What Is Prompt Writing? Teaching Prompt Writing In Simple Language

To Benefit From The Full Capacity Of Artificial Intelligence Services, You Must Be Proficient In Writing Prompts. In This Article, We Will Define Prompt Writing And Its Important Points.

Prompt writing is a skill with the help of which we can communicate with artificial intelligence and reach our goals more easily, quickly, and accurately, as well as receive the desired output from artificial intelligence.

You must have used the Google search engine. If we consider the Google search engine as a hypothetical artificial intelligence ChatGPT, by writing your keyword and question in its search bar, the search operation starts, and you can access millions of results in a fraction of a second. Searching in Google can also take a skilled and advanced form called Google Dorking.

Therefore, it is not wrong to say that the skill of prompt writing in today’s artificial intelligence is similar to the craft of advanced search in Google.

We can also mean prompt writing as the skill of “question writing” and “request design” from artificial intelligence. To get better results, we must know its principles and send our requests to chatbots and productive artificial intelligence tools based on that.

Language prompting is the communication between humans and artificial intelligence.

In other words, prompt writing can be considered a language you will need to communicate effectively with artificial intelligence. Creating a suitable structure with words that can be understood by artificial intelligence is called prompt writing.

What is a prompt?

In short, prompting in artificial intelligence refers to entering and sending request details to artificial intelligence so that the intelligence receiving the prompt delivers the output based on its specified elements. A prompt can be a word, phrase, sentence, or image.

Hand typing on dark shadow laptop keyboard

In other words, a prompt can be defined as text or information that is sent to the AI ​​as an instruction or command.

Windows users may be familiar with the word prompt, who use the most commonly used commands in the Command Prompt to execute some settings and processes, with the difference that in artificial intelligence, orders and requests are flexible instead of specific phrases and a slight change in it can lead to a result. be different

Prompt writing in any artificial intelligence may have special tips and principles that must be used to achieve the desired result. For example, Stable Diffusion has shared a book titled Stable Diffusion Prompt Book in PDF format for users to download. You can use the tips in the book to get the best results from this productive artificial intelligence.

The basic structure in prompt writing

A prompt can generally be divided into several essential parts, including the Task or Task, instructions, context, parameters and settings, and input.

Task: It refers to the central processing and process that artificial intelligence is developed to perform. The core and primary purpose of the request is called Task, which can be answering questions, producing creative content, producing photos with artificial intelligence, etc.

Instructions: After specifying the target, it is necessary to inform the artificial intelligence system of your detailed instructions so that it can lead you to the target. The directive can be simple or complex or even cover the entire interaction, contain all the properties and attributes of the output and, of course, its format, and include multiple steps.

The instructions draw a road map for the artificial intelligence model to get you to your destination accordingly. For example, if we consider the Task of writing a poem, the instructions include the number of verses and the type of rhyming.

Context: includes background information or the situation that consists of the Task. There is no need to write descriptive text; you can provide this information as an image to the artificial intelligence. It gives more details about the Task of the AI model. In the end, we will review some examples of the best fake intelligence prompts so that you can understand them more easily with examples.

Parameters and Settings: These mean particular elements and variables that can be added to the prompt or described in advance for artificial intelligence. The function of these variables and partial factors will directly affect the output and include things that cannot be put into the prompt in plain language.

Parameters and settings in each artificial intelligence can be very different; Therefore, you must first test the dimensions of the parameters by trial and error and repeat various commands to benefit from them according to the ability of the language model of artificial intelligence.

Various artificial intelligence services have provided users with parameters to establish a better relationship with artificial intelligence.

Of course, various artificial intelligence services have provided users with a list of parameters to establish a better relationship with artificial intelligence. For example, “–no” in the mid-journey parameter list removes an element from the image.

Input: This part of the prompt is essential when there is a specific topic to change and convert. Maybe the Task you want requires feedback, and perhaps it doesn’t. For example, the information could be an image that needs editing, whereas the prompt structure would be incomplete without the knowledge.

Examples of the best AI prompts

For example, see below some of the best prompts sent to different AI services.

Example (1) suitable prompt for ChatGPT:

“Use the following idea to write a motivational article about mindfulness for entrepreneurs. Emphasize the importance of mental clarity and inner peace for business success. Here is the idea: entrepreneurship is about serving.”

Its different parts can be specified as follows:


Use the following ideas to write a motivational article about mindfulness for entrepreneurs.


Emphasize the importance of mental clarity and inner peace for business success.


Write to an audience of aspiring and established entrepreneurs.


Entrepreneurship is about serving.

Example (2) appropriate ChatGPT prompt:

“Create Google Sheets formulae which copy all rows from sheet1 where column “A” contains the word “iPhone.”


Create a Google Sheet formula


Copies all rows from sheet one where column “A” contains the word “iPhone.”

Context: This prompt has no context.

Input: This prompt has no information.

Example (3) suitable Midjorin prompt :

“The primordial darkness embodying a Greek god, Erebus wearing ancient Greek clothing, a galaxy with the solar system as background, [cinematic, soft studio lighting, backlighting, dark background] –ar 2:3 –upbeat –q 2 –v 4.”

Task: Creating an image that is implicitly specified.


cinematic, soft studio lighting, backlighting, dark background


The primordial darkness embodying a Greek god, Erebus wearing ancient Greek clothing, a galaxy with the solar system as background,


–ar 2:3 –upbeat –q 2 –v 4

Essential points in prompt writing

Write accurately and in detail: It is clear that describing the context and purpose of the prompt to guide artificial intelligence in producing the desired answer is the first point that should be paid attention to. So, avoid vague requests and be as specific as you can about what you want.

Try Different Phrasing: Changing the sentence structure and phrasing to send the request to the AI ​​can be the solution in some cases to get the desired answer, and a slight change may lead to a significant difference in the results and significantly affect the success of the AI ​​prompting.

Use step-by-step instructions: When writing prompts for complex requests, it is better to break the prompt into smaller, manageable parts. Such an approach allows artificial intelligence to focus on each aspect of the request better and produce the best final result.

To divide a complex request, you can turn it into several steps and use the words First, Next, and Finally to explain the prompt.

Specify the response format: Clearly state the intended design for the AI ​​response, such as a list, summary, or detailed explanation. Thus, artificial intelligence knows how to present the provided information in the best way.

Specify a limit: If you are looking for a short answer to a question, be sure to mention it in the prompt writing and mention the number of words and sentences in the prompt. For example: “Describe the greenhouse effect in 50 words or less.”

Asking for multiple answers in the prompt: In most cases, asking, “3 methods to improve air quality in urban environments” will make artificial intelligence provide better solutions and examine the issue from different angles.

Using an example: providing an example of the desired output for artificial intelligence can be very helpful and make the prompt more straightforward for him; Therefore, in writing prompts, use examples to explain what is going on in your mind.

Adjusting AI behavior: Sometimes, you want the received response to be checked in a certain way or tone. Therefore, you must communicate it to the AI ​​in the sent prompt.

For example, writing a formal, administrative, or friendly letter, or in another example, explaining a concept in the teacher’s language to a student who is ten years old.

Repeat and edit: Repeating the prompt and editing it each time to find the most accurate result is one of the tips that will bring you closer to the desired result in artificial intelligence prompt writing.

Every time you send the prompt, you will be faced with the results that you can repeat your prompt and change its different parts by checking the result.

Using other references and resources: Sometimes, asking artificial intelligence to search for information or refer to a specific resource to achieve a better result can guarantee your success in getting a more accurate result in prompt writing.

AI’s knowledge is limited to the data it has used for machine learning

Don’t forget that AI’s ability is limited to the data it has used for machine learning; Therefore, it may not contain the latest resources, and directing you to those resources can help all AI users.

Adequate, prompt writing skills

Creating a conversation with artificial intelligence is more complicated than most users imagine. Writing prompts for complex and multi-stage purposes requires very high communication skills and a solid understanding of language models to achieve the best results, but what skills do we need for prompt writing?

1- Critical thinking: Artificial intelligence can quickly analyze input and instantly discover hidden patterns, themes, and inconsistencies in a large amount of data.

But despite the high speed of artificial intelligence models, you should not wholly rely on them because their performance is limited to their database and the information with which they have completed the learning process. Therefore, one must think critically and send detailed prompts to the AI ​​with high precision.

2- Ability to communicate: One of the essential parts of writing prompts is to include the instructions in the form of understandable words for artificial intelligence. Therefore, you should be able to use communication skills well to convey your meaning to the artificial intelligence being used with the help of many practical examples.

3- Sufficient expertise on the subject: Suppose a cardiovascular disease specialist wants to write a prompt about judicial law and law! Indeed, a lack of knowledge in discussing the rules will make one complex in the details (expertise here does not mean simply having a degree).

In addition, when it receives the answer from artificial intelligence, it will not be possible to validate it and fix the problem. As a result, relative mastery of the prompt topic is considered one of the essential points.

4- Language: Mastering the language, especially the writing skill to describe precisely what you need with words, is another essential prompt writing skill.

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Let’s say you’re in Harry Potter fantasy stories and want to cast a spell on Lord Voldemort, one wrong word can change the result and perform a successful cosmetic surgery on Voldemort’s nose. Therefore, language skills will play a prominent role.

5- Creativity: Using a tool to create a new experience can be interpreted as creativity, and a device as significant as artificial intelligence provides you with a great capacity to use creativity in creating unique experiences.

Let’s assume that along with accuracy, creativity is also a spice of AI prompt writing, the results obtained will be spectacular, and you can create extraordinary scenes, especially with image generator AI tools.


With these interpretations, it will be necessary to be fluent in English for Iranian users interested in writing artificial intelligence prompts and describing and repeating requests effectively. However, with creativity, we may be able to design a scenario where even the operation of prompt writing is entrusted to an artificial intelligence, and we use its prompt in another artificial intelligence. For example, let’s get a 100-word prompt from ChatGBT and send it to Midjourney. Probably the result will be interesting.

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