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What is AdSense?


Google AdSense is a free Google advertising service that allows you to display ads for sites that want to show ads and earn money. If you own a site or blog, you can use the AdSense service to get and display ads without contacting the main advertiser and thus earn money.

What is Adsense?

As mentioned at the outset, Google Adsense is one of Google’s advertising services that allows web admins and bloggers, called publishers, to display ads. Suppose you are the owner of a site or blog by registering with this service. In that case, you can display all kinds of advertisements, including text, banners, video, or any multimedia advertisement related to your site’s content and blog on your website or blog. Make money this way.

Google categorizes ads in Google Adsense, and Google shows the relevant ad on your site according to your site’s content.

There are two ways to earn money in Adsense: the CPM method and the CTR method.

The number of clicks on the ad is important in the CPM method or payment based on visitors, website visitors, and in the CTR method or average click. It means that the money you receive for displaying ads on your website is either based on the number of people who have visited the site and the ad or on the number of clicks that have been placed on the ad.

The CPM method is more popular among web admins because it increases site traffic and ranking in search engines.

Types of Ads in Adsense

Content-driven advertising

In these ads, the user is looking for a specific topic and content, and the ad is shown to him by the requested content. In this method, earning money is either per click or per thousand views of the ad. Depending on the publisher or display of the ad, the type of ad can be an ad, including text, image, animation, video, or multimedia ad. In this type of advertising, the publisher’s share is 68%, and the Adsense share is 32%

Search-driven ads

This way, you, as the publisher, can place ads related to the search for a particular phrase on your website. 51% of the cost of advertising is the publisher’s share.

Video ads

This type of ad allows the publisher’s website to display video ads. Of course, publishers who play video on their player. If they use YouTube Player, they will not be able to do so.

Steps to monetizing AdSense

1. Launch a website

2. Site audience through content production

3. Sign up for Google AdSense

4. Place an ad on the site

Adsense registration tips

Go to to create an account.

After registering, Google will send a letter containing the registration verification code to the address announced at registration to ensure that the address is correct.

Your website domain must be .com.

The history of your website is very important. So before you sign up, you need to produce as much quality content as possible to increase your site’s ranking on Google.

For Adsense to verify your website, it must verify that it complies with the rules of this service. So in this step, enter the AdSense code on your website so that its bots have access to your site. Of course, at this point, the ads on your site will not be displayed until your website is approved. By verifying your account and being accepted as an AdSense publisher, you can place Google AdSense ads on any website you want (of course, a website that complies with Google AdSense rules).

In which part of the website are the ads displayed?

Once you’ve been selected as the publisher of Google AdSense, you can log in to your dedicated dashboard and define a new ad unit. You have to choose the type of ads you want to be displayed, such as text banner ads, etc., the size of the ad and the style of the ad to get a JavaScript code and place this code in the place where you want the ad to be displayed on your website.

You can also display as many ads as you want on your website, but only if it does not interfere with your website user experience.

Note that you choose the ad display location, so it is better to follow these points when choosing the ad display location.

The general rule in placing an ad is to place it where it must be seen but insert Google AdSense ads. You must follow the following rules:

Have an ad above the fold or the visible part without scrolling.

Place an ad in the sidebar of the site.

Place an ad at the bottom of the page or the bottom of the article. It is better to place the ad around the main content.

What is the revenue from Google AdSense?

This issue depends on several factors such as site traffic, site content, location of ads on the site, and the number of advertisers. If these factors are combined properly, they can generate a good income for the website owner.

The role of content in AdSense

Producing specialized content in AdSense is very important. People who advertise on Google are more likely than not to show their ads to people looking for their products. Every visit or every click will cost the advertiser. So the more specialized your site content is on the topics, the better the results and the more ads you will receive.

In addition to producing specialized content, producing new and unique content is also very important in accepting AdSense ads. Generating duplicate or duplicate content will cause you to be excluded from Google results.


Advertising in Adsense is a reliable and almost easy way to earn money from the Internet that requires patience and compliance with Google rules. You may not make much money in the first few months of advertising, but over time, with more specialized content, you can increase your revenue from this Google service.

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