate search on long sentences will do better than keywords. Using Hummingbird’s, Google intends to gain a more general understanding of search instead of searching for keywords. It will better understand the subject when the algorithm encounters more complex search results. Google is now aware that users are not usually looking for specific keywords but rather for more complex topics. When voice search is used, conversational word search is used instead of phrase search, which makes search phrases longer and more complex.


Using the Hummingbird algorithm, users have the opportunity to be redirected to the appropriate pages of the website to the main page, so each page is designed for specific users. This process makes the site attract more visitors.

Knowledge graph

A knowledge Graph is a repository of information that adds useful concepts and details to a table of links that serve Google. You can use this technology to search for specific places or people and everything you are looking for. The point of the Google Knowledge Chart is that Google believes that the information that users are looking for is certainly available in, or close to, Google search results. Google Hummingbird algorithm update is done by Knowledge Graph, which combines Google search results with Knowledge Graph.

Hummingbird look at user behavior

Humans are Google’s latest technology! The idea of ​​Google’s Hummingbird algorithm is that humans are superior to robots. One of Hummingbird’s activities is to analyze the performance of users when displaying and viewing Google results related to a particular phrase.

Change the title and description of the site in Google

This process requires correctly identifying words and their semantic load by the Hummingbird algorithm.

Hummingbird Algorithm Google’s most important algorithm

Google Hummingbird algorithm performs differently than other Google algorithms ever seen. Hummingbird has a different function from other algorithms and does not seek to spam low quality and black links. But optimizes users ‘search and speeds up users’ access to appropriate questions and results. The main purpose of this algorithm is to get the users of the virtual world to the desired results in a short period of time. It is good to look at the principles and rules of 3 important Google algorithms.

Before the advent of the Hummingbird, algorithms focused only on the density of keywords to display sites. This caused most sites in cyberspace to fill their pages with articles with many keywords. So Internet users came across low-quality articles after searching for their desired topic or articles. Google Hummingbird algorithm was for eliminating this problem and helping users find the right content.

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